
You are browsing documentation for version 5.0 of OroCommerce, supported until January 2025. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.

See our Release Process documentation for more information on the currently supported and upcoming releases.

Calendar Event Ownership 


Each CalendarEvent object should have information about its owner. This data is composed of four fields:

  • isOrganizer - defines if the current user is the organizer of this event. The value is calculated automatically.

  • organizerEmail - defines the organizer’s email. If not set, the value is copied from the current user’s email.

  • organizerDisplayName - defines the name that shows in the UI. If not set, the value is copied from the current user’s email.

  • organizerUserId - is organizer email was matched with the system user email, his user profile will be linked.

Keep in mind that once set, these fields cannot be changed.

Logic and Behavior 

To calculate the isOrganizer param, call the CalendarEvent::calculateIsOrganizer() method.

If the owner data is provided for the CalendarEvent object, the isOrganizer is set to false. Otherwise, an organizer’s data should be retrieved from the Calendar owner (usually, a current user), and isOrganizer is set to true.

Additionally, if the CalendarEvent object is a child of the other CalendarEvent, isOrganizer should be set to false, and other organizer fields should be copied from the parent CalendarEvent.

This logic was introduced for synchronization reasons – to handle the situation when a child CalendarEvents is synchronized before a parent CalendarEvent. The organizer and uid fields help maintain consistency in the database.

API Example 

In the API PUT/POST requests, the following fields are supported for a CalendarEvent:

  • organizerEmail

  • organizerDisplayName

GET responses additionally return the isOrganizer and organizerUserId fields values.

GET Query Example 

To get a calendar event’s organizer via API from the server, send GET request to /api/rest/latest/calendarevents/{id}.

For example:

GET /api/rest/latest/calendarevents/1
    "id": 1,
    "isOrganizer": true,
    "organizerEmail": "",
    "organizerDisplayName": "John Smith",
    "organizerUserId": "1",