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In this section, you will learn about implementation of the search engine using Elasticsearch.
The Elasticsearch feature is only available in the Enterprise edition.
System Requirements¶
The following are requirements that should be met before using the ElasticSearchBundle.
Elasticsearch Supported Versions¶
By default, ElasticSearchBundle supports Elasticsearch engine version 6.*. You can manually specify the minimum allowed version and the upper bound version in the application configuration.
The ElasticSearchBundle bundle provides you with the opportunity to configure Elasticsearch-based search engine for your needs.
If you have a running Elasticsearch server, the default settings are sufficient. The search engine automatically defines the client and index configuration, and then creates the index.
If required, you can customize the Elasticsearch client settings. For this, modify the following parameters in the config/parameters.yml file:
Basic parameters:
search_engine_name - An engine name, must be “elastic_search” for the Elasticsearch engine.
search_engine_host - A host name that the Elasticsearch should be connected to. Remember to specify the https:// if you are going to use SSL.
search_engine_port - A port number that the Elasticsearch should use for connection.
Auth parameters:
search_engine_username - A login for the HTTP Auth authentication.
search_engine_password - A password for HTTP Auth authentication.
Index name:
search_engine_index_prefix - A prefix of the Elasticsearch indexes to store data in.
SSL Authentication:
search_engine_ssl_verification - A path to the cacert.pem certificate which is used to verify a node certificate.
search_engine_ssl_cert - A path to the client public certificate file.
search_engine_ssl_cert_password - A password for the certificate defined in the search_engine_ssl_cert parameter (optional).
search_engine_ssl_key - A path to the client private key file.
search_engine_ssl_key_password - A password for the key defined in the search_engine_ssl_key parameter (optional).
You will likely need the Shield installed in the Elasticsearch for the Cluster SSL authentication to work.
For general information on configuring SSL certificates, see the configuration section in the Elasticsearch documentation.
If you need more specific Elasticsearch configuration, see the following chapters.
Client Configuration¶
To configure your Elasticsearch engine, put the following configuration into the config/config.yml file, under the oro_search section:
2 engine: "elastic_search"
In this case, all the required settings will be taken from config/parameters.yml (see the Parameters section. The default configuration is defined in Oro/Bundle/ElasticSearchBundle/Resources/config/oro/app.yml.
If you need to create a more transparent and detailed configuration, define the required settings directly in the config/config.yml.
2 engine: "elastic_search"
3 engine_parameters:
4 client:
5 hosts: ['', '']
6 # other configuration options for which setters exist in ElasticSearch\ClientBuilder class
7 # (e.g. retries option can be used as setRetries() method exists)
8 retries: 1
Index Configuration¶
All settings required for the creation of an Elasticsearch index are defined in the search.yml and config.yml (the main config) files. This configuration is converted to the Elasticsearch mappings format and appears as follows:
2 engine_parameters:
3 client:
4 # ... client configuration
5 index:
6 index: <indexName>
7 body:
8 mappings: # mapping parameters
9 <entityTypeName-1>: # a name of the type
10 properties:
11 <entityField-1>: # a name of the field
12 type: string # a type of the field
13 # ... list of entity fields
14 <entityField-N>:
15 type: string
16 # ... list of types
17 <entityTypeName-N>:
18 properties:
19 <entityField-1>:
20 type: string
For more information about index configuration, see the Elasticsearch API documentation.
Per-Request Client Configuration¶
You can also configure per-request client options like this:
2 engine_parameters:
3 client_per_request:
4 timeout: 10
5 connect_timeout: 10
6 # ... other options
Disable Environment Checks¶
The bundle provides you with the opportunity to disable some system level checks that are performed during the application installation or index creation. These checks are used to ensure that environment is properly configured and that the search index is accessible. However, in some cases, these checks might be disabled to isolate all interactions with Elasticsearch at the /<indexName>/ URL. These checks do not affect the application performance - the flags are used only during application installation or full reindexation.
Important! Disabling these checks might lead to inconsistent or unpredictable behavior of the application. Disable at your own risk.
Set the following options to false to disable checks:
system_requirements_check (default true) - Check the system requirements during application installation and usage. Please make sure that a supported version of Elasticsearch is used and all required plugins are installed.
index_status_check (default true) - Check the index accessibility and readiness after creation. Please make sure that the Elasticsearch index will be available upon creation.
Here is an example of the configuration that disables both of these checks:
2 engine_parameters:
3 system_requirements_check: false
4 index_status_check: false
Language Optimization¶
The bundle provides the ability to enable language optimization of indexation. There is only one option here:
language_optimization (default false) - use specialized language analyzers for search index based on the used language.
The list of all applicable analyzers can be found in the Elasticsearch documentation. If no appropriate analyzer found then default whitespace analyzer will be used instead.
Here is how language optimization may be enabled.
2 engine_parameters:
3 language_optimization: true
To use language optimization, remove all search index and start full reindexation to fill it with data.
Force Refresh¶
Elasticsearch is an asynchronous search engine, which means that data might be available with a small delay after it was scheduled for indexation. If you want to make is work synchronously, trigger the refresh operation after each reindexation request. To enable such synchronous behaviour, you should define option force_refresh in the engine parameters:
2 engine_parameters:
3 force_refresh: true
Keep in mind that synchronous indexation is slower than asynchronous because the application has to wait for the reindexation to finish after every reindexation request.
Index Agent¶
Index agent and search engine are two basic classes used to work with Elasticsearch index and perform the full text search.
Class: Oro\Bundle\ElasticSearchBundle\Engine\IndexAgent
Index agent is used by the search engine to get index name, initialize client and perform reindexing. The agent receives DI configuration of the search engine, like access credentials and index name, and uses it to setup entity mapping. Afterwards, it supplies additional settings to tokenize text fields and merge all generated data with the external configuration.
The entity mapping is built based on the search entity configuration that is defined in search.yml files, the main configuration and field type mappings. Field type mappings are injected through the DI as a parameter.
2 type: keyword
3 store: true
4 # see Oro\Bundle\ElasticSearchBundle\Engine\AbstractIndexAgent for analyzer definitions
5 fields:
6 analyzed:
7 type: text
8 search_analyzer: fulltext_search_analyzer
9 analyzer: fulltext_index_analyzer
11 type: double
12 store: true
14 type: integer
15 store: true
17 type: date
18 store: true
19 format: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss||yyyy-MM-dd"
To make search faster, a special field that contains all text information (“all_text”) is generated (in lowercase and split into tokens using nGram tokenizer). Custom search and index analyzers are attached to this field. They are defined in additional index settings.
The data explained above is used to create and initialize a client (an instance of the ElasticSearch\Client
) and then return it to the
search engine to perform full text search. The Index agent class uses the ClientFactory class to create an instance. You can use the factory to instantiate as many clients with various configurations, as you wish.
For reindex, the agent recreates the entire index by deleting the existing one and creating a new one with the defined configuration. Partial mapping recreation is no longer possible.
Search Engine¶
Class: Oro\Bundle\ElasticSearchBundle\Engine\ElasticSearch
The search engine implements the AbstractEngine interface. The SearchBundle uses search engine to handle search-related operations, and the search engine uses an index agent as a proxy to call the search-index-related operations (e.g. to get the index name or to request index recreation).
To perform save and delete operations, search engine uses Elasticsearch bulk API. Deletion performs as is, but save uses the index operation to override the existing data. This is done to clean the traces of old values that have no matching new values to overwrite them.
Reindex operation recreates the entire search index and then triggers the save operation for all affected entities.
Search engine uses request builders to build an Elasticsearch search request based on the source query. Each request builder in the chain receives the current request, modifies it and returns altered data. New request builders can be added to the engine through DI.
Request Builders¶
Request builder is a separate class used to build a specific part of a search request to Elasticsearch based on the source Query object. The request builder must implement the \OroBundle\ElasticSearchBundle\RequestBuilder\RequestBuilderInterface interface. According to this interface, the builder receives Query object and the existing request array. The builder returns modified request array.
There are four default request builders.
Class: Oro\Bundle\ElasticSearchBundle\RequestBuilder\FromRequestBuilder
The builder gets the from part of a query and converts any specific entities into the required index types.
Class: Oro\Bundle\ElasticSearchBundle\RequestBuilder\WhereRequestBuilder
The builder iterates through all conditions in the where part of the query and passes them to the chain of part builders that are used to process specific condition operators.
ContainsWherePartBuilder - processes ~ (contains) and !~ (does not contain) operators. Adds match query for “all_text” field with nGram tokenizer or wildcard query for regular fields;
EqualsWherePartBuilder - processes = (equals) and != (is not equal) operators. Adds a term query;
RangeWherePartBuilder - processes arithmetical operators applied to numeric values: > (greater), >= (greater or equals), < (lower) and <= (lower or equals ). Adds appropriate range query;
InWherePartBuilder - processes in and !in operators. Converts the set into several = or != conditions that uses term query.
Each part builder receives field name, field type, condition operator, value, boolean keyword and source request and returns the altered request.
Class: Oro\Bundle\ElasticSearchBundle\RequestBuilder\OrderRequestBuilder
The builder gets the order-by field and the order direction from the query. If they are defined, builder converts them to the sort parameter of a search request. The result is sorted by relevance by default.
Class: Oro\Bundle\ElasticSearchBundle\RequestBuilder\LimitRequestBuilder
The builder gets the first result and max results values from the query, and if they are defined they are converted into the from/size pagination parameters of a search request.
Class: Oro\Bundle\ElasticSearchBundle\RequestBuilder\AggregateBuilder
The builder gets collection of the aggregating function and the field name from the query. If they are defined, they are converted into the aggregations parameters of a search request. Built structure of aggregations parameters will have bucket type of aggregations, where each bucket is associated with a field name and a document criterion.
Upgrade Elasticsearch 2.* / 5.* to Elasticsearch 6.*¶
You can perform the upgrade either via full reindexation or via search index dump.
Full Reindexation¶
This option is suitable for upgrades from version lower than 2.6, or if you have a small number of entities (fewer than a hundred thousand).
Search index upgrade is a part of the application upgrade.
Once you have turned on maintenance mode through bin/console lexik:maintenance:lock –env=prod, perform the following actions:
Stop Elasticsearch 2.* / 5.*
Modify credentials for search engine configuration in the config/parameters.yml file.
Proceed with the standard upgrade procedure.
Search Index Dump¶
Search index dump is suitable only if you perform upgrade from version 2.6 to 3.+, and you have a large number of entities. The biggest advantage of this approach is that you do not need to schedule reindexation and wait until it is finished.
Generating the search index dump is also a part of standard procedure of application upgrade. But you should note that the elastic index dump must be created from the old version of the code (2.6). So follow next step of upgrade procedure:
Turn on maintenance mode to switch the application to the maintenance mode through:
1bin/console lexik:maintenance:lock --env=prod
Create Elastic search index dump. Consider you must do this before updating code to new version.
1bin/console oro:elasticsearch:dump-standard-index elasticsearch6 standard-index-es6.dump --env=prod
It creates the standard-index-es6.dump file (in application directory) with search index dump in the Elasticsearch bulk API format which is applicable for Elasticsearch version 6.*. Here is an example:
1{"index":{"_index":"oro_search_oro_organization","_type":"oro_organization","_id":1}} 2{"all_text":"Oro","oro_organization_owner":0,"organization":0,"name":"Oro"}
Stop Elasticsearch 2.* / 5.* service
Proceed with standard upgrade procedure which includes creating needed backups and updating code to new version, updating composer dependencies (all actions required before running the update command). Composer should ask you to enter value of the new parameter search_engine_index_prefix - put there the same value as was previously in the search_engine_index_name parameter.
Then modify credentials for search engine configuration in the config/parameters.yml file. Consider doing this after updating the code to the new version. Keep in mind that the new version of the application has Symfony 3 with different structure of directories.
Start Elasticsearch 6.* service
Execute update command from standard upgrade procedure but pay attention to skip-search-reindexation (it will prevent full reindexation start):
1bin/console oro:platform:update --skip-search-reindexation --env=prod
Now you need to execute command which will create an empty indexes (without any data) with correct elastic search mappings:
1bin/console oro:elasticsearch:create-standard-index --env=prod
Upload the dump data to the Elasticsearch 6.* index, the Elasticsearch 6.* bulk API, and the dump file created previously using a standard curl CLI command:
1curl -XPOST http://localhost:9200/_bulk -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-binary @standard-index-es6.dump > /dev/null
To speed up this process you may split the dump file into smaller chunks and upload them in parallel. In this case, each chunk has to contain an even number of lines because each document is represented by two lines in the dump file.
Finish standard upgrade procedure.
You may adjust this procedure according to your needs, but keep in mind that you need to:
Create index dump before upgrading to 3.+ and ensure that the Elasticsearch 2.* / 5.* service is running at this time;
Create and upload index dump during maintenance mode to avoid data loss.
Got the `No alive nodes found in your cluster` exception during installation or indexation
Check if Elasticsearch instance is turned on and accessible. The easiest way to do that is to try connecting to the Elasticsearch host and port using the curl utility.
The following is an example of an invalid response when the Elastic search is not available:
1> curl localhost:9200
2curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
To fix this issue, please, turn on Elasticsearch and make sure that it is available, e.g. the host is resolved to the appropriate IP address and the port is open.
The following is the example of a valid response when the Elasticsearch is available:
1> curl localhost:9200
3 "name" : "Llyron",
4 "cluster_name" : "Elasticsearch",
5 "version" : {
6 "number" : "2.3.1",
7 "build_hash" : "bd980929010aef404e7cb0843e61d0665269fc39",
8 "build_timestamp" : "2016-04-04T12:25:05Z",
9 "build_snapshot" : false,
10 "lucene_version" : "5.5.0"
11 },
12 "tagline" : "You Know, for Search"