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Operations (Actions)¶
Operations provide possibility to assign any interaction with a user by specifying:
Entity classes
Every active operation shows a button or a link on the corresponding page. The button is displayed only if all the described preconditions are met. For the operation button or link to be displayed the preconditions section should evaluate to true. After a user clicks on the button or link the operation will be performed only if the conditions section evaluates to true. Also, if the operation has a form dialog configuration, then a a modal dialog with fields appears when clicking the button.
Each operation relates to an entity type (consists of a full class name) orand a route of the page where the operations should be displayed orand a datagrid. Before the page loading, ActionBundle chooses operations that have a corresponding page entity|route. Then these operations are checked against the preconditions. If all the preconditions are met - the operation’s button is displayed. Upon clicking the button - all the performed operations (and underlined actions) are executed provided that all the preconditions of operation and conditions of actions are met.
Operation Configuration¶
All operations can be described in the actions.yml
configuration file under the corresponding bundle in the config/oro resource directory.
Below, there is an example of a simple operation configuration that performs an execution logic with the MyEntity entity.
1 operations:
2 acme_demo_expire_myentity_operation: # operation name
3 extends: entity_operation_base # (optional) parent operation if needed
4 replace: # (optional) the list of nodes that should be replaced in the parent operation
5 - frontend_options # node name
6 label: aсme.demo.operations.myentity_operation # label for operation button
7 enabled: true # (optional, default = true) is operation enabled
8 substitute_operation: entity_common_operation # (optional) name of operation that must be substituted with current one if it appears
9 entities: # (optional) list of entity classes
10 - Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Entity\MyEntity # entity class
11 - AcmeDemoBundle:MyEntity2
12 for_all_entities: false # (optional, default = false) is operation match for all entities
13 exclude_entities: ['AcmeDemoBundle:MyEntity3'] # (optional) list of entities that must be ignored for this operation (usefull with "for_all_entities" option)
14 routes: # (optional) list of routes
15 - acme_demo_myentity_view # route name
16 datagrids: # (optional) list of datagrids
17 - acme-demo-grid # datagrid name
18 for_all_datagrids: false # (optional, default = false) is operation available in all datagrids if any
19 exclude_datagrids: ['datagrid-demo'] # (optional) list of datagrids that should never be matched by this operation in any context (usefull with "for_all_datagrids" option)
20 groups: ['operations_on_acme_entities'] # (optional) list of groups that can be assigned to operation (tagging mechanism) to be available or filtered among in usual code or templates
21 order: 10 # (optional, default = 0) display order of operation button
22 acl_resource: acme_demo_myentity_view # (optional) ACL resource name that will be checked while checking that operation execution is allowed
24 button_options: # (optional) display options for operation button
25 icon: fa-clock-o # (optional) class of button icon
26 class: btn # (optional) class of button
27 group: aсme.demo.operation.demogroup.label # (optional) group operation to drop-down on the label
28 template: customTemplate.html.twig # (optional) custom button template
29 page_component_module: # (optional) js-component module
30 acme/js/app/components/demo-component
31 page_component_options: # (optional) js-component module options
32 parameterName: parameterValue
33 data: # custom data attributes which will be added to button
34 attributeName: attributeValue
36 frontend_options: # (optional) display options for operation button
37 template: customDialogTemplate.html.twig # (optional) custom template, can be used both for page or dialog
38 title: aсme.demo.operations.dialog.title # (optional) custom title
39 title_parameters:
40 %%some_param%%: $.paramValue
41 options: # (optional) modal dialog options
42 allowMaximize: true
43 allowMinimize: true
44 dblclick: maximize
45 maximizedHeightDecreaseBy: minimize-bar
46 width: 1000
47 show_dialog: true # (optional, by default: true) if `false` - operation will be opened on page
48 confirmation: aсme.demo.operation_perform_confirm # (optional) Confirmation message before start operation`s execution
50 attributes: # (optional) list of all existing attributes
51 demo_attr: # attribute name
52 label: Demo Field # attribute label
53 type: string # attribute type
54 property_path: data.demo # (optional if label and type are set) path to entity property, which helps to automatically defined attribute metadata, and will be mapped for that property
55 options: # attribute options
56 class: \Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Model\MyModel # (optional) entity class name, set if type is entity
58 datagrid_options:
59 mass_action_provider: # (optional) service name, marked with "oro_action.datagrid.mass_action_provider" tag
60 acme.action.datagrid.mass_action_provider # and must implement Oro\Bundle\ActionBundle\Datagrid\Provider\MassActionProviderInterface
61 mass_action: # (optional) configuration of datagrid mass action
62 type: window
63 label: acme.demo.mass_action.label
64 icon: plus
65 route: acme_demo_bundle_massaction
66 frontend_options:
67 title: acme.demo.mass_action.action.label
68 dialogOptions:
69 modal: true
70 ...
72 form_options: # (optional) parameters which will be passed to form dialog
73 attribute_fields: # list of attribute fields which will be shown in dialog
74 demo_attr: # attribute name (must be configured in `attributes` block of action config)
75 form_type: text # needed type of current field
76 options: # list of form field options
77 required: true # define this field as required
78 constraints: # list of constraints
79 - NotBlank: ~ # this field must be filled
80 attribute_default_values: # (optional) define default values for attributes
81 demo_attr: $demo # use attribute name and property path or simple string for attribute value
83 form_init: # (optional) any needed actions which will execute before showing form dialog
84 - '@assign_value': # action alias
85 conditions: # (optional) conditions list to allow current action
86 '@empty': $description # condition definition
87 parameters: [$.demo_attr, 'Demo Data'] # parameters of current action
89 preactions: # (optional) any needed pre actions which will execute before pre conditions
90 - '@create_datetime': # action alias
91 attribute: $.date # action parameters
93 preconditions: # (optional) pre conditions for display Action button
94 - '@gt': [$updatedAt, $.date] # condition definition
96 conditions: # (optional) conditions for execution Action button
97 - '@equal': [$expired, false] # condition definition
99 actions: # (optional) any needed actions which will execute after click on th button
100 - '@assign_value': [$expired, true] # action definition
This configuration describes the operation that relates to the MyEntity
entity. The button with the “adme.demo.myentity.operations.myentity_operation” label is displayed on the view page (acme_demo_myentity_view) of this entity (in case the ‘updatedAt’ field > new DateTime(‘now’)). If the expired property of the entity = false, then clicking the button triggers the “assign_value” action that sets the ‘expired’ field to true. If form_options are specified, then the form dialog with attributes fields is displayed when clicking the button. The actions run only on the submit form.
Configuration Validation¶
Execute a command to validate all operations configuration:
1 php bin/console oro:action:configuration:validate
All configurations apply automatically after their changes are made in developer environment.
Default Operations¶
Oro Action Bundle defines several system wide default operations for a common purpose. Those are basic CRUD-called operations for entities:
UPDATE - operation for an entity editing that uses a route from the routeUpdate option of the entity configuration.
DELETE - operation for an entity deletion that uses a route from the routeName option of the entity configuration.
If the default operations are used in the nondefault applications, as in commerce, for example, the routes are retrieved from the routeCommerceUpdate and routeCommerceDelete options.
Configurations for the default operations are allocated in the Resources/config/oro/actions.yml file under the Oro Action Bundle directory.
Questions and Answers¶
How to disable a CRUD default operation for my Bundle?¶
Supposing you need to disable the default DELETE operation for your new MyEntity entity. Here is the case which describes the solution. You can do this in actions.yml under your bundle configuration resources directory:
1 operations:
3 exclude_entities: ['MyEntity']
The operation merges special additional condition to the default operation during the configuration compilation, so that the default DELETE operation doesn’t match your entity and is not displayed as well.
Can I disable default operation for my datagrid?¶
Yes. There are two ways to do that:
Disable the operation by updating your datagrid configuration in its action_configuration section. Define a key that corresponds to the operation name with the false value.
#... datagrid config sections
some_default_common_operation: false
some_default_common_operation is not displayed at your_datagrid_name grid anymore. However, action_configuration can accept callable as value, so sometimes the options are occupied by service callback. If it is so, we can use a different approach.
Disable the operation for custom datagrid using the exclude_datagrids option in operation definition.So you can specify the name of the datagrid that should be excluded from the operation matching. If your operation is defined by another bundle, you can use the merge behavior of operation configuration and just add anadditional property value under your bundle configuration. For example, the operation that should not be displayed for the product_view datagrid is the default DELETE operation from OroActionBundle. You can exclude your grid from matching with the next addition to <YourBundle>/Resources/config/oro/actions.yml
- product_view
You can always use other ways to define, reuse, or customize the operation definition. Along with basic merge there also the replace, extend, and substitute_operation options that become helpful in different cases.
How can I modify CRUD default operation for my Bundle?¶
If you need to customize a default or any other operation, you should change its label as follows:
extends: UPDATE # this is for keeping all other properties same as in default
label: 'Modify me' # custom label
substitute_operation: UPDATE # replace UPDATE operation with current one
entities: ['MyEntity'] # replacement will occur only if this operation will be matched by entity
for_all_entities: false # overriding extended property for `entities` field matching only
Here is a custom modification made through a substitution mechanism when the operation mentioned in the substitute_operation field is replaced by the current one. Additionally, you can limit the application of the modification only to the entities mentioned in the entities field. If you need to make full replacement of the operation instead of copying the extended version of it, the extends field can be omitted, and the custom body should be defined.
See the substitution section in the configuration documentation for more details.
Operation Diagram¶
The following diagram shows operation processes logic in graphical representation: