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Workflow Configuration Example¶
The workflow configuration that we are going to illustrate has two entities:
Phone Call
Phone Conversation

When Workflow Item is created, it is connected to the Phone Call. On the first “Start Call” step , a user can proceed to the “Call Phone Conversation Step” if the recipient answered, or to the “End Phone Call” step if the recipient did not.
On step “Call Phone Conversation”, the user enters Workflow Data and navigates to the “End Phone Call” step via the “End conversation” transition. On this transition, a new Entity of Phone Conversation is created and assigned to the Phone Call entity.
1 workflows:
2 phone_call:
3 entity: Acme\Bundle\DemoWorkflowBundle\Entity\PhoneCall
4 start_step: start_call
5 steps:
6 start_call:
7 allowed_transitions:
8 - connected
9 - not_answered
10 start_conversation:
11 allowed_transitions:
12 - end_conversation
13 end_call:
14 is_final: true
15 attributes:
16 phone_call:
17 type: entity
18 options:
19 class: Acme\Bundle\DemoWorkflowBundle\Entity\PhoneCall
20 call_timeout:
21 type: integer
22 call_successfull:
23 type: boolean
24 conversation_successful:
25 type: boolean
26 conversation_comment:
27 type: string
28 conversation_result:
29 type: string
30 conversation:
31 type: entity
32 options:
33 class: Acme\Bundle\DemoWorkflowBundle\Entity\PhoneConversation
34 variable_definitions:
35 variables:
36 var1:
37 type: 'string'
38 value: 'Var1Value'
39 transitions:
40 start_call:
41 is_start: true # this transition used to start new workflow
42 step_to: start_conversation # next step after transition performing
43 transition_definition: create_call # link to definition of conditions and post actions
44 init_context_attribute: init_source # name of variable which contains init context
45 init_entities: # list of view page entities where will be displayed transition button
46 - 'Oro\Bundle\UserBundle\Entity\User'
47 - 'Oro\Bundle\TaskBundle\Entity\Task'
48 init_datagrids: # list of datagrids on which rows start transition buttons should be shown for start transition from not related entity
49 - user_entity_grid
50 - task_entity_grid
51 connected:
52 step_to: start_conversation
53 transition_definition: connected_definition
54 not_answered:
55 step_to: end_call
56 transition_definition: not_answered_definition
57 end_conversation:
58 step_to: end_call
59 form_options:
60 attribute_fields:
61 conversation_comment:
62 options:
63 transition_definition: end_conversation_definition
64 transition_definitions:
65 create_call:
66 conditions: # Check that the transition start from the entity page
67 '@and':
68 - '@not_empty': [$init_source.entityClass]
69 - '@not_empty': [$init_source.entityId]
70 actions:
71 - '@find_entity':
72 class: $init_source.entityClass
73 identifier: $init_source.entityId
74 attribute: $.user
75 - '@tree':
76 conditions:
77 - '@instanceof': [$init_source.entityClass, 'Oro\Bundle\UserBundle\Entity\User']
78 actions:
79 - '@assign_value': [$, $]
80 - '@flush_entity': $entity # flush created entity
81 connected_definition: # Try to make call connected
82 # Check that timeout is set
83 conditions:
84 @not_blank: [$call_timeout]
85 # Set call_successfull = true
86 actions:
87 - @assign_value:
88 parameters: [$call_successfull, true]
89 not_answered_definition: # Callee did not answer
90 # Make sure that caller waited at least 60 seconds
91 conditions: # call_timeout not empty and >= 60
92 @and:
93 - @not_blank: [$call_timeout]
94 - @ge: [$call_timeout, 60]
95 # Set call_successfull = false
96 actions:
97 - @assign_value:
98 parameters: [$call_successfull, false]
99 end_conversation_definition:
100 conditions:
101 # Check required properties are set
102 @and:
103 - @not_blank: [$conversation_result]
104 - @not_blank: [$conversation_comment]
105 - @not_blank: [$conversation_successful]
106 # Create PhoneConversation and set it's properties
107 # Pass data from workflow to conversation
108 actions:
109 - @create_entity: # create PhoneConversation
110 parameters:
111 class: Acme\Bundle\DemoWorkflowBundle\Entity\PhoneConversation
112 attribute: $conversation
113 data:
114 result: $conversation_result
115 comment: $conversation_comment
116 successful: $conversation_successful
117 call: $phone_call
Translation File Configuration¶
To define translatable textual representation of the configuration fields, create translation file DemoWorkflowBundle\Resources\translations\workflows.en.yml with the following content.
1 oro:
2 workflow:
3 phone_call:
4 label: 'Demo Call Workflow'
5 step:
6 start_call:
7 label: 'Start Phone Call'
8 start_conversation:
9 label: 'Call Phone Conversation'
10 end_call:
11 label: 'End Phone Call'
12 attribute:
13 phone_call:
14 label: 'Phone Call'
15 call_timeout:
16 label: 'Call Timeout'
17 call_successfull:
18 label: 'Call Successful'
19 conversation_successful:
20 label: 'Conversation Successful'
21 conversation_comment:
22 label: 'Conversation Comment'
23 conversation_result:
24 label: 'Conversation Result'
25 conversation:
26 label: Conversation
27 transition:
28 connected:
29 label: Connected
30 warning_message: 'Going to connect...'
31 not_answered:
32 label: 'Not answered'
33 end_conversation:
34 label: 'End conversation'
35 attribute:
36 conversation_comment:
37 label: 'Comment for the call result'
As usual, for Symfony translations (messages) files, the structure of nodes can be grouped by key dots. This code above provides the full tree just as an example. See more about translations in the Translations Wizard topic.
PhoneCall Entity¶
1 <?php
3 namespace Acme\Bundle\DemoWorkflowBundle\Entity;
5 use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;
6 use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
8 /**
9 * @ORM\Table(name="acme_demo_workflow_phone_call")
10 * @ORM\Entity
11 */
12 class PhoneCall
13 {
14 /**
15 * @ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer")
16 * @ORM\Id
17 * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
18 */
19 private $id;
21 /**
22 * @ORM\Column(name="number", type="string", length=255)
23 */
24 private $number;
26 /**
27 * @ORM\Column(name="name", type="string", length=255, nullable=true)
28 */
29 private $name;
31 /**
32 * @ORM\Column(name="description", type="text", nullable=true)
33 */
34 private $description;
36 /**
37 * @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="PhoneConversation", mappedBy="call")
38 **/
39 private $conversations;
41 public function __construct()
42 {
43 $this->conversations = new ArrayCollection();
44 }
46 public function getId()
47 {
48 return $this->id;
49 }
51 public function setNumber($number)
52 {
53 $this->number = $number;
54 return $this;
55 }
57 public function getNumber()
58 {
59 return $this->number;
60 }
62 public function setName($name)
63 {
64 $this->name = $name;
65 return $this;
66 }
68 public function getName()
69 {
70 return $this->name;
71 }
73 public function setDescription($description)
74 {
75 $this->description = $description;
77 return $this;
78 }
80 public function getDescription()
81 {
82 return $this->description;
83 }
85 public function getConversations()
86 {
87 return $this->conversations;
88 }
89 }
PhoneConversation Entity¶
1 <?php
3 namespace Acme\Bundle\DemoWorkflowBundle\Entity;
5 use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
7 /**
8 * @ORM\Table(name="acme_demo_workflow_phone_conversation")
9 * @ORM\Entity
10 */
11 class PhoneConversation
12 {
13 /**
14 * @ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer")
15 * @ORM\Id
16 * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
17 */
18 private $id;
20 /**
21 * @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="PhoneCall", inversedBy="conversations")
22 * @ORM\JoinColumn(name="call_id", referencedColumnName="id")
23 */
24 private $call;
26 /**
27 * @ORM\Column(name="result", type="string", length=255, nullable=true)
28 */
29 private $result;
31 /**
32 * @ORM\Column(name="comment", type="string", length=255, nullable=true)
33 */
34 private $comment;
36 /**
37 * @ORM\Column(name="successful", type="boolean", nullable=true)
38 */
39 private $successful;
41 public function getId()
42 {
43 return $this->id;
44 }
46 public function setResult($result)
47 {
48 $this->result = $result;
50 return $this;
51 }
53 public function getResult()
54 {
55 return $this->result;
56 }
58 public function setComment($comment)
59 {
60 $this->comment = $comment;
61 return $this;
62 }
64 public function getComment()
65 {
66 return $this->comment;
67 }
69 public function setSuccessful($successful)
70 {
71 $this->successful = $successful;
72 return $this;
73 }
75 public function isSuccessful()
76 {
77 return $this->successful;
78 }
80 public function setCall($call)
81 {
82 $this->call = $call;
83 return $this;
84 }
86 public function getCall()
87 {
88 return $this->call;
89 }
90 }
Flow Diagram¶