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Create an Integration

Sometimes you need to integrate data from external systems into your application. For example, imagine that you have another application where tasks can be created that you want to sync with your Oro application. OroPlatform provides means to achieve a seamless integration of third-party systems through the OroIntegrationBundle.

Basic Implementation and Configuration

Integrating other applications requires to implement some services that form the integration skeleton:

Create a new Channel

The first step is to define a new channel. A channel is the way to make your integration visible in the integration section of the admin interface. A channel is a class that has to implement the Oro\Bundle\IntegrationBundle\Provider\ChannelInterface:

 1namespace AppBundle\Integration;
 3use Oro\Bundle\IntegrationBundle\Provider\ChannelInterface;
 5class TaskChannel implements ChannelInterface
 7    public function getLabel()
 8    {
 9        return 'app.task_channel.label';
10    }

The ChannelInterface requires you to interface the getLabel() method which is a translation key that will be shown to the user in the UI after being translated.

Additionally, you can implement the Oro\Bundle\IntegrationBundle\Provider\IconAwareIntegrationInterface if you also like to display an icon. You then also need to implement the getIcon() method which returns a path to the icon relative to the project’s web directory:

 1    // src/AppBundle/Integration/TaskChannel.php
 2    namespace AppBundle\Integration;
 4    // ...
 5    use Oro\Bundle\IntegrationBundle\Provider\IconAwareIntegrationInterface;
 7    class TaskChannel implements ChannelInterface, IconAwareIntegrationInterface
 8    {
 9        // ...
11        public function getIcon()
12        {
13            return 'icons/task.png';
14        }
15    }

After having created the class you need to make it available in the user interface by registering it as a service and tag it with the tag and configure the type attribute which must be a unique value that is used internally by the OroIntegrationBundle to refer to the channel:

1// src/AppBundle/Resources/config/integration.yml
3    app.integration.task:
4        class: AppBundle\Integration\TaskChannel
5        tags:
6            - { name:, type: app_channel }

Read the Data Using a Transport

For every channel you can define several ways to read the data from your external application (for example, either via SOAP or a HTTP REST API). This concept is called a transport. A class providing such a transport must implement the Oro\Bundle\IntegrationBundle\Provider\TransportInterface. This interface requires four methods to be implemented:

init(Transport $transport)

Initializes the transport. The passed object contains the settings for this transport that was configured using the form type identified by the name returned by getSettingsFormType(). It is an instance of the class configured by the getSettingsEntityFQCN() method.


The translation key used to display the transport label in the UI.


The FQCN of the form type that is used to let the user configure transport specific settings (for example, access credentials for API endpoints).


The fully-qualified class name of the entity that stores the settings configured through the aforementioned form type (this should be a subclass of Oro\Bundle\IntegrationBundle\Entity\Transport).

Then, register your transport as a service and tag it with the oro_integration.transport tag. Use the channel_type attribute to define the channel the transport is connected with. You need to give the transport an identifier using the type attribute that must be unique across the channel:

1    // src/AppBundle/Resources/config/integration.yml
2    services:
4             class: AppBundle\Integration\RestTransport
5            tags:
6                - { name: oro_integration.transport, channel_type: app_channel, type: rest }

Connect the Data to Your Entities


Please note that this step is necessary when you need to import-export data between your database and the third-party system (e.g. synchronize tasks created in your Oro instance and other application, import/export cart items). Omit this step if you use this instruction to add an integration that requests and receives only credentials/tokens and a short list of available options.

Your final step is to implement the Oro\Bundle\IntegrationBundle\Provider\ConnectorInterface:


The translation key used to display the connector label in the UI.


The fully-qualified class name of the entities being imported.


The job name that handles the import.


A string that identifies the connector. This must be unique throughout the channel.

 1// src/AppBundle/Integration/TaskConnector.php
 2namespace AppBundle\Integration;
 4use Oro\Bundle\IntegrationBundle\Provider\ConnectorInterface;
 6class TaskConnector implements ConnectorInterface
 8    public function getLabel()
 9    {
10        return 'app.connector.task.label';
11    }
13    public function getImportExportEntityFQCN()
14    {
15        return 'AppBundle\Entity\Task';
16    }
18    public function getImportJobName()
19    {
20        return 'app_task_import';
21    }
23    public function getType()
24    {
25        return 'task';
26    }

The class implementing the ConnectorInterface must then be registered as a service tagged with oro_integration.connector. Use the channel_type attribute to define the channel that the connector is associated with. The type attribute must get the same value that is returned by the connector’s getType() method:

1        // src/AppBundle/Resources/config/integration.yml
2        services:
3            class: AppBundle\Integration\TaskConnector
4            tags:
5                - { name: oro_integration.connector, channel_type: app_channel, type: task }