
You are browsing the documentation for version 3.1 of OroCommerce, OroCRM and OroPlatform, which is no longer maintained. Read version 5.1 (the latest LTS version) of the Oro documentation to get up-to-date information.

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Available in OroCRM Available in OroCommerce

Ecommerce Statistics

The Ecommerce Statistics widget displays a set of metrics that indicate performance of your Magento channels


Please keep in mind that this widget is only available in OroCRM.

A sample of the Ecommerce Statistics widget


For how to add widgets to the dashboard and manage them, see the relevant topics:

Ecommerce Statistics Widget Configuration

You can adjust the following settings for the ecommerce statistics widget:

  • Widget title — the name displayed on the dashboard. To change the name, clear the Use Default check box and provide a new name.

  • Date Range — the time for which the widget details are displayed.

  • Compare with previous period — tick this option if you wish to compare statistics for the current and the previous periods and see it displayed in the dashboard widget.

  • Choose Metrics — select what data the widget will display:

    • New customers

    • Returning customers

    • Abandoned rate

    • Site visits

    • Order conversion rate

    • Customer conversion rate

    • Revenue

    • Placed orders

    • Discounted orders

    • Average order value

    • Abandoned revenue

    • Abandoned carts

Configuring the Ecommerce Statistics widget