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File Storage¶
This section describes the filesystem abstraction layer used in the Oro application to access data files.
The file storage abstraction is based on KnpGaufretteBundle with GaufretteBundle that enables a filesystem abstraction layer in the Oro applications and provides a simplified file manager service for media files.
The file storage can be configured to use different types of filesystem adapters to store the data, for example, your local filesystem, GridFS storage, etc. For more details, see File System Adapters Configuration.
Types of Storage¶
By default, the file storage component provides two types of storage with Gaufrette adapters:
The private file storage adapter is implemented to store data that should not be available via a direct link.
Examples of such data types are attachments’ data, import and export files, protected media cache files, etc.
If the local filesystem adapter is used by default, then data will be stored in the /var/data
directory of the application.
The public file storage adapter is implemented to store data that can be available via a direct link without access checks.
Examples of such data are resized product images, sitemap files, etc. If the local filesystem adapter is used by default,
data will be stored in the public/media
directory of the application.
File System Adapters Configuration¶
By default, the public and private Gaufrette adapters are configured to use the local filesystem adapter. However, you can reconfigure them to use another storage adapter.
Oro applications support the local filesystem adapter and GridFS by GridFSConfigBundle.
There are two ways to change the configuration of adapters:
The usual way that requires the configuration of KnpGaufretteBundle.
A simplified way, where you can reconfigure the already configured adapters with the config/parameters.yml file.
Please take into account that old data that was uploaded to the local storage will not be migrated to a new storage.
File System Adapters Configuration with KnpGaufretteBundle¶
As storage types are the KnpGaufretteBundle adapters, you can configure them with manual configuration of this bundle.
For example, to use the Oro GridFS Gaufrette adapter, use the oro_gridfs
adapter type. To configure a new or reconfigure an
existing adapter, add the KnpGaufretteBundle configuration in the Resources/config/oro/app.yml file of any bundle
or the config/config.yml file of your application:
public: # the adapter name
mongodb_gridfs_dsn: 'mongodb://'
As you can see from the example, the configuration of oro_gridfs
adapter has the mongodb_gridfs_dsn
with the configuration of MongoDB DSN string. The format of this string is the following:
, where:
protocol is mongodb
username is username that has an access to the MongoDB database
password is the user’s password
host is the hostname or IP address of the MongoDB server
database is the MongoDB database name should be used as GridGS storage
File System Adapters Configuration with parameters.yml¶
To simplify the configuration of the already existing Gaufrette adapters or filesystems, the config/parameters.yml file of your application can be used.
To reconfigure an adapter, add the parameter with the gaufrette_adapter.[adapter_name]
where adapter_name
is the name of an existing adapter.
The value of the parameter is the MongoDB DSN string described in the previous chapter starts with the gridfs:
The following example shows the reconfiguration of the public adapter:
gaufrette_adapter.public: 'gridfs:mongodb://user:password@host:27017/media'
To get the list of existing Gaufrette adapters, use the following command:
bin/console debug:config knp_gaufrette adapters
To reconfigure a filesystem, add the parameter with the name gaufrette_filesystem.[filesystem_name]
where filesystem_name
is the name of an existing filesystem.
As for the adapter configuration, the parameter’s value is the MongoDB DSN string starts with the gridfs:
The following example shows the reconfiguration of the attachments
gaufrette_filesystem.attachments: 'gridfs:mongodb://user:password@host:27017/attachments'
To get the list of existing Gaufrette filesystems, use the following command:
bin/console debug:config knp_gaufrette filesystems
Configuration for Cluster MongoDB GridFS Setup¶
If you have installed MongoDB cluster, it can be used as the GridFS storage as well.
In this case, the MongoDB DSN string has the following format:
gaufrette_adapter.public: 'gridfs:mongodb://user:password@host1:27017,host2:27017/media'
Add Ability To Configure File System Adapter with parameters.yml¶
Additional Gaufrette adapter types can also be enabled to support configuration via config/parameters.yml file.
To do this, create a configuration factory class that implements ConfigurationFactoryInterface and register it as the configuration factory for the oro_gaufrette bundle in your bundle class:
namespace Acme\Bundle\AppBundle\DependencyInjection\Factory;
use Oro\Bundle\GaufretteBundle\DependencyInjection\Factory\ConfigurationFactoryInterface;
class SomeAdapterConfigurationFactory implements ConfigurationFactoryInterface
public function getAdapterConfiguration(string $configString): array
public function getKey(): string
public function getHint(): string
namespace Acme\Bundle\AppBundle;
use Acme\Bundle\AppBundle\DependencyInjection\Factory\SomeAdapterConfigurationFactory;
use Oro\Bundle\GaufretteBundle\DependencyInjection\OroGaufretteExtension;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\Bundle;
class AcmeAppBundle extends Bundle
* {@inheritDoc}
public function build(ContainerBuilder $container)
/** @var OroGaufretteExtension $gaufretteExtension */
$gaufretteExtension = $container->getExtension('oro_gaufrette');
$gaufretteExtension->addConfigurationFactory(new SomeAdapterConfigurationFactory());
Access to Data in Storage¶
The main access point to the files in storage is the FileManager service.
To implement the access point to your type of data in the storage:
Add new Gaufrette filesystem configuration into the Resources/config/oro/app.yml file of your bundle and set private or public as the filesystem adapter:
adapter: private # the type of storage (public or private)
alias: some_storage_filesystem
Register the FileManager service as the child of the
parent: oro_gaufrette.file_manager
- 'some_storage' # the name of Gaufrette filesystem should be used as the storage.
As a result, the acme.file_manager service will be the entry point of your new private file storage.
By default, if the Gaufrette local filesystem adapter is used to store files for a filesystem, the data will be saved to the sub-directory with the name of the Gaufrette filesystem used for this file storage.
For the previous example, this default path is the var/data/some_storage
directory of the application.
For the public filesystem, it is public/media/your_filesystem_name
You can change this sub-directory name by setting them as the second parameter of the file manager service declaration:
parent: oro_gaufrette.file_manager
- 'some_storage' # the name of the Gaufrette filesystem should be used as the storage.
- 'another_sub_directory' # data will save to another_sub_directory subdirectory.
Simple Access to Public Storage Files¶
If the Gaufrette local filesystem adapter is used to store files for the public filesystem, all the files
stored in this filesystem will be available via direct URI http://your_domain/media/sub_directory/filename
But if the storage uses another adapter type, for example, the GridFS storage type by GridFSConfigBundle, this URIs will not work and you will have to implement access points to the files manually.
To simplify this case, configure the file manager service with the oro_gaufrette.public_filesystem_manager
In this case, the files of such storage will be available via the http://your_domain/media/sub_directory/filename
path, regardless of the adapter configuration used for the public type file storage.
For example, is you have configured my_public
Gaufrette filesystem that uses the public adapter, the
configuration of the file manager service can be the following:
parent: oro_gaufrette.file_manager
- 'my_public'
- { name: oro_gaufrette.public_filesystem_manager }
In this example, the files are available via the http://your_domain/media/my_public/filename
Access to Data via Stream Wrappers¶
Files in the filesystem can be accessed via stream wrappers, as well as with the help of the FileManager service.
The application has two stream wrappers configured to be used with Gaufrette filesystems:
Common wrapper by the KnpGaufretteBundle;
Read-only wrapper by the OroGaufretteBundle.
The common stream wrapper allows to get full access to the files stored in the filesystem. By default, the wrapper is configured
to use the gaufrette
protocol. To get the full URL of a file use getFilePath() method of the FileManager service.
The read-only stream wrapper can be used if you need to read data but do not know if the data to be written is available.
For example, this case can be figured if the local adapter was used and the files were uploaded by someone other than the user that runs
the application. By default, the wrapper is configured to use the gaufrette-readonly
To get the full URL of a file use getReadonlyFilePath() method of the FileManager service.
Migrate Data Command¶
During the upgrade from a local filesystem storage to another storage type or location, you need to migrate data from the previous location. The command can also be used to upload some data to the file storage.
To migrate the data, you can use console command oro:gaufrette:migrate-filestorages
which moves the application files from old storages to the proper Gaufrette file storages.
The command can work in 2 modes: Automatic and Manual.
In the Automatic mode, the data is migrated to the current structure by a predefined list of paths that have been used in the application before v.4.2.
In the Manual mode, a user is asked for a path to be migrated, as well as the Gaufrette file system name where the data should migrate to.
The command has a list of pre-configured default paths from which the data is moved in the automatic mode, and a list of FileManager services where data can be uploaded to.
The path that has to be migrated can be set with the --migration-path
The Gaufrette file system name can be set with the --gaufrette-filesystem
To get the list of available file systems, run command with the --mode=filesystems-list
To add an additional path from which the data is going to be moved or to add an additional FileManager, add a new CompilerPass in your bundle and add it into the Bundle class:
namespace Acme\Bundle\SomeBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler;
use Oro\Bundle\GaufretteBundle\Command\MigrateFileStorageCommand;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler\CompilerPassInterface;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Reference;
* Adds file storage config to the oro:gaufrette:migrate-filestorages migration command.
class MigrateFileStorageCommandCompilerPass implements CompilerPassInterface
* {@inheritDoc}
public function process(ContainerBuilder $container): void
// adds the mapping to migrate path /path/to/application/var/some_path
// to the filesystem with name 'some_filesystem'
['/var/some_path', 'some_filesystem']
// adds the file manager service as 'some_filesystem' filesystem
['some_filesystem', new Reference('acme_your_bundle.file_manager')]
Cleanup Lost Attachment Files Command¶
When GridFSConfigBundle is installed, and GridFS is configured
to store attachment files, you can use the oro:attachment:cleanup-gridfs-files
console command to check if any attachment file is left unlinked in the storage and to purge such files.
To see the list of lost files, use this command with the --dry-run
php bin/console oro:attachment:cleanup-gridfs-files --dry-run
To purge lost files, use this command with the --force
php bin/console oro:attachment:cleanup-gridfs-files --force