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All events are available in the OroBundleImportExportBundleEventEvents class.
This event occurs after the entity page is loaded in the iterator. It is used to modify rows.
This event occurs before the entity is normalized. It is used to change the entity data or prefill the normalized data before normalization.
This event occurs after the entity is normalized. It is used to change the normalized data.
This event occurs before the entity is denormalized. It is used to prefill the denormalized data.
This event occurs after the entity is denormalized. It is used to change the denormalized data.
This event occurs after the rules and backend headers are loaded. It is used to modify the rules and headers, and add new ones.
This event occurs after the template fixtures are loaded. It is used to modify the fixtures.
This event occurs before the data is converted into the export format. It is used to modify the record before the conversion begins.
This event occurs after the data is converted into the export format. It is used to modify the result after the conversion ends.
This event occurs before the data is converted into the import format. It is used to modify the record before the conversion begins.
This event occurs after the data is converted into the export format. It is used to modify the result after the conversion ends.
This event occurs after a job is processed. It is used to perform some actions after the job is processed. For example, clean cache.
Strategy Events¶
All strategy events are available in the OroBundleImportExportBundleEventStrategyEvent class.
Usage Example:
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
use Oro\Bundle\ImportExportBundle\Event\StrategyEvent;
class CustomImportExportSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface {
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
StrategyEvent::PROCESS_BEFORE => 'beforeImportStrategy',
StrategyEvent::PROCESS_AFTER => 'afterImportStrategy',
public function beforeImportStrategy(StrategyEvent $event)
public function afterImportStrategy(StrategyEvent $event)
This event occurs just before the entity strategy is run. It is used to prepare the entity before it is processed by the strategy.
This event occurs after the job of the entity strategy is finished. It is used to provide additional validation of the entity.