You are browsing the documentation for version 4.2 of OroCommerce, OroCRM and OroPlatform, which is no longer maintained. Read version 5.1 (the latest LTS version) of the Oro documentation to get up-to-date information.
See our Release Process documentation for more information on the currently supported and upcoming releases.
Vagrant Provision¶
To get familiar with the application functionality, you can install Oro applications with environment components using Vagrant.
Every Oro application has a Vagrantfile that enables you to set up a virtual machine with the Oro application via the vagrant up command.
For example, to set up a VM with OroCommerce CE application v. 4.2.1 locally, run:
git clone -b 4.2.1 oroapp && cd oroapp
vagrant up
Once the command has run, you can access the application via the http://localhost:8000/
The environment in the resulting VM and the provisioning steps in the Vagrantfile replicate the process described in the Setup Application Environment Guide and the Installation Guide.
For more details on preparing the virtual platform for the virtual machine, please see the Installation and Configuration section below.
Installation and Configuration¶
Windows, MacOS, Linux, or any other OS supported by Virtualbox and Vagrant
2048M available RAM on your PC
Installation Steps¶
Start by installing the required software:
When you have installed VirtualBox, Vagrant, and Git, do the following:
Get the Oro application source code:
git clone -b 4.2.1 <oro_application_clone_url> oroapp && cd oroapp
Replace the <oro_application_clone_url> with the repository URL for the necessary Oro application:
OroCommerce Community Edition
OroCommerce Community Edition for Germany
OroCommerce Enterprise Edition
OroCommerce Enterprise Edition for Germany
OroCommerce Enterprise Edition (without CRM)
OroCRM Community Edition
OroCRM Enterprise Edition
OroPlatform Community Edition
You can download and unpack the archive with Oro application source code instead of using the Git repository. For more information, please see Get the Oro Application Source Code.
Configure and run the virtual machine using Vagrant:
For Community Editions of the Oro Applications run:
vagrant up
for the Enterprise Editions of Oro applications, specify the following two environment variables:
gittoken - Github token use it to install Oro application dependencies
licence - Enterprise Licence key for your Oro Application
gittoken=YourGithubToken licence=YourEnterpsiseLicenceKey vagrant up
Once the command execution is complete, and the setup is finished, you can use the Oro application. Read more on logging in with credentials in the Usage section.
When you run vagrant up for the first time, the Oro application installation may take some time, as the following time-consuming steps happen:
Base CentOS/7 box download
LEMP stack installation on the guest system
Installation of composer dependencies for Oro application
Oro application installation; note that loading demo data takes extra time.
The total time for the environment to get up and running depends on multiple factors, such as internet connection speed, CPU frequency, etc. It usually takes from 1- to 15 minutes.
Customize Installation Process¶
To customize the default installation settings, modify the Provision configuration section of the Vagrantfile ( refer to the commands and inline comments for more information).
The default values for the most important settings are:
Database settings
Application settings
APP_LOAD_DEMO_DATA=y # y | n (whether to perform loading demo data during installation)
To customize the application hostname:
Set the new APP_HOST parameter value in the Vagrantfile (e.g. yourdomain.local)
Map the new hostname to the application host IP address in your local hosts file, like in the following examples: yourdomain.local www.yourdomain.local
Now you can open the Oro application in a browser via the http://yourdomain.local/
Running Multiple Virtual Machines¶
To run multiple virtual machines simultaneously on a single host, ensure that every virtual instance uses a unique forwarded port. Before running an additional instance, modify its forwarded port in the host section of the “forwarded_port” setting in the Vagrant file. You can increment the value for every new virtual instance, e.g. instance A can have “forwarded_port”, guest: 80, host: 8000 configuration, and instance B can have “forwarded_port”, guest: 80, host: 8001.
Access the Installed Oro Application¶
Once the VM setup has finished, you can access the application in your browser with the credentials defined by your installation configuration.
The default login details are:
Application Storefront URL:
Application Admin UI URL:
Admin Login: admin
Admin Password: adminpass
If you have changed the application host, admin login, or password, please refer to the Vagrantfile for these details.
SSH Access to the Virtual Machine¶
To connect to the virtual machine via SSH, run the following command in the working directory on your host machine:
vagrant ssh
You will be logged in the virtual machine as vagrant user with sudo permission (you do not need a password to use the sudo command).
To configure SSH access to the virtual machine for the utilities that run on the host machine, like IDE, get the explicit SSH credentials by running the following command:
vagrant ssh-config
Access Oro Application Database¶
In the virtual machine, you can access the DB server using credentials provided in the Provision configuration section of the Vagrantfile. The default credentials are dbuser:DBP@ssword123.
To access the database from the host machine, configure and use the SSH connection to the guest machine database server, as described in the SSH Access to the Virtual Machine section above.
Vagrant Сommands¶
vagrant up – Creates and configures the virtual machine according to the vagrantfile. Unless vagrant destroy has been launched on the consecutive runs vagrant up powers on the virtual machine. The provisioning script defined in config.vm.provision variable in the Vagrantfile is run only once.
vagrant halt – Stops the virtual machine and saves the virtual machine image (without the current RAM state) to the host hard drive.
vagrant suspend – Stops the virtual machine and saves the virtual machine image and the current RAM state the host hard drive.
vagrant destroy – Destroys the VM and frees the resources of the host machine.
For more information, please see the official Vagrant documentation.