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Add the Customer Consents Field to a Form (Example)¶
Mapped Field¶
If an entity contains the customerUser property, add the customerConsents field to the form using property_path in the form_options.
'property_path' => 'customerUser.acceptedConsents',
'constraints' => [
new RemovedLandingPages(),
new RemovedConsents(),
new RequiredConsents()
Non-Mapped Field¶
If an entity does not contain the customerUser property:
Add the customerConsents field to the form and set mapped = false in the form_options.
$form->add( ConsentAcceptanceType::TARGET_FIELDNAME, ConsentAcceptanceType::class, [ 'mapped' => false, 'constraints' => [ new RemovedLandingPages(), new RemovedConsents(), new RequiredConsents() ] ] );
Create a form listener service.
acme_demo.event_listener.form_listener: class: Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\EventListener\BeforeFlushFormListener lazy: true tags: - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: oro.form.update_handler.before_entity_flush.__FORM_NAME__, method: beforeFlush } - { name: oro_featuretogle.feature, feature: consents }
Implement the logic before the flush event.
namespace Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\EventListener; use Oro\Bundle\ConsentBundle\Form\Type\ConsentAcceptanceType; use Oro\Bundle\FeatureToggleBundle\Checker\FeatureCheckerHolderTrait; use Oro\Bundle\FormBundle\Event\FormHandler\AfterFormProcessEvent; class BeforeFlushFormListener { use FeatureCheckerHolderTrait; public function beforeFlush(AfterFormProcessEvent $event) { // No actions if consents feature disabled if (!$this->isFeaturesEnabled()) { return; } $formData = $event->getData(); if ($formData instanceof Request) { $customerUser = $formData->getCustomerUser(); if ($customerUser && $customerUser->isGuest()) { $form = $event->getForm(); $acceptedConsents = $form->get(ConsentAcceptanceType::TARGET_FIELDNAME)->getData(); $customerUser->setAcceptedConsents($acceptedConsents); } } } }
Render Form Field in the Storefront¶
First, check that customerConsents is rendered in the form template, the input with type hidden should be rendered on the page.
{% if form.customerConsents is defined %}
{{ form_widget(form.customerConsents) }}
{% endif %}
To show a block with consent items, import the layout with consent items and configure it.
id: oro_consent_items
root: consent_container
- '@setBlockTheme':
themes: 'consents.html.twig'
- '@add':
id: consent_container
blockType: container
parentId: __PARENT_BLOCK_ID__
- '@add':
id: consent_message
blockType: consent_acceptance_choice
parentId: consent_container
If all consents are accepted, add a template with a success message.
{% block _checkout_consent_message_widget %}
{% set attr = layout_attr_defaults(attr, {
'class': 'notification notification--success'
}) %}
{% if consents is empty %}
<div {{ block('block_attributes') }}>
<span class="notification__item"><i class="fa-check"></i> {{ 'All mandatory consents were accepted.' }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}