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OroAddressBundle introduces the base entity and interfaces for addresses and address-related entities such as a country, a region, a phone, and an email. It also provides a dictionary with country region codes and names.

Address Type

An address type is an entity used to specify a type of an address. An address can have several address types, which are billing and shipping by default. An address type entity is called AddressType and is stored in Oro/Bundle/AddressBundle/Entity/AddressType.php. It has two properties:

  1. a name that defines a symbolic name of the type, and

  2. a label that is used in the frontend.

Address types are translatable entities, so their labels should be defined for each supported locale. Loading and translation of address types are performed in the Oro/Bundle/AddressBundle/Data/ORM/LoadAddressTypeData.php data fixture.

Entity AbstractTypedAddress is an abstract address entity that extends AbstractAddress and adds the “primary” flag and a set of address types to it. It has the “types” property and methods to work with it, but you need to define the DB relation between an address and an address type in a specific class:

 * @var Collection
 * @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Oro\Bundle\AddressBundle\Entity\AddressType")
 * @ORM\JoinTable(
 *     name="orocrm_contact_address_to_address_type",
 *     joinColumns={@ORM\JoinColumn(name="contact_address_id", referencedColumnName="id")},
 *     inverseJoinColumns={@ORM\JoinColumn(name="type_name", referencedColumnName="name")}
 * )
protected $types;

Address Entities

OroAddressBundle provides several entities to work with addresses.

Classes Description

  • AbstractAddress - encapsulates basic address attributes (label, street, city, country, first and last name etc.);

  • AbstractTypedAddress - extends AbstractAddress and adds the “primary” flag and a set of address types;

  • Address - a basic implementation of AbstractAddress;

  • Country - encapsulates country attributes (ISO2 and ISO3 codes, a name, a collection of regions);

  • CountryTranslation - an entity that provides translation for the Country entity;

  • Region - encapsulates region attributes (the “country+region” combined code, a code, a name, a country entity);

  • RegionTranslation - an entity that provides translation for the Region entity;

  • AddressType - describes an address type and includes a type name and a type label. The default types are “billing” and “shipping”;

  • AddressTypeTranslation - an entity that provides translation for the AddressType entity.

Address Form Types

OroAddressBundle provides form types to render address entities by forms.

Form Types Description

  • oro_address - encapsulates form fields for the Address entity;

  • oro_address_collection - a collection of form types for address entities;

  • oro_country - encapsulates form fields for the Country entity;

  • oro_region - encapsulates form fields for the Region entity.

Classes Description

  • Form Type AddressType - a base form for Address that includes form fields for the address attributes;

  • Form Type TypedAddressType - extends AddressType, adds functionality to work with address types;

  • Form Type AddressType - implementation of AbstractAddressType. The form type is “oro_address”;

  • Form TypeAddressCollectionType - provides functionality to work with address collections. The form type is “oro_address_collection”;

  • Form Type CountryType - provides form types for the Country entity and is represented by the “oro_country” form type;

  • Form Type RegionType - provides form types for the Region entity. The form type is “oro_region”;

  • Form EventListener AddressCountryAndRegionSubscriber - is responsible for processing relations between countries and regions by address forms;

  • Form EventListener FixAddressesPrimarySubscriber - ensures that only the newly created/updated address is specified as primary for the selected owner. If also removes the primary status for the other addresses added previously;

  • Form EventListener FixAddressesTypesSubscriber - ensures that only the newly created/updated address type (shipping/billing) is specified as primary for the selected owner. If also removes the primary status for the other address types added previously;

  • Form Handler AddressHandler - processes save for Address entity using specified form.



//create empty address entity
$address = mew Address();

//process insert/update

//accessing address form service

Address Collection

Address collection can be added to a form following the next three steps:

  1. Add a field with the oro_address_collection type to a form:

            'required' => false,
            'type'     => 'oro_address'
  2. Add AddressCollectionTypeSubscriber. AddressCollectionTypeSubscriber must be initialized with an address collection field name and an address class name.

    $builder->addEventSubscriber(new AddressCollectionTypeSubscriber('addresses', $this->addressClass));
  3. Add @OroAddress/Include/fields.html.twig to the template to enable address form field types.

    {% form_theme form with ['@OroAddress/Include/fields.html.twig']}

Address Validators

OroAddressBundle has specific validators that can be used to validate addresses and address collection.

Classes Description

  • Validator Contraints ContainsPrimaryValidator - checks an address collection to ensure that it contains only one primary address;

  • Validator Contraints ContainsPrimary - contains an error message for ContainsPrimaryValidator;

  • Validator Contraints UniqueAddressTypesValidator - checks an address collection to ensure that it has no more than one address per each address type;

  • Validator Contraints UniqueAddressTypes - contains an error message for UniqueAddressTypesValidator.

Example of Usage

Validation configuration should be placed in the Resources/config/validation.yml file in the appropriate bundle.

            - Oro\Bundle\AddressBundle\Validator\Constraints\UniqueAddressTypes: ~