
You are browsing the documentation for version 4.2 of OroCommerce, OroCRM and OroPlatform, which is no longer maintained. Read version 5.1 (the latest LTS version) of the Oro documentation to get up-to-date information.

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Generating Image and File URLs

File URL Providers

To generate a URL for an image or a file, use the oro_attachment.provider.file_url service backed by a chain of classes that implement Oro\Bundle\AttachmentBundle\Provider\FileUrlProviderInterface with the following methods:

  • getFileUrl - to get a URL for downloading the specified file.

  • getFilteredImageUrl - to get a URL for displaying an image represented by the specified file and with an applied LiipImagine filter.

  • getResizedImageUrl - to get a URL for displaying an image represented by the specified file and resized to the specified width and height.


The same methods for generating URLs are provided by the oro_attachment.manager service, which is the facade with common methods required when working with files.

// Generates a URL for resized image of $image with $filterName LiipImagine filter.
$imageUrl = $this->fileUrlProvider->getFilteredImageUrl($image, $filterName);

Custom Filename Provider

To hook into the logic of generating a filename for a file or image, decorate service oro_attachment.provider.file_name with a class that implements the Oro\Bundle\AttachmentBundle\Provider\FileNameProviderInterface interface. For example:

     use Oro\Bundle\AttachmentBundle\Entity\File;
     use Oro\Bundle\AttachmentBundle\Provider\FileNameProviderInterface;
     use Oro\Bundle\AttachmentBundle\Tools\FilenameExtensionHelper;
     use Oro\Bundle\AttachmentBundle\Tools\FilenameSanitizer;
     use Oro\Bundle\CatalogBundle\Entity\Category;
     use Oro\Bundle\CatalogBundle\Entity\Repository\CategoryRepository;
     use Oro\Bundle\EntityBundle\ORM\DoctrineHelper;
     use Oro\Bundle\ProductBundle\Entity\Brand;
     use Oro\Bundle\ProductBundle\Entity\Product;
     use Oro\Bundle\ProductBundle\Entity\ProductImage;

      * Uses a sanitized filename including the product name, brand name and category name for Product Images.
     class CustomFileNameProvider implements FileNameProviderInterface
         private const SEPARATOR = '-';

         private FileNameProviderInterface $innerProvider;

         private DoctrineHelper $doctrineHelper;

         public function __construct(
             FileNameProviderInterface $innerProvider,
             DoctrineHelper $doctrineHelper
         ) {
             $this->innerProvider = $innerProvider;
             $this->doctrineHelper = $doctrineHelper;

         public function getFileName(File $file): string
             if (!$this->isApplicable($file)) {
                 return $this->innerProvider->getFileName($file);

             return $this->getNameWithFormat($file);

         private function getNameWithFormat(File $file, string $format = ''): string
             $extension = $file->getExtension() ?? pathinfo($file->getFilename(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
             $filename = str_replace(
                 '.' . $extension,

             $parentEntity = $this->getParentEntity($file);
             if ($parentEntity instanceof ProductImage) {
                 $product = $parentEntity->getProduct();

                 $brandName = $this->getBrandName($product);
                 if ($brandName) {
                     $filename .= self::SEPARATOR . $brandName;

                 $categoryTitle = $this->getCategoryTitle($product);
                 if ($categoryTitle) {
                     $filename .= self::SEPARATOR . $categoryTitle;

                 $filename .= self::SEPARATOR . $product->getDefaultName();

             $filename = FilenameExtensionHelper::addExtension($filename, $extension . '.' . $format);

             return FilenameSanitizer::sanitizeFilename($filename);

          * Provider is applicable for files uploaded as Product Images.
         private function isApplicable(File $file): bool
             return $file->getParentEntityClass() === ProductImage::class
                 && $file->getOriginalFilename();

         private function getParentEntity(File $file): ?ProductImage
             $parentEntityClass = $file->getParentEntityClass();
             if (!$parentEntityClass) {
                 return null;

             $parentEntityId = $file->getParentEntityId();
             if (!$parentEntityId) {
                 return null;

             return $this->doctrineHelper->getEntity($parentEntityClass, $parentEntityId);

         private function getCategoryTitle(Product $product): ?string
             /** @var CategoryRepository $repository */
             $repository = $this->doctrineHelper->getEntityRepository('OroCatalogBundle:Category');
             $category = $repository->findOneByProduct($product);

             if ($category instanceof Category) {
                 return $category->getDenormalizedDefaultTitle();

             return null;

         private function getBrandName(Product $product): ?string
             $brand = $product->getBrand();
             if ($brand instanceof Brand) {
                 return $brand->getDefaultName();

             return null;
             class: Acme\Bundle\AppBundle\Provider\CustomFileNameProvider
             decorates: oro_attachment.provider.file_name
             decoration_priority: -200
                 - '@oro_attachment.provider.file_name.inner'
                 - '@oro_entity.doctrine_helper'

Image and File URLs in TWIG

OroAttachmentBundle provides the following TWIG functions for images and files:

  • file_url - to get a URL for downloading the specified file. Uses Oro\Bundle\AttachmentBundle\Provider\FileUrlProviderInterface::getFileUrl() under-the-hood.

  • file_size - to get a formatted size for the specified file.

  • resized_image_url - to get a URL for displaying a image represented by the specified file and resized to the specified width and height. Uses Oro\Bundle\AttachmentBundle\Provider\FileUrlProviderInterface::getFileUrl() under the hood.

  • filtered_image_url - to get a URL for displaying a image represented by the specified file and with applied LiipImagine filter. Uses Oro\Bundle\AttachmentBundle\Provider\FileUrlProviderInterface::getFileUrl() under the hood.

  • oro_attachment_icon - to get a CSS class adding an icon for the specified file depending on its mime type.

  • oro_type_is_image - to check if the specified file represents an image.

  • oro_file_icons_config - to get a full list of icons CSS classes by mime types.

  • oro_file_view - to get a rendered view of a file. Uses @OroAttachment/Twig/file.html.twig under-the-hood.

  • oro_image_view - to get a rendered view of an image. Uses @OroAttachment/Twig/image.html.twig under-the-hood.

  • oro_file_title - to get a title (e.g. original filename) for the specified file. Uses Oro\Bundle\AttachmentBundle\Provider\FileTitleProviderInterface under-the-hood.

See Oro\Bundle\AttachmentBundle\Twig\FileExtension for more information on functions arguments.