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OroChartBundle helps display the application data in the UI in the form of charts and enables developers to configure chart settings and source data before the rendering process. The Bundle implements line charts, multiline charts, bar charts, horizontal bar charts, stacked bar charts, pie charts, and flowcharts.

Main Classes

  • Oro\Bundle\ChartBundle\Model\Data\DataInterface - Interface that can be passed to the chart builder as source data.

  • Oro\Bundle\ChartBundle\Model\ChartView - View representation that can be used to render a chart.

  • Oro\Bundle\ChartBundle\Model\ChartViewBuilder - Builder can be used to create a view instance.

  • Oro\Bundle\ChartBundle\Model\ConfigProvider - Provide access to the oro_chart configuration.

Use Charts

Controller example:

public function exampleAction(){
        // items - array in format: array(array("id" => 1, "firsName" => 'Alex', "fee" => 42), ...)
        $items = $this->getChartData();

$viewBuilder = $this->container->get('oro_chart.view_builder');

$view = $viewBuilder
    ->setOptions(array('name' => 'line_chart'))
    ->setDataMapping(array('label' => 'firstName', 'value' => 'fee'))

        return $this->render('@Example/Example/example.html.twig', array('chartView' => $view));

View example:

{{ chartView.render()|raw }}

Configure Charts

Configuration Example:

  line_chart:                                       # Chart key used for identify chart type (line_chart in example below)
    label: oro.chart.line_chart.label               # Chart label used for text representation of chart type

    data_schema:                                    # Describe fields in data array
      - name: label                                 # Name of field in data array
        label: oro.chart.line_chart.params.label    # Label of field to use in chart form
        required: true                              # Is this field required
        field_name: field_name                      # Predefined field name for non-abstract charts, optional
      - name: value
        label: oro.chart.line_chart.params.value
        required: true
        field_name: field_name

    settings_schema:                                # Describe field of chart settings form
      - name: connect_dots_with_line                # Field name
        label: Connect dots with line               # Label of field in form
        type: checkbox                              # Form type of field
        options: { required: false }                # Options of field form type

      chartColors: ["#ACD39C", "#BE9DE2", "#6598DA", "#ECC87E", "#A4A2F6", "#6487BF", "#65BC87", "#8985C2", "#ECB574", "#84A377"]
      chartFontSize: 9
      chartFontColor: "#454545"
      chartHighlightColor: "#FF5E5E"

    data_transformer: oro_chart.data_transformer.example # Custom data transformer

    template: "@OroChart/Chart/line.html.twig"

Business Tip

The manufacturing industry is going through digital transformation. Discover how online commerce fits into the trend of digitalization in manufacturing.