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Update Handler¶
Form Handler Events¶
Default form handler Oro\Bundle\FormBundle\Model\FormHandler
triggers events that enables you to modify processing data
or even stop form processing.
There are two type of events:
FormProcessEvent (
) - triggered during form processing, can stop further form processing via interruptFormProcess method.AfterFormProcessEvent (
) - triggered after form processing during saving of form data.
And there are four events triggered in form handler:
) - uses FormProcessEvent, triggered in the very beginning of form processing right before input data set to form instance.BEFORE_FORM_SUBMIT (
) - uses FormProcessEvent, triggered only for valid form methods (POST or PUT) before request submitting to form instance.BEFORE_FLUSH (
) - uses AfterFormProcessEvent, triggered right before flushing of object manager.AFTER_FLUSH (
) - uses AfterFormProcessEvent, triggered right after flushing of object manager.
To use a custom form handler, trigger these events in the custom handler to support form processing consistency.
Update Handler Facade Service¶
Service: @oro_form.update_handler
Class: Oro\Bundle\FormBundle\Model\UpdateHandlerFacade
The default common way to handle forms in Oro packages is to use the Oro\Bundle\FormBundle\Model\UpdateHandlerFacade::update
method from the service with your custom arguments provided.
Among usual arguments, there are two most valuable from the point of reuse.
The handler - for custom handler purpose:
string - an alias of registered by tag oro_form.form.handler
implementation servicecallable - a callback to perform handling (see FormHandlerInterface::process() for arguments)
- an instance of the handler itselfnull - to use default registered under tag oro_form.form.handler handler service that implements interface above
The dataProvider - for custom template data purpose:
@param FormTemplateDataProviderInterface|string|callable|null $resultProvider to provide template data
string - an alias of registered by tag oro_form.form_template_data_provider service that implements
callable - callback to provide data (see FormTemplateDataProviderInterface::getData() for arguments)
- an instance of provider itselfnull - to use default registered provider (usually it returns [‘form’ => FormView $instance])
Custom TemplateDataProvider and FormHandler can be reused in different parts of platform, such as WorkflowBundle Custom Form Configuration.
Example of custom handler and data provider services registration and usage:
class: MyBundle\Form\UserHandler
- { name: oro_form.form.handler, alias: user_handler }
class: MyBundle\Form\UserUpdateDataProvider
public: false
- { name: oro_form.form_template_data_provider, alias: user_update_data }
A pseudo controller:
class UserController {
public function createAction(Request $request)
return $this->get('oro_form.update_handler')->update(
new User(),
'Success! User created!',
'user_handler', //using an alias tagged my_bundle.form.user_handler service
'user_update_data' //using an alias tagged my_bundle.form.user_update_data_provider service
The separation of responsibilities above (such as division of usual controller update process parts) is a powerful feature that can help you use all OroPlatform-based functionality easier.