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OroLoggerBundle extends the MonologBundle functionality and provides:

  • Error logs email notifications

  • Ability to temporarily decrease log level

  • Console commands logging

Error Logs Email Notifications

To enable error logs email notification, run the oro:logger:email-notification command with semicolons separating the recipients, for example:

php bin/console oro:logger:email-notification --recipients=";"

To disable the notifications, run the command with the --disable flag.

The --recipients option can be used to update the list of the recipients that will receive email notifications about the logged errors:

php bin/console oro:logger:email-notification --recipients=<recipients>
php bin/console oro:logger:email-notification --recipients=';;'

Or you can configure recipients list using web interface from System > Configuration > System Configuration > General Setup > Application Settings > Error Logs Notifications section.

To change log level for email notifications , update the monolog.handlers.swift.level parameter in config_prod.yml.

Temporarily Decrease Log Level

The default log level in the production environment is specified by the oro_logger.detailed_logs_default_level container parameter and equals to error, you can update it in the application configuration.

To find problems, you can change this value for a specific time for a specific user by running the following command:

php bin/console oro:logger:level debug "1 hour"

Where debug is the log level and 1 hour is the time interval when the level is used instead of the default, the --user option contains the email address of the user whose log will be affected.

You can also decrease the log level system-wide by skipping the --user option.

Logging Console Commands

All console commands are logged automatically on ConsoleEvents::COMMAND and ConsoleEvents::EXCEPTION. See ConsoleCommandSubscriber for more information.