
You are browsing the documentation for version 4.2 of OroCommerce, OroCRM and OroPlatform, which is no longer maintained. Read version 5.1 (the latest LTS version) of the Oro documentation to get up-to-date information.

See our Release Process documentation for more information on the currently supported and upcoming releases.

CLI Commands (MessageQueueBundle)


The oro:message-queue:consume command processes messages from the message-queue using an appropriate message processor based on message headers.

php bin/console oro:message-queue:consume

It connects to the default queue, but a different name can be provided as the argument:

php bin/console oro:message-queue:consume <clientDestinationName>

The --message-limit option can be used to limit the maximum number of messages to consume before exiting:

php bin/console oro:message-queue:consume --message-limit=<number> other options and arguments

The --time-limit option can be used to restrict the run time. Accepts any date/time value recognized by PHP (see Supported Date and Time Formats:

php bin/console oro:message-queue:consume --time-limit=<date-time-string> other options and arguments

The --memory-limit option defines the maximum used memory threshold (megabytes):

php bin/console oro:message-queue:consume --memory-limit=<number> other options and arguments

The --object-limit option defines the maximum amount of objects in runtime:

php bin/console oro:message-queue:consume --object-limit=<number> other options and arguments

The --gc-limit option defines the maximum amount GC calls:

php bin/console oro:message-queue:consume --gc-limit=<number> other options and arguments


The oro:message-queue:create-queues command creates the required message queues.

php bin/console oro:message-queue:create-queues


The oro:message-queue:destinations command lists available message queue destinations.

php bin/console oro:message-queue:destinations


The oro:message-queue:topics command lists available message queue topics.

php bin/console oro:message-queue:topics


The oro:message-queue:transport:consume command consumes message from a specified message queue. The message processor service should be specified as the second argument.

php bin/console oro:message-queue:transport:consume <queue> <processor-service>