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Query Designer Configuration¶
You can tune the Query Designer behavior using configuration files. Make sure that these files are called query_designer.yml and are located in any bundle’s Resources/config/oro directory. The following code snippet shows the main structure of the query_designer.yml file.
# put configuration of filters here
# put configuration of grouping columns here
# put configuration of aggregating functions here
You can find all available configuration options in the Configuration.php file.
Filters Configuration¶
This section describes how you can configure the list of filters are displayed on the results page (e.g., a report results grid) and intended for filtering the resulting data. The configuration of default filters describes filters for general data types, such as string, integer, money, percent etc. For instance, take a look at the configuration of a filter used to filter textual data:
string: # filter name, you can use any string here
applicable: [{type: string}, {type: text}]
type: string
query_type: [all]
First, the applicable attribute describes rules, and then a filter is used. In this case, the filter will be used if an entity field data type is a string or text. Each item in the applicable array can have the following attributes:
type - field data type
field - field name
entity - entity name, for example
identifier - true/false, check if the field is the primary key
For instance, if you need to use a special filter for the name field of the User entity, you can use the following applicable condition: {entity: OroUserBundle:User, field: name}. The type attribute sets the identifier of a filter UI control. To find all existing controls, run the following command:
php bin/console debug:container --tag=oro_filter.extension.orm_filter.filter --show-private
The value of the type attribute in query_designer.yml should be equal to the value of the type attribute of the oro_filter.extension.orm_filter.filter tag. The query_type attribute sets the types of queries for which this filter will be available. The word all is reserved, meaning the filter will be available in all queries.
Modifying an Existing Filter¶
Suppose your bundle introduced a new data type called ShortMoney, and you want to use the existing number filter for it. In this case, you need to add the following query_designer.yml file into your bundle:
applicable: [{type: ShortMoney}]
This will add an additional condition to the applicable attribute of the existing number filter.
Grouping Configuration¶
Currently, the configuration of the grouping columns has only one attribute - exclude. With its help, you can specify which fields cannot be used in the GROUP BY SQL clause. By default the following data types are not available for grouping: array, object. Here is an example of grouping configuration:
exclude: [{type: array}, {type: object}]
Each item in the exclude array can have the following attributes:
type - field data type
field - field name
entity - entity name, for example
identifier - true/false, check if the field is the primary key
Aggregating Functions Configuration¶
This section describes how you can configure what aggregating functions will be available in the query designer. By default, the QueryDesigner bundle does not provide configuration for any aggregating functions. The following example shows how you can add aggregating functions for the numeric data type:
applicable: [{type: integer}, {type: smallint}, {type: bigint}, {type: decimal}, {type: float}, {type: money}, {type: percent}]
- { name: Count, expr: COUNT($column), return_type: integer }
- { name: Sum, expr: SUM(CASE WHEN ($column IS NOT NULL) THEN $column ELSE 0 END) }
- { name: Avg, expr: AVG(CASE WHEN ($column IS NOT NULL) THEN $column ELSE 0 END) }
- { name: Min, expr: MIN($column) }
- { name: Max, expr: MAX($column) }
query_type: [report]
For all numeric data types, this example adds COUNT, SUM, AVG, MIN and MAX aggregation functions. These functions will be available only if the query type is report. Each item in the applicable array can have the following attributes:
type - field data type
field - field name
entity - entity name, for example
parent_entity - the name of parent entity, for example
identifier - true/false, check if the field is the primary key
Dump Reference Structure¶
You can dumps the reference structure for Resources/config/oro/query_designer.yml by using the following command:
php bin/console oro:query-designer:config:dump-reference