You are browsing the documentation for version 4.2 of OroCommerce, OroCRM and OroPlatform, which is no longer maintained. Read version 5.1 (the latest LTS version) of the Oro documentation to get up-to-date information.
See our Release Process documentation for more information on the currently supported and upcoming releases.
Configuration in Different Environments¶
A typical OroCloud project has at least 2 environments: “prod” and “stage”. The OroCloud application can be configured using orocloud.yaml file.
Sometimes, a specific application configuration should be applied in one environment, but not in the other. For example, assuming HTTP Basic Auth should be enabled only for the application in the stage environment. Below you can find three possible approaches to cover this case.
Environment Type Approach¶
The maintenance agent is merging three different yaml files to load it’s configuration:
/mnt/{ocom,ocrm}/app/orocloud.yaml /mnt/{ocom,ocrm}/app/www/orocloud.yaml /mnt/{ocom,ocrm}/app/www/orocloud_{dev,stag,uat,prod}.yaml
For example, orocloud.yaml file in the repository root contains common configuration for all environments:
# cat orocloud.yaml orocloud_options: application: maintenance_page: 'relative/path/m.html'
and basic auth enabled in dev environment only using orocloud_dev.yaml:
# cat orocloud_dev.yaml orocloud_options: webserver: locations: root: type: php location: '~ /index\.php(/|$)' auth_basic_enable: true auth_basic_userlist: user: ensure: present password: pass
Git Branches Approach¶
One of the solutions is to create different Git branches for different environments, taking the following steps:
Create a separate branch for each environment and save a unique version of the orocloud.yaml file in each branch.
For example:
1.2.3-prod # Branch of release 1.2.3 for "prod" environment 1.2.3-stage # Branch of release 1.2.3 for "stage" environment
When preparing a new release, run a command with the –reference parameter depending on the environment.
For example:
# Run upgrade for "prod" environment orocloud-cli upgrade --reference=1.2.3-prod # Run upgrade for "stage" environment orocloud-cli upgrade --reference=1.2.3-stage
This approach has some extra costs to maintain the additional branches in your repository. It is not always convenient if you prefer to use different tags for every new release.
Composer Script Approach¶
You can solve this problem without adding new branches in the repository.
Check the hostnames of the maintenance nodes of the environments.
For example:
ocom-acme-prod1-maint1 # Maintenance node's hostname on "prod" environment ocom-acme-stage1-maint1 # Maintenance node's hostname on "stage" environment
Create configuration files in the repository root for each environment:
orocloud.yaml # Default configuration, could be same as # Configuration for "prod" environment orocloud.stage.yaml # Configuration for "stage" environment
Add changes to composer.json file to override the orocloud.yaml file depending on the hostname of the maintenance node during composer install:
{ ... "scripts": { ... "post-install-cmd": [ ... "bash -c 'if [[ $(hostname -s) = *-stage[0-9]*-* ]]; then cp -f orocloud.stage.yaml orocloud.yaml; fi'", "bash -c 'if [[ $(hostname -s) = *-prod[0-9]*-* ]]; then cp -f orocloud.yaml; fi'" ] ... } ... }
This approach works because every upgrade or deployment triggers the execution of composer install command on the maintenance node.
The default version of orocloud.yaml file is kept as a backup if the script is not executed as expected.