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Configure InfinitePay Payment Method Integration in the Back-Office¶
This section describes the steps that are necessary to expose InfinitePay service as a payment method for OroCommerce orders and quotes.
Before you begin, see InfinitePay Services overview and learn about InfinitePay integration prerequisites - the preparation steps that should be performed on the InfinitePay service side.
To enable payments using InfinitePay:
Navigate to System > Integrations > Manage Integrations in the main menu. The Manage Integrations page opens.
Click Create Integration.
In the Basic Information section, provide the following details:
Type — Select Infinite Pay for Type
Name — The payment method name that is shown as an option for payment configuration in the OroCommerce back-office.
Label — The payment method name/label displayed as a payment option for the buyer in the OroCommerce storefront during the checkout. To translate the label into other languages, click on the icon next to the field.
It doesn’t have to include the payment processor name if you want to hide it from the buyers. For example, you can enter ‘Credit Card Payments’ if you have a single payment method configured for processing credit cards.
Short label — The payment method name/label that is shown in the order details in the OroCommerce back-office and storefront after the order is submitted. To translate the label into other languages, click on the icon next to the field.
Client Reference — The unique identifier of your InfinitePay account.
Username — Login for your InfinitePay account that is used to authenticate OroCommerce calls to the InfinitePay API.
Password — Password that is used to authenticate OroCommerce calls to the InfinitePay API.
Secret (For Security Code) — This is a pre-shared key used to cipher payment information.
Auto-Capture — When enabled, the amount for payment is blocked on the buyer’s InfinitePay account (limit) immediately after the order is submitted. See more information about the InfinitePay guarantee actions (reserve, capture, and activate).
Auto-Activation — When enabled, the payment guarantee is activated upon the order submission. The successful activation means that InfinitePay approves the payment, provides a guarantee for the financial risks related to the future payment. See more information about the InfinitePay guarantee actions (reserve, capture, and activate).
Test mode — An option that enables calling PayPal API in the test mode.
Debug Mode — When enabled, InfinitePay transactions include more detailed information in the response. This mode may be helpful when troubleshooting payment-related issues.
Invoice Due Period — The unified invoice due period that is applied to the invoices created in InfinitePay. It is taken into account to estimate the payment due date.
Shipping Duration (In Days) — the unified timeframe reserved for shipping. It is taken into account to estimate the payment due date.
Status — Set the status to Active to enable the integration.
Default Owner — A user who is responsible for this integration and manages it.
Click Save and Close.
Next, set up a payment rule that enables this payment method for all or some customer orders via the Payment Rules Configuration page.