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Batch API 

The Batch API provides a way to create or update a list of entities of the same type via one API request.

For detailed information how this API works, see the update_list, batch_update and batch_update_item actions.

Enable Batch API for Entity 

By default, Batch API is disabled for all API resources. To enable it for an API resource, the update_list action should be enabled for this resource. You can do this via actions section for an entity in Resources/config/oro/api.yml.


                update_list: true

Batch API Configuration 

All configuration options related to Batch API are grouped in the batch_api section of ApiBundle configuration:


        # The default maximum number of entities that can be saved in a chunk. The default value is 100.
        chunk_size: 100

        # The maximum number of entities of a specific type that can be saved in a chunk.
            Oro\Bundle\UserBundle\Entity\User: 10 # example

        # The default maximum number of included entities that can be saved in a chunk. The default value is 50.
        included_data_chunk_size: 50

        # The maximum number of included entities that can be saved in a chunk for a specific primary entity type.
            Oro\Bundle\UserBundle\Entity\User: 20 # example

Parameters chunk_size_per_entity and included_data_chunk_size_per_entity can be used to tuning of an API engine to have maximum performance.

To get maximum performance in requests with included entities, you can change the value of the included_data_chunk_size_per_entity parameter to the medium number of related entities that will be set to one primary entity when processing the request.

Asynchronous Batch Operations Cleanup Configuration 

Obsolete asynchronous batch operations are removed once a day by a cron job.

The default configuration of this cron job is illustrated below:


            # The number of days async operations are stored in the system.
            lifetime: 30

            # The maximum number of seconds that the cron job can spend in one run.
            cleanup_process_timeout: 3600 # 1 hour

            # The maximum number of seconds after which an operation will be removed regardless of status.
            operation_timeout: 3600 # 1 hour

Storage Configuration 

The KnpGaufretteBundle is used to configure storages for source data files of Batch API requests and all files created when processing asynchronous batch operations (e.g., chunk files, error files, etc.).

Here is the default configuration of these storages:

                connection_name: batch
                table: oro_api_async_data
                    key: name
                    content: content
                    mtime: updated_at
                    checksum: checksum
        # a storage for source data files
            adapter: private
            alias: api_source_data_filesystem
        # a storage for files created when processing asynchronous batch operations
            adapter: api
            alias: api_filesystem

To change the adapter configuration, use Resources/config/oro/app.yml in any application bundle or config/config.yml. The following example shows how to reconfigure this adapter to use a local filesystem:

                directory: '%kernel.project_dir%/var/api_files'

You can find more examples in KnpGaufretteBundle documentation.

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