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Together with Operations, ActionBundle provides a helpful way for a developer to add specific User Interface Buttons for some context matches that are common in the OroPlatform-based applications.

Mainly, those are entity (FQCN with optional id), routeName, grid (the datagrid name), referrer (a URL), group (any named type of a group), and everything that matches the ButtonSearchContext model parameters.

Then, a developer can implement any ButtonProviderExtension by the interface and send a list of buttons to the general button provider that allocates found buttons within a proper UI context.

To add a new ButtonProvider to the system, implement the ButtonProviderExtensionInterface and then register it as a service with the oro_action.provider.button tag.

For example, if Operations are implemented in an above-mentioned way, the button provider service looks as follows:

    class: Oro\Bundle\ActionBundle\Extension\OperationButtonProviderExtension
        - { name: oro.action.extension.button_provider, priority: 100 } #<- register/inject extension via tag

Afterward, when an application meets a context corresponding to ActionBundle buttons, it requests a list of matching buttons (ButtonInterface) in each registered (e.g., tagged) provider and delivers them to UI.

The provider returns an array of ButtonInterface implementations from the find method.

Additionally, if the button search context is not fully defined at find, the ButtonProviderExtensionInterface::isAvailable() method is called as a filtering mechanism.

The `ButtonInterface` implementation collects all the data required for rendering, mostly from ButtonSearchContext. You can control the button representation (view) through the ButtonInterface::getTemplate() template and its data (via ButtonInterface::getTemplateData()).

Button Match Event 

You can rely on the oro_action.button_provider.on_buttons_matched event, which is dispatched with the general @event_dispatcher service and emits currently matched buttons collection connected to the `OnButtonsMatched` event object.