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Define a New Object Configuration Attribute 

You can use configuration to define a new entity config attribute:

  1. Create a configuration file that implements EntityConfigInterface or FieldConfigInterface. For entity config, use EntityConfigInterface and the class that ends with EntityConfiguration. For field config, use FieldConfigInterface and the class that ends with FieldConfiguration.


namespace Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\EntityConfig;

use Oro\Bundle\EntityConfigBundle\EntityConfig\EntityConfigInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder\NodeBuilder;

class AcmeDemoAttrEntityConfiguration implements EntityConfigInterface
    public function getSectionName(): string
        return 'acme';

    public function configure(NodeBuilder $nodeBuilder): void
            ->info('`string` demo attribute description.')
  1. Add this class to services.yml with tag oro_entity_config.validation.entity_config.


    - oro_entity_config.validation.entity_config

Add Settings to entity_config.yml 

To illustrate how you can add metadata to an entity, add the following YAML file (this file must be located in [BundleName]/Resources/config/oro/entity_config.yml):

    acme:                                      # a configuration scope name
        entity:                                # a section describes an entity
            items:                             # starts a description of entity attributes
                demo_attr:                     # adds an attribute named 'demo_attr'
                        priority: 100
                        indexed:  true

This configuration adds the ‘demo_attr’ attribute with the ‘Demo’ value to all configurable entities. The configurable entity is an entity marked with the @Config annotation. This code also automatically adds a service named oro_entity_config.provider.acme into the DI container. You can use this service to get the value of a particular entity’s ‘demo_attr’ attribute.

To apply this change, execute the oro:entity-config:update command that updates configuration data for entities:

php bin/console oro:entity-config:update

An example how to get a value of a configuration attribute:

 /** @var Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface $container */
 $container = ...;

/** @var Oro\Bundle\EntityConfigBundle\Provider\ConfigProvider $acmeConfigProvider */
$acmeConfigProvider = $container->get('oro_entity_config.provider.acme');

// retrieve a value of 'demo_attr' attribute for 'Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Entity\Document' entity
// the value of $demoAttr variable will be 'Demo'
$demoAttr = $acmeConfigProvider->getConfig('Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Entity\Document')->get('demo_attr');

If you want to set a value different than the default one for some entity, write it in the @Config annotation for this entity. For example:

 * @ORM\Entity
 * @Config(
 *  defaultValues={
 *      "acme"={
 *          "demo_attr"="MyValue"
 *      }
 *  }
 * )
class MyEntity

The result is demonstrated in the following code:

 /** @var Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface $container */
 $container = ...;

/** @var Oro\Bundle\EntityConfigBundle\Provider\ConfigProvider $acmeConfigProvider */
$acmeConfigProvider = $container->get('oro_entity_config.provider.acme');

// retrieve a value of 'demo_attr' attribute for 'Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Entity\Document' entity
// the value of $demoAttr1 variable will be 'Demo'
$demoAttr1 = $acmeConfigProvider->getConfig('Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Entity\Document')->get('demo_attr');

// retrieve a value of 'demo_attr' attribute for 'Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Entity\MyEntity' entity
// the value of $demoAttr2 variable will be 'MyValue'
$demoAttr2 = $acmeConfigProvider->getConfig('Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Entity\MyEntity')->get('demo_attr');

Essentially, it is all you need to add metadata to any entity. But in most cases, you want to allow an administrator to manage your attribute in UI. To accomplish this, let’s change the YAML file the following way:

    acme:                                           # a configuration scope name
        entity:                                     # a section describes an entity
            items:                                  # starts a description of entity attributes
                demo_attr:                          # adds an attribute named 'demo_attr'
                        default_value: 'Demo'       # sets the default value for 'demo_attr' attribute
                        translatable:  true         # means that value of this attribute is translation key
                                                    # and actual value should be taken from translation table
                                                    # or in twig via "|trans" filter
                        indexed:       true         # TRUE if an attribute should be filterable or sortable in a data grid
                    grid:                           # configure a data grid to display 'demo_attr' attribute
                        type:          string       # sets the attribute type
                        label:         'Demo Attr'  # sets the data grid column name
                        show_filter:   true         # the next three lines configure a filter for 'Demo Attr' column
                        filterable:    true
                        filter_type:   string
                        sortable:      true         # allows an administrator to sort rows clicks on 'Demo Attr' column
                        type:          text         # sets the attribute type
                            block:     entity       # specifies in which block on the form this attribute should be displayed
                            label:     'Demo Attr'  # sets the label name

Now you can go to System > Entities in the back-office. The ‘Demo Attr’ column should be displayed in the grid. Click Edit on any entity to open the edit entity form. The ‘Demo Attr’ field should be displayed there.


Check out the example of YAML config.