You are browsing documentation for version 5.0 of OroCommerce, which is no longer maintained. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.
See our Release Process documentation for more information on the currently supported and upcoming releases.
Feature Toggle
Define a New Feature
Features are defined in configuration files placed into Resources/config/oro/features.yml.
Each feature consists of one required option, the label. You can configure the following sections, out-of-the-box:
label - a feature title
description - a feature description
toggle - a system configuration option key that is used as a feature toggle
dependencies - a list of feature names that the current feature depends on
routes - a list of route names
configuration - a list of system configuration groups and fields
workflows - a list of workflow names
processes - a list of process names
operations - a list of operation names
api_resources - a list of entity FQCNs that are available as API resources
commands - a list of commands which depend on the feature. Running these commands is impossible or is not reasonable when the feature is disabled
entities - a list of entity FQCNs
field_configs - a list of field names
dashboard_widgets - a list of dashboard widget names
cron_jobs - a list of cron job names
navigation_items - a list of navigation items
placeholder_items - a list of placeholder item names
mq_topics - a list of MQ topic names
Example of the features.yml configuration
label: acme.feature.label
description: acme.feature.description
toggle: acme.feature_enabled
- foo
- bar
- acme_entity_view
- acme_entity_create
- acme_general_section
- acme.some_option
- acme_sales_flow
- acme_some_process
- acme_some_operation
- Acme\Bundle\Entity\Page
- oro:search:index
- Acme\Bundle\Entity\Page
- 'some_field_name'
- 'page_dashboard_widget'
- 'acme:cron:sync-job'
- 'application_menu.sales_tab.acme_order_list'
- acme_create_page_button
- 'acme.mq_topics.calculate'
Add New Options to Feature Configuration
Feature configuration may be extended with new configuration options. To add a new configuration option, you need to add a feature configuration that implements ConfigurationExtensionInterface and register it with the oro_feature.config_extension tag. For example, there are some Acme processors which should be configured with the acme_processor option.
Configuration extension:
namespace Acme\Bundle\ProcessorBundle\Config;
use Oro\Bundle\FeatureToggleBundle\Configuration\ConfigurationExtensionInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder\NodeBuilder;
class FeatureConfigurationExtension implements ConfigurationExtensionInterface
* {@inheritdoc}
public function extendConfigurationTree(NodeBuilder $node)
Extension registration:
class: Acme\Bundle\ProcessorBundle\Config\FeatureConfigurationExtension
- { name: oro_feature.config_extension }
Check Feature State
Feature state is determined by FeatureChecker. There are proxy classes that expose a feature check functionality to layout updates, operations, workflows, processes, and twig.
Feature state is resolved by isFeatureEnabled($featureName, $scopeIdentifier = null)
Feature resource types are nodes of feature configuration (routes, workflows, configuration, processes, operations, api_resources), resources are their values. Resource is disabled if it is included into at least one disabled feature. Resource state is resolved by public function isResourceEnabled($resource, $resourceType, $scopeIdentifier = null)
Layout Updates
Check the feature state =data[‘feature’].isFeatureEnabled(‘feature_name’)
Check the resource state =data[‘feature’].isResourceEnabled(‘acme_product_view’, ‘routes’)
Set the block visibility based on the feature state:
- '@add':
id: products
parentId: page_content
blockType: datagrid
grid_name: products-grid
visible: '=data["feature"].isFeatureEnabled("product_feature")'
Processes, Workflows, Operations
In processes, workflows and operations, config expressions may be used to check the feature state
Check the feature state
'@feature_enabled': feature: 'feature_name' scope_identifier: $.scopeIdentifier
Check the resource state
'@feature_resource_enabled': resource: 'some_route' resource_type: 'routes' scope_identifier: $.scopeId
Check the feature state feature_enabled($featureName, $scopeIdentifier = null)
Check the resource state feature_resource_enabled($resource, $resourceType, $scopeIdentifier = null)
Include a Service Into a Feature
Any service that requires a feature functionality, needs to implement the FeatureToggleableInterface interface. All checks are done by developer.
OroFeatureToggleBundle provides helper functionality to inject a feature checker and a feature name into services marked with the oro_featuretogle.feature tag. FeatureCheckerHolderTrait contains implementation of methods from FeatureToggleableInterface.
Some extensions can extend the form, and we need to include this extension functionality into a feature. In this case, FeatureChecker should be injected into service, and feature availability should be checked where needed.
namespace Acme\Bundle\CategoryBundle\Form\Extension;
use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractTypeExtension;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
use Oro\Bundle\FeatureToggleBundle\Checker\FeatureToggleableInterface;
use Oro\Bundle\FeatureToggleBundle\Checker\FeatureCheckerHolderTrait;
class ProductFormExtension extends AbstractTypeExtension implements FeatureToggleableInterface
use FeatureCheckerHolderTrait;
* {@inheritdoc}
public static function getExtendedTypes(): iterable
return ['acme_product'];
* {@inheritdoc}
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
if (!$this->isFeaturesEnabled()) {
'required' => false,
'mapped' => false,
'label' => 'Category'
Extension registration:
class: Acme\Bundle\CategoryBundle\Form\Extension\ProductFormExtension
- { name: oro_featuretogle.feature, feature: acme_feature }
Check Feature State with a Feature Voter
Feature state is checked by feature voters. All voters are called each time you use the isFeatureEnabled() or isResourceEnabled() method on the feature checker. The feature checker makes the decision based on the configured strategy defined in the system configuration or per feature, which can be: affirmative, consensus, or unanimous.
By default, ConfigVoter is registered to check features availability. It checks the feature state based on the value of a toggle option defined in the features.yml configuration.
A custom voter needs to implement Oro\Bundle\FeatureToggleBundle\Checker\Voter\VoterInterface
Imagine that we have the state checker that returns decision based on a feature name and a scope identifier.
The feature is enabled for the valid state and disabled for the invalid state. In other cases, do not vote.
Such voter looks as follows:
namespace Acme\Bundle\ProcessorBundle\Voter;
use Oro\Bundle\FeatureToggleBundle\Checker\Voter\VoterInterface;
class FeatureVoter implements VoterInterface
private StateChecker $stateChecker;
public function __construct(StateChecker $stateChecker) {
$this->stateChecker = $stateChecker;
* @param string $feature
* @param object|int|null $scopeIdentifier
public function vote($feature, $scopeIdentifier = null)
if ($this->stateChecker($feature, $scopeIdentifier) === StateChecker::VALID_STATE) {
return self::FEATURE_ENABLED;
if ($this->stateChecker($feature, $scopeIdentifier) === StateChecker::INVALID_STATE) {
return self::FEATURE_DISABLED;
return self::FEATURE_ABSTAIN;
Now, configure a voter:
class: Acme\Bundle\ProcessorBundle\Voter\FeatureVoter
arguments: [ '@acme_process.voter.state_checker' ]
- { name: oro_featuretogle.voter }
Change Decision Strategy
There are three strategies available:
affirmative – The strategy grants access if one voter grants access;
consensus – The strategy grants access if there are more voters that grant access than those that deny;
unanimous (default) – The strategy grants access only if all voters grant access.
Strategy configuration (may be defined in Resources/config/oro/app.yml)
strategy: affirmative
allow_if_all_abstain: true
allow_if_equal_granted_denied: false
or in feature definition
label: acme.feature.label
strategy: affirmative
allow_if_all_abstain: true
allow_if_equal_granted_denied: false
Use Checker for Commands
Commands launched as subcommands cannot be skipped globally. To avoid running such commands, add an implementation of FeatureCheckerAwareInterface to your parent command, import FeatureCheckerHolderTrait (via use FeatureCheckerHolderTrait;), and check the feature status via featureChecker that is automatically injected into your command.
namespace Acme\Bundle\FixtureBundle\Command;
use Oro\Bundle\FeatureToggleBundle\Checker\FeatureCheckerHolderTrait;
use Oro\Bundle\FeatureToggleBundle\Checker\FeatureCheckerAwareInterface;
class LoadDataFixturesCommand implements FeatureCheckerAwareInterface
use FeatureCheckerHolderTrait;
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
$commands = [
'oro:cron:analytic:calculate' => [],
'oro:b2b:lifetime:recalculate' => ['--force' => true]
foreach ($commands as $commandName => $options) {
if ($this->featureChecker->isResourceEnabled($commandName, 'commands')) {
$command = $this->getApplication()->find($commandName);
$input = new ArrayInput(array_merge(['command' => $commandName], $options));
$command->run($input, $output);