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Create a Topic and a Handler for Publishing and Subscribing
As discussed in the section on WebSockets Architecture, all messages in WebSocket communications in Oro applications are published in a particular topic. Clients can subscribe to messages in the topics that they are interested in.
It is called a PubSub pattern, and it is part of the architecture of the Web Application Message Protocol subprotocol of the WebSockets protocol. It is aimed at providing a standard to coordinate real-time messaging between program components in loosely-coupled architectures based on microservices.
OroSyncBundle provides a router as part of the WebSocket server that receives messages for topics from publishers and distributes the messages to subscribed clients.
If you decided to create a new topic for WebSocket messages in the Oro application, you have to perform two main tasks:
Declare topic with its route.
Create one or more handlers to serve events related to this topic.
Declare Topic and Its Routing
In order to declare a route for the topic, create a websocket_routing.yml file in the Resources/config/oro directory of your bundle. Fill it in with the following contents: # unique machine name of your topic in format "%extension_alias%.topic_name"
channel: 'oro/ping' # url of your topic channel
callback: '' # machine name of topic handler
You can declare parameterized routes as well, e.g.,:
channel: 'oro/email_event/{user_id}/{organization_id}'
callback: 'oro_email.event'
pattern: '\d+' # regular expression
pattern: '\d+'
You will be able to get parameters using getAttributes() from WampRequest $request argument in your topic handler. You can find more information about routing in the documentation of GosWebSocketBundle.
Create and Declare Topic Handlers
Topic handler is called by the WebSocket server router whenever one of the following events occurs:
Client has subscribed
Client has unsubscribed
Client has published a message
Each topic handler, according to its logic, decides what to do with the occurred event. For example, in onSubscribe(), we can decide whether to allow subscription, and in onPublish(), we can broadcast the given message either to all subscribers or just to a restricted list.
Topic handler must implement Gos\Bundle\WebSocketBundle\Topic\TopicInterface and be declared as a service with the gos_web_socket.topic tag, e.g.,:
class: Oro\Bundle\SyncBundle\Topic\WebsocketPingTopic
- ''
- '@logger'
- '%oro_sync.websocket_ping.interval%'
- { name: gos_web_socket.topic }
The getName() method of the topic handler must return its machine name which is used in the websocket_routing.yml file for the handler.callback configuration option.
OroSyncBundle provides an abstract class Oro\Bundle\SyncBundle\Topic\AbstractTopic and two out-of-box implementations of topic handlers for common purposes:
Oro\Bundle\SyncBundle\Topic\BroadcastTopic broadcasts every published message to all subscribers. It is required for simple topics like oro_sync.maintenance which just informs about maintenance mode activation.
Oro\Bundle\SyncBundle\Topic\SecuredTopic checks if a client is allowed to subscribe to the topic. It broadcasts every published message to all subscribers. It is required for topics like oro_email.event which informs users about new emails.
Therefore, if your topic handler is not intended to contain complex logic, you can use existing handlers, e.g.,:
class: Oro\Bundle\SyncBundle\Topic\BroadcastTopic
- 'oro_sync.maintenance'
- { name: gos_web_socket.topic }
Subscribe to the Topic Messages
To subscribe a backend client for the topic messages, you can create your own topic handler (as described in the section above) and use its onPublish() method to perform any necessary tasks when a message is published to the topic.
To subscribe a frontend client to and unsubscribe it from the topic, use the subscribe and unsubscribe methods of the orosync/js/sync component, e.g.,:
import sync from 'orosync/js/sync';
sync.subscribe('oro/ping', () => {
console.log('Received message from oro/ping topic');