
You are browsing documentation for version 5.0 of OroCommerce, supported until January 2025. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.

See our Release Process documentation for more information on the currently supported and upcoming releases.

CLI Commands (PricingBundle) 


The oro:price-lists:pl-storage-reorganize command reorganizes price list database tables to use or forgo sharding. After running this command, make sure to modify the enable_price_sharding option in config/parameters.yml to a matching value.

Use --strategy=sharding to reorganize database tables using sharding for prices:

php bin/console oro:price-lists:pl-storage-reorganize --strategy=sharding prices

Use --strategy=base to reorganize database tables without sharding for prices:

php bin/console oro:price-lists:pl-storage-reorganize --strategy=base prices

Run the command without arguments to see the list of all supported entities:

php bin/console oro:price-lists:pl-storage-reorganize


The oro:price-lists:schedule-recalculate command schedules recalculation of combined price lists and product prices.

php bin/console oro:price-lists:schedule-recalculate

Use the --customer, --customer-group or --website options to recalculate only the prices related to the specified customers, customer groups or websites:

php bin/console oro:price-lists:schedule-recalculate --customer=<ID1> --customer=<ID2> --customer=<IDN>
php bin/console oro:price-lists:schedule-recalculate --customer-group=<ID1> --customer-group=<ID2> --customer-group=<IDN>
php bin/console oro:price-lists:schedule-recalculate --website=<ID1> --website=<ID2> --website=<IDN>

The --price-list option can limit the scope of the recalculations to the combined price lists that are derived from the specified price lists:

php bin/console oro:price-lists:schedule-recalculate --price-list=<ID1> --price-list=<ID2> --price-list=<IDN>

If the price calculation rules refer to other price lists, the –include-dependent option can be used to propagate the changes to all affected price lists:

php bin/console oro:price-lists:schedule-recalculate --include-dependent --price-list=<ID1> --price-list=<ID2> --price-list=<IDN>

This command can also be used with the --all option to recalculate all combined price lists in the system:

php bin/console oro:price-lists:schedule-recalculate --all


The oro:price-lists:switch-pricing-storage command switches pricing store type. Supported values: flat, combined.

php bin/console oro:price-lists:switch-pricing-storage <storage>

The flat price list storage allows no more than one price list association per record (website, customer group, customer) but it consumes less space and computational resources when you do not need the full power of price hierarchies and calculation formulas provided by the calculated price lists.


The oro:import:price-list:file command imports prices from a CSV file to a specified price list. Upon import completion the import log is sent to the user whose email address is provided in the --email option.

php bin/console oro:import:price-list:file --priceListId=<ID> --email=<email> <file>

The --validation option can be used to perform data validation instead of actual import:

php bin/console oro:import:price-list:file --priceListId=<ID> --email=<email> --validation <file>