
You are browsing documentation for version 5.0 of OroCommerce, supported until January 2025. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.

See our Release Process documentation for more information on the currently supported and upcoming releases.

Generating Image and File URLs 

File URL Providers 

To generate a URL for an image or a file, use the oro_attachment.provider.file_url service backed by a chain of classes that implement Oro\Bundle\AttachmentBundle\Provider\FileUrlProviderInterface with the following methods:

  • getFileUrl - to get a URL for downloading the specified file.

  • getFilteredImageUrl - to get a URL for displaying an image represented by the specified file and with an applied LiipImagine filter.

  • getResizedImageUrl - to get a URL for displaying an image represented by the specified file and resized to the specified width and height.


The same methods for generating URLs are provided by the oro_attachment.manager service, which is the facade with common methods required when working with files.

// Generates a URL for resized image of $image with $filterName LiipImagine filter.
$imageUrl = $this->fileUrlProvider->getFilteredImageUrl($image, $filterName);
// Generates a URL for resized image of $image with $filterName LiipImagine filter and converted to 'webp' format.
// Extension 'webp' will be appended to the filename.
$webpImageUrl = $this->fileUrlProvider->getFilteredImageUrl($image, $filterName, 'webp');

Custom URL Provider 

In order to hook into the logic of generating a URL for a file or image, decorate service oro_attachment.provider.file_url with a class that implements the Oro\Bundle\AttachmentBundle\Provider\FileUrlProviderInterface interface. For example:

     class CustomUrlProvider implements FileUrlProviderInterface
         private FileUrlProviderInterface $innerFileUrlProvider;

         public function __construct(FileUrlProviderInterface $innerFileUrlProvider)
             $this->innerFileUrlProvider = $innerFileUrlProvider;

         public function getFileUrl(File $file, string $action = self::FILE_ACTION_GET, int $referenceType = UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_PATH): string
             return 'custom url here';

         public function getResizedImageUrl(File $file, int $width, int $height, string $format = '', int $referenceType = UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_PATH): string
             return 'custom url here';

         public function getFilteredImageUrl(File $file, string $filterName, string $format = '', int $referenceType = UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_PATH): string
             if (/* custom condition here */) {
                 /* custom logic here */
                 return '';

             // Pass the control to the decorated class if the custom condition is not satisfied.
             return $this->innerFileUrlProvider->getFilteredImageUrl($file, $filterName, $format, $referenceType);
             class: Acme\Bundle\AppBundle\CustomFileUrlProvider
             decorates: oro_attachment.provider.file_url
                 - '@.inner'

Custom Filename Provider 

To hook into the logic of generating a filename for a file or image, decorate service oro_attachment.provider.file_name with a class that implements the Oro\Bundle\AttachmentBundle\Provider\FileNameProviderInterface interface. For example:

     use Oro\Bundle\AttachmentBundle\Entity\File;
     use Oro\Bundle\AttachmentBundle\Provider\FileNameProviderInterface;
     use Oro\Bundle\AttachmentBundle\Tools\FilenameExtensionHelper;
     use Oro\Bundle\AttachmentBundle\Tools\FilenameSanitizer;
     use Oro\Bundle\CatalogBundle\Entity\Category;
     use Oro\Bundle\CatalogBundle\Entity\Repository\CategoryRepository;
     use Oro\Bundle\EntityBundle\ORM\DoctrineHelper;
     use Oro\Bundle\ProductBundle\Entity\Brand;
     use Oro\Bundle\ProductBundle\Entity\Product;
     use Oro\Bundle\ProductBundle\Entity\ProductImage;

      * Uses a sanitized filename including the product name, brand name and category name for Product Images.
     class CustomFileNameProvider implements FileNameProviderInterface
         private const SEPARATOR = '-';

         private FileNameProviderInterface $innerProvider;

         private DoctrineHelper $doctrineHelper;

         public function __construct(
             FileNameProviderInterface $innerProvider,
             DoctrineHelper $doctrineHelper
         ) {
             $this->innerProvider = $innerProvider;
             $this->doctrineHelper = $doctrineHelper;

         public function getFileName(File $file): string
             if (!$this->isApplicable($file)) {
                 return $this->innerProvider->getFileName($file);

             return $this->getNameWithFormat($file);

         public function getFilteredImageName(File $file, string $filterName, string $format = ''): string
             if (!$this->isApplicable($file)) {
                 return $this->innerProvider->getFilteredImageName($file, $filterName, $format);

             return $this->getNameWithFormat($file, $format);

         public function getResizedImageName(File $file, int $width, int $height, string $format = ''): string
             if (!$this->isApplicable($file)) {
                 return $this->innerProvider->getResizedImageName($file, $width, $height, $format);

             return $this->getNameWithFormat($file, $format);

         private function getNameWithFormat(File $file, string $format = ''): string
             $extension = $file->getExtension() ?? pathinfo($file->getFilename(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
             $filename = str_replace(
                 '.' . $extension,

             $parentEntity = $this->getParentEntity($file);
             if ($parentEntity instanceof ProductImage) {
                 $product = $parentEntity->getProduct();

                 $brandName = $this->getBrandName($product);
                 if ($brandName) {
                     $filename .= self::SEPARATOR . $brandName;

                 $categoryTitle = $this->getCategoryTitle($product);
                 if ($categoryTitle) {
                     $filename .= self::SEPARATOR . $categoryTitle;

                 $filename .= self::SEPARATOR . $product->getDefaultName();

             $filename .= '.' . $extension;
             $filename = FilenameExtensionHelper::addExtension($filename, $format);

             return FilenameSanitizer::sanitizeFilename($filename);

          * Provider is applicable for files uploaded as Product Images.
         private function isApplicable(File $file): bool
             return $file->getParentEntityClass() === ProductImage::class
                 && $file->getOriginalFilename();

         private function getParentEntity(File $file): ?ProductImage
             $parentEntityClass = $file->getParentEntityClass();
             if (!$parentEntityClass) {
                 return null;

             $parentEntityId = $file->getParentEntityId();
             if (!$parentEntityId) {
                 return null;

             return $this->doctrineHelper->getEntity($parentEntityClass, $parentEntityId);

         private function getCategoryTitle(Product $product): ?string
             /** @var CategoryRepository $repository */
             $repository = $this->doctrineHelper->getEntityRepository('OroCatalogBundle:Category');
             $category = $repository->findOneByProduct($product);

             if ($category instanceof Category) {
                 return $category->getDenormalizedDefaultTitle();

             return null;

         private function getBrandName(Product $product): ?string
             $brand = $product->getBrand();
             if ($brand instanceof Brand) {
                 return $brand->getDefaultName();

             return null;
             class: Acme\Bundle\AppBundle\Provider\CustomFileNameProvider
             decorates: oro_attachment.provider.file_name
             decoration_priority: -200
                 - '@.inner'
                 - '@oro_entity.doctrine_helper'

Image and File URLs in TWIG 

OroAttachmentBundle provides the following TWIG functions for images and files:

  • file_url - to get a URL for downloading the specified file. Uses Oro\Bundle\AttachmentBundle\Provider\FileUrlProviderInterface::getFileUrl() under-the-hood.

  • file_size - to get a formatted size for the specified file.

  • resized_image_url - to get a URL for displaying a image represented by the specified file and resized to the specified width and height. Uses Oro\Bundle\AttachmentBundle\Provider\FileUrlProviderInterface::getFileUrl() under the hood.

  • filtered_image_url - to get a URL for displaying a image represented by the specified file and with applied LiipImagine filter. Uses Oro\Bundle\AttachmentBundle\Provider\FileUrlProviderInterface::getFileUrl() under the hood.

  • oro_attachment_icon - to get a CSS class adding an icon for the specified file depending on its mime type.

  • oro_type_is_image - to check if the specified file represents an image.

  • oro_file_icons_config - to get a full list of icons CSS classes by mime types.

  • oro_file_view - to get a rendered view of a file. Uses @OroAttachment/Twig/file.html.twig under-the-hood.

  • oro_image_view - to get a rendered view of an image. Uses @OroAttachment/Twig/image.html.twig under-the-hood.

  • oro_resized_picture_sources - to get a collection of sources (URLs) to the resized image represented by the specified file. Should be used in a <picture> tag.

  • oro_filtered_picture_sources - to get a collection of sources (URLs) to the resized image represented by the specified file, with the LiipImagine filter applied. Should be used in a <picture> tag.

  • oro_file_title - to get a title (e.g. original filename) for the specified file. Uses Oro\Bundle\AttachmentBundle\Provider\FileTitleProviderInterface under-the-hood.

See Oro\Bundle\AttachmentBundle\Twig\FileExtension for more information on functions arguments.