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Autocomplete Form Type
Autocomplete element is based on Select2 form type. In case when autocomplete functionality is required for static selects or for entity-based selects, generic Select2*Type form types may be used. For example:
To add more complex support of AJAX-based data sources, type OroJquerySelect2HiddenType was created
The key differences from Select2HiddenType are:
Support of configuration based autocompletion
Selected value text is shown on the entity edit form
Pre-configured ability to work with doctrine entities and grids
Form Type Configuration
Suppose there is a form type that should have a field with the support of autocomplete powered by Select2 jQuery plugin:
class ProductType extends AbstractType
* {@inheritdoc}
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
'autocomplete_alias' => 'users',
// Default values
'configs' => [
'component' => 'autocomplete',
'placeholder' => 'Choose a value...',
'allowClear' => true,
'minimumInputLength' => 1,
'route_name' => 'oro_form_autocomplete_search',
'allowCreateNew' => true,
'renderedPropertyName' => 'fullName'
// ...
Minimum required configuration with use of “autocomplete_alias”:
class ProductType extends AbstractType
* {@inheritdoc}
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
'autocomplete_alias' => 'users'
// ...
Configuration without “autocomplete_alias”:
class ProductType extends AbstractType
* {@inheritdoc}
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
'converter' => $this->converter,
'configs' => [
'properties' => [],
'route' => 'some_route',
'entity_class' => UserFullyQualifiedClassName::class
// ...
This option refers to a service configured with tag “oro_form.autocomplete.search_handler”. The details of the service configuration are described in the Search Handler Service section below. If this option is set, the following options will be initiated if they are empty: entity_class,, converter, configs.extra_config (“autocomplete”)
Entity class (optional if “autocomplete_alias” option is provided).
The object that implements Oro\Bundle\FormBundle\Autocomplete\ConverterInterface
will be used to convert bind entity into an array to use in the select2 plugin.
This option can be omitted if option “autocomplete_alias” is provided.
The list of properties that will be used in the view to convert a json object into a string that will be displayed in the select options (optional if “autocomplete_alias” option is provided).
This option specifies the Select2Component that will be used to configure Select2 jQuery plugin. Make sure that the component with the name oro/select2-%component%-component is defined in jsmodules.yml. For example, config.component with value autocomplete refers to the module oro/select2-autocomplete-component and the path to this module name is specified in Resources/config/jsmodules.yml
oro/select2-autocomplete-component$: oroform/js/app/components/select2-autocomplete-component
- oro/select2-autocomplete-component
There are several predefined values that you can use:
autocomplete (module name
)grid (module name
)relation (module name
To extend select2 configuration, you can define your own component name (e.g., my-autocomplete) and create the component (extending from some Select2Component):
import Select2AutocompleteComponent from 'oro/select2-autocomplete-component'
const Select2MyAutocompleteComponent = Select2AutocompleteComponent.extend({
constructor: function Select2MyAutocompleteComponent() {
Select2MyAutocompleteComponent.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
makeQuery: (query, configs) => query + ';' + configs.entity_id
export default Select2MyAutocompleteComponent;
Next, declare this module name in the configuration of JS modules:
oro/select2-my-autocomplete-component$: mybundle/js/app/components/select2-my-autocomplete-component
- oro/select2-my-autocomplete-component
The name of the Twig template that contains the underscore.js template. This template will be used in dropdown list to render each result row. Example of template:
<%= highlight(firstName) %> <%= highlight(lastName) %> (<%= highlight(email) %>) %>)
The difference from “selection_template_twig” is that it will be used to render the value when it is selected.
A string that will be displayed when field doesn’t have a value.
Controls possibility to make the selected value empty.
The count of characters that should be typed before the request to the remote server is sent.
The URL of this route will be used by the select2 plugin to interact with the search handler.
By default Oro\Bundle\FormBundle\Controller\AutocompleteController::searchAction
is used
but you can implement your own action and use it by referencing it via route_name.
When this option is set, select2 plugin gives the possibility to create a new item. When a user inputs a value into a search field, the plugin creates a new item. Be aware that you cannot use plain id in the input value in case of a new item. The plugin will set value as JSON with a ‘value’ property for a new item. For instance, value: “My new item” for new one. The backend part should support such format as well. For existing items, the value is a plain id.
The value of this option will be used to create a new item to be displayed correctly with the option template. If is not set, the plugin uses the ‘name’ property.
Search Handler Service
This service has several responsibilities:
searching for results that match the queries when a user types characters in a field of a web page
converting each found entity into an associated array that will be used on the side of view and particularly in the js code that renders search results
providing information about the entity class name that is handled, this information is used in the form type to transform id into an entity object using a transformer.
To declare a search handler service and make it possible to reference it using option “autocomplete_alias”, add the following declaration:
parent: oro_form.autocomplete.search_handler
- 'Acme\DemoBundle\Entity\EntityName' # pass class name of entity
- ['firstName', 'lastName'] # pass properties that should be transported to the client
- { name: oro_form.autocomplete.search_handler, alias: users, acl_resource: user_acl_resource }
After this “oro_jqueryselect2_hidden” form type can receive option “autocomplete_alias” with value “users”.
This services receives a class name of the entity that will be used by the form type and during search requests. It also receives the names of properties that control what data will be transported to the select2 javascript widget.
These services can be children of abstract service “oro_form.autocomplete.search_handler”, but if you need your
own implementation of the search handler, implement Oro\Bundle\FormBundle\Autocomplete\SearchHandlerInterface
Each tag “oro_form.autocomplete.search_handler” can contain attribute “acl_resource” that references to an ACL resource
that should be granted to user that performs autocomplete request. This feature works only if you use the default implementation
of the autocomplete search action Oro\Bundle\FormBundle\Controller\AutocompleteController::searchAction
If you use custom “configs.route_name” option it’s on your own to check user permissions.
Iteraction of Server and Javascript
The server action receives the following parameters from the client:
name - alias of search handler that is specified using tag “oro_form.autocomplete.search_handler”
query - search string
page - number of pages to return
per_page - how many records service should return
Select2 plugin on the client-side expects a response in the following format:
"results": [{"id": 1, "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe"}, {...}, ...]
"more": true|false
Properties “firstName” and “lastName” are configured in the search handler service.
Dependency on OroSearchBundle
The default implementation of the search handler is based on the functionality of OroSearchBundle. If you use this implementation, your entity should be properly configured in the way that OroSearchBundle allows.
Dependency on OroSecurityBundle
As each autocomplete can be protected using ACL-resource, it has dependency on OroSecurityBundle.