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OroNavigationBundle introduces menu navigation structures in the Oro application UI, enables developers to define menus using YAML configuration files or menu builder services, and provides a possibility for application users to adjust existing menus in the system menu management UI.

Create a Menu 

Define Menu with PHP Builder 

To create a menu with PHP Builder, register it as the oro_menu.builder tag in the services.yml and add an alias attribute used as a menu identifier.

# services.yml
       - { name: oro_menu.builder, alias: main }

All menu builders must implement Oro\Menu\BuilderInterface with the build() method. In the build() method, bundles manipulate the menu items. All builders are collected in BuilderChainProvider, which is registered in the system as Knp\Menu Provider. Configurations are collected in the Extension and passed into the Configuration class. In the future, more additional configurations can be created, for example, to get menu configurations from annotations or some persistent storage like a database. Once the menu structure is created, the oro_menu.configure.<menu_alias> event is dispatched, with MenuItem and MenuFactory available.

  namespace Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Menu;

  use Knp\Menu\ItemInterface;
  use Oro\Bundle\NavigationBundle\Menu\BuilderInterface;

  class MainMenuBuilder implements BuilderInterface
      public function build(ItemInterface $menu, array $options = array(), $alias = null)
          $menu->setExtra('type', 'navbar');
          $menu->addChild('Homepage', array('route' => 'oro_menu_index', 'extras' => array('position' => 10)));
          $menu->addChild('Users', array('route' => 'oro_menu_test', 'extras' => array('position' => 2)));

Declare Menu in YAML 

The YAML file with the default menu declaration is located in Oro/NavigationBundle/Resources/config/oro/navigation.yml. In addition to this menu, each bundle can have its own menu, located in SomeBundleName/Resource/config/oro/navigation.yml. Both types of declaration files have the same format:

            <menu_type>:                          # menu type code
                template: <template>              # path to custom template for renderer
                clear_matcher: <option_value>
                depth: <option_value>
                current_as_link: <option_value>
                current_class: <option_value>
                ancestor_class: <option_value>
                first_class: <option_value>
                last_class: <option_value>
                compressed: <option_value>
                block: <option_value>
                root_class: <option_value>
                is_dropdown: <option_value>

        items: #menu items
            <key>: # menu item identifier. used as default value for name, route and label, if it not set in options
                acl_resource_id: <string>           # ACL resource Id
                translate_domain: <domain_name>     # translation domain
                translate_parameters:               # translation parameters
                label: <label>                      # label text or translation string template
                name:  <name>                       # name of menu item, used as default for route
                uri: <uri_string>                   # uri string, if no route parameter set
                read_only: <boolean>                # disable ability to edit menu item in UI
                route: <route_name>                 # route name for uri generation, if not set and uri not set - loads from key
                route_parameters:                   # router parameters
                attributes: <attr_list>             # <li> item attributes
                link_attributes: <attr_list>        # <a> anchor attributes
                label_attributes: <attr_list>       # <span> attributes for text items without link
                children_attributes: <attr_list>    # <ul> item attributes for nested lists
                show_non_authorized: <boolean>      # show for non-authorized users
                display: <boolean>                  # disable showing of menu item
                display_children: <boolean>         # disable showing of menu item children
                position: <integer>                 # menu item position
                extras:                             # extra parameters for container renderer
                    brand: <string>
                    brandLink: <string>

            <menu_alias>                            # menu alias
                type: <menu_type>                   # menu type code. Link to menu template section.
                scope_type: <string>                # menu scope type identifier
                read_only: <boolean>                # disable ability to edit menu in UI
                max_nesting_level: <integer>        # menu max nesting level
                children:                           # submenu items
                    <links to items hierarchy>
                        merge_strategy: <strategy>  # node merge strategy. possible strategies are replace|move
                            <links to items hierarchy>

There are two possible options to change the merge strategy of the tree node:

  • move (default) - the node with the same name will be removed and replaced in the tree. Node children will be merged with the found node children

  • replace - the node with same name and children will be removed and replaced in the tree with current node definition

Configuration builder reads all navigation.yml and merges it into one menu configuration. Therefore, you can add or replace any menu item from his bundles and prioritize the loading and rewriting of the menu configuration options via sorting bundles in AppKernel.php.


Do not use duplicated item keys in the menu tree; these keys must be unique. We strongly recommend adding unique prefixes (namespaces) for your menu items. For example: acme_my_menu_item instead of my_menu_item.

Page Titles 

NavigationBundle helps to manage page titles for all routes and supports titles translation. Route titles can be defined in the navigation.yml file:

    route_name_1: "%parameter% - Title"
    route_name_2: "Edit %parameter% record"
    route_name_3: "Static title"

The title can be defined with annotation together with route annotation:

@TitleTemplate("Route title with %parameter%")

Render Menus 

Use twig-extension with template method oro_menu_render to work with the configuration loaded from YAML files when rendering the menu. This renderer takes options from the YAML configs (‘templates’ section), merges them with options from the method arguments, and calls KmpMenu renderer with the resulting options.

{% block content %}
    <h1>Example menu</h1>
    {{ oro_menu_render('navbar') }}
    {{ oro_menu_render('navbar', array('template' => '@SomeUser/Menu/customdesign.html.twig')) }}
{% endblock content %}

Disable Menu Items 

The NavigationBundle offers a FeatureConfigurationExtension which introduces the navigation_items feature configuration option, which, if a menu item is defined in the feature definition in features.yml, enables you to disable a menu item as in the example below. The option supports 2 separators for the menu path: . and >.

    - 'menu.submenu.child'
    - 'menu > submenu > child'

Configure Breadcrumbs 

The goal of the breadcrumb provider is to provide the possibility to show breadcrumbs based on a specific menu defined in navigation.yml. You can get the breadcrumbs through any existing menu alias (see Declare Menu in YAML). And menu can be created and used for breadcrumbs structure only.

Render Breadcrumb in Layouts 

To use a breadcrumb provider, create a layout update with a predefined block type breadcrumbs and option menu_name:

             id: oro_customer_menu
             root: page_sidebar
         - '@add':
             id: breadcrumbs
             parentId: page_main_header
             blockType: breadcrumbs                         #block type
                 menu_name: "oro_customer_breadcrumbs_menu" #menu alias

Usage of Breadcrumbs Block Type 

To get breadcrumbs from a custom data provider, create a layout update with predefined block type breadcrumbs and option breadcrumbs:

         - '@setBlockTheme':
             themes: '@OroWebCatalog/layouts/blank/oro_product_frontend_product_index/product_index.html.twig'
         - '@addTree':
                     blockType: breadcrumbs
                         breadcrumbs: '=data["category_breadcrumbs"].getItems()'

After rendering of breadcrumbs block type, you should see menu labels separated by slashes. All breadcrumb items can be clickable, except for the last one that represents the current page.