
You are browsing documentation for version 5.0 of OroCommerce, supported until January 2025. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.

See our Release Process documentation for more information on the currently supported and upcoming releases.

CLI Commands (NavigationBundle) 


The oro:navigation:history:clear command clears old navigation history.

php bin/console oro:navigation:history:clear

The –interval option can be used to override the default time interval (1 day) past which a navigation history item is considered old. It accepts any relative date/time format recognized by PHP (see Supported Date and Time Formats):

php bin/console oro:navigation:history:clear --interval=<relative-date>
php bin/console oro:navigation:history:clear --interval="15 minutes"
php bin/console oro:navigation:history:clear --interval="3 days"


The oro:navigation:menu:reset command resets all menu updates.

php bin/console oro:navigation:menu:reset

The –user option can be used to reset menu updates for a specific user:

php bin/console oro:navigation:menu:reset --user=<user-email>

The –menu option can be used to reset only a specific menu:

php bin/console oro:navigation:menu:reset --menu=<menu-name>

Both options can be combined to further limit the scope being reset.

php bin/console oro:navigation:menu:reset --user=<user-email> --menu=<menu-name>