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TWIG Placeholders 

Introduction to Placeholders 

In order to improve layouts and make them more flexible, a new twig token placeholder is implemented. It enables us to combine several blocks (templates or actions) and output them in different places in twig templates. This way we can customize layouts without modifying twig templates.

Placeholder Declaration in YAML 

Placeholders can be defined in any bundle under /SomeBundleName/Resource/oro/placeholders.yml

    items:                             # items to use in placeholders (templates or actions)
     <item_name>:                      # any unique identifier
        template: <template>           # path to custom template for renderer
        action: <action>               # action name (e.g. OroSearchBundle:Search:searchBar)

            order: 100                 # sort order in placeholder
            order: 200
          <one_more_item_name>: ~      # sort order will be set to 0

Any configuration defined in bundle placeholders.yml file can be overridden in the config/config.yml file.

                    remove: true   # remove item from placeholder
                    order: 200     # change item order in placeholder

Each placeholder item can have the following properties:

  • template or action - The path to TWIG template or controller action is used to rendering the item.

  • applicable - The condition indicates whether the item can be rendered or not.

  • acl - The ACL resource(s). Can be a string or array of strings. Can be used to restrict access to the item. If several ACL resources are provided an access is granted only if all of them grant an access.

  • data - An additional data to be passed to TWIG template or controller.

Each property can be a constant or some expression supported by System Aware Resolver Component. Examples can be found in existing placeholders.yml files.

Rendering Placeholders 

To render placeholder content in twig template we need to put

{% placeholder <placeholder_name> %}

Additional options can be passed to all placeholder child items using with, e.g.

{% placeholder <placeholder_name> with {'form' : form} %}