
You are browsing documentation for version 5.0 of OroCommerce, which is no longer maintained. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.

See our Release Process documentation for more information on the currently supported and upcoming releases.


A theme is a collection of files that declares a visual presentation for a group of pages. You can think of a theme as the skin for your application.

Files that the theme consists of are layout updates, styles, scripts, and anything else related to the look and feel of the page.

Out-of-the-box, OroCommerce comes with three themes: blank, default, custom.

We recommend creating your own theme if you want to customize out-of-the-box OroCommerce storefront. To create your own theme, you have to choose one of the three base themes as the parent for your own.

You can customize the core themes, but creating your own theme will enable you to switch to the core themes with a few clicks conveniently.

Theme Definition 

To define a new theme, it is enough to create a theme configuration file in the theme folder.

A theme folder

  • must have a unique name

  • must match the [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-:]* pattern

  • must be placed in the Resources/views/layouts folder of the bundle

An example of a theme folder is DemoBundle/Resources/views/layouts/first_theme/.

The theme folder name becomes the theme ID.

The theme configuration file should be placed in the theme folder and named theme.yml, for example, DemoBundle/Resources/views/layouts/first_theme/theme.yml.

The allowed options in the theme configuration file is the following:





The label displayed in the theme management UI.



The logo displayed in the UI.



Parent theme identifier



Group name or names for which it is applicable. Use commerce group for an OroCommerce application



Defines whether Theme supports RTL and additional *.rtl.cssfiles have to be build



label:  First Theme
logo:   bundles/demo/themes/images/logo.png
parent: default
groups: [ commerce ]
rtl_support: true

w here first_name is a unique theme identifier.

Enable the Theme 

Add the theme name to the following configuration in the config/config.yml file in an application, and remove themes that the application does not use:

         - first_theme
         - view-switcher

The view-switcher theme is required for the management of CMS pages and should always be enabled.

Activate the Theme 

From the Code 

To set a default storefront theme on the code level, add the following configuration to the config/config.yml file in an application:

    active_theme: first_theme

where first_theme is the theme folder name.

From UI 

To change the theme from the back-office, refer to Theme section.

To get the full configuration reference, run the oro:layout:config:dump-reference command which dumps the reference structure for Resources/views/layouts/THEME_NAME/theme.yml:

php bin/console oro:layout:config:dump-reference

Theme Layouts Directory Structure 

This is a typical theme directory structure, where AcmeDemoBundle is a bundle name:

    public/                  # Files that will be copied to
      scss/                  # `public/bundles` folder in an application
        first_theme/         # Theme name
          theme.yml          # Theme definition
            assets.yml       # SCSS configuration
            jsmodules.yml    # JS modules configuration
          layout_update1.yml # Layout updates applied for all the pages
          oro_shopping_list_frontend_view/ # Layout updates applied only for
            layout_update.yml              # `oro_shopping_list_frontend_view` route

Built-in OroCommerce Themes 

Out-of-the-box, the OroCommerce application comes with three predefined storefront themes: blank, default, and custom.

  • The blank theme is a simple theme aimed at providing the base for future decorations.

  • The default theme is a fully featured theme that extends the blank theme and provides the complete look and feel for the OroCommerce storefront UI out-of-the-box.

  • The custom theme is a sample that illustrates how to build your own custom theme.

The blank and default themes are aimed to be base for any customizations.