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Available in OroCommerce

Translate Product Attribute Options 


This section is part of the Localization and Translation concept guide that provides a general understanding of the localization and translation processes in OroCommerce.

To translate a product attribute option from English into the required language, change the default language first:

  1. Navigate to System > Configuration > System Configuration > General Setup > Localization in the main menu.

  2. In the Localization Settings, select the required localization from the list to add to Enabled Localizations.

    Add another supported language to the application in the system configuration


    Make sure you have created the corresponding localization in the System > Localization > Localizations menu to make them available in the list.

  3. Click Save Settings.

  4. Navigate to your user configuration by clicking on your user name on the top right of the page and clicking My Configuration.

    User configuration menu
  5. Clear the Use Organization checkbox and set the localization that you have just added (e.g., German) as the default language for your application and for the UI system elements and content displayed in the back-office and in the storefront.

    Changing the default language on user level
  6. Click Save Settings.

Once the default language is changed, update the label for the required product attributes:

  1. Navigate to Products > Product Attributes in the main menu.

    Navigating to the product attributes menu
  2. Open the edit page of the required product attribute.

    Editing a product attribute from the grid
  3. Update the text for the label.

    The product attribute label translated once the application language on use level is updated


Keep in mind that if an attribute is of a select or multi-select type, you can provide a proper translation to its options directly from the attribute edit page.

Translating the attribute options to German
  1. Click Save and Close (or its version in your default language).

  2. Update the translation cache by clicking on the link in the pop-up dialog.

    Click on the link to update cache once the label is translated
  3. Once you are redirected to the translations page, click Update Cache (or its version in your default language) on the top right.

    Update translation cache

The product attribute label and it options are updated in the storefront.

Updated product attribute label in the storefront
Translating the label from English using the key filter


To translate any UI system element, label, or a popup message, read the related documentation.