
You are browsing upcoming documentation for version 6.1 of OroCommerce, scheduled for release in 2025. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.

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This attribute is used to configure default values for properties of configurable entity classes.



Configures default values for particular config options on a per property basis:

// ...
use Oro\Bundle\EntityConfigBundle\Metadata\Attribute\ConfigField;

class User
        defaultValues: [
            "dataaudit" => ["auditable" => true]
    private $username;

This example sets the auditable option from the dataaudit scope to true for the username property in the User class.


  • is_stored_externally boolean - indicates whether the file referenced by this field is stored externally on a third party service. If enabled, the external URL text input is displayed instead of the file upload input. The URLs of the external files should be publicly available. The system will not process, resize or modify the files that are stored externally. By default false.

  • acl_protected boolean - indicates whether acl check should be applied when loading or displaying attachments. Each ACL-protected entity must have an ownership type. Various entities can act as one, such as a user, a business unit, an organization. By default false.

  • file_applications - the list of all allowed file applications. Possible values are: ‘file’, ‘image’, ‘wysiwyg’, ‘wysiwyg_styles’, ‘multiFile’, ‘multiImage’,’default’. By default default.

  • use_dam boolean - indicates whether to use DAM (Digital Asset Management) to upload a file. OroDigitalAssetBundle bundle provides the Digital Asset Management (DAM) functionality and CRUD for digital assets. It can be enabled for fields of type File and Image in the back-office UI both via the entity management and field configuration.

  • maxsize integer - sets the max size of an uploaded file in megabytes.

  • width integer - sets width for a picture thumbnail in pixels.

  • height integer - sets height for a picture thumbnail in pixels.

  • mimetypes string - the list of all allowed MIME types. MIME types are delimited by linefeed (n) symbol. Example of values: ‘image/jpeg’, ‘image/gif’, ‘application/pdf’.

  • max_number_of_files integer - sets the max number of files.

  • immutable boolean - is used to prohibit changing the attachment association state (regardless of whether it is enabled or not) for the entity. If TRUE, then the current state cannot be changed.


Attribute fields have a dedicated CRUD and field types, similarly to the extend fields.

  • is_attribute boolean - must be set to ‘true’ to enable the ‘attribute’ functionality.

  • is_system boolean - if set to true, the field is treated as a built-in, which means that it cannot be modified or removed via the UI.

  • searchable boolean - controls whether attribute content can be searched for in the storefront.

  • filterable boolean - controls whether the attribute can be filtered.

  • filter_by string - defines the type of filtering to be applied to the attribute. It is applied only to those fields that have string representation in the search index. This parameter can have the following values: ‘exact_value’, ‘fulltext_search’.

  • sortable boolean - controls if the attribute can be sorted.

  • is_global boolean - defines whether the attribute was created in the global organization.

  • field_name string - defines an attribute field name.

  • organization_id integer - defines the id of a specific organization.

  • search_boost integer - enables you to influence the relevancy ranking of the search results by the value of the attributes.

  • immutable boolean - is used to prohibit changing the attribute association state (regardless of whether it is enabled or not) for the entity. If TRUE, then the current state cannot be changed.


Add a property of an entity to the changelog.

  • auditable boolean - if set to true, any changes to this field become traceable.

  • propagate boolean - use the option to enable reverse side audit for the relations.

  • immutable boolean - this attribute can be used to prohibit changing the auditable state (regardless of whether it is enabled or not) for the entity field. If TRUE, then the current state cannot be changed.


Contain some settings for the datagrid screen.

  • is_visible boolean - if set to true, the field is displayed as the datagrid column.

  • show_filter boolean - if set to true, the field is displayed in the datagrid filter.

  • order integer - enables you to change datagrid column position.

  • immutable boolean - is used to prohibit changing the datagrid association state (regardless of whether it is enabled or not) for the entity. If TRUE, then the current state cannot be changed.


OroDraftBundle enables you too edit and publish a version of a draftable entity record that requires more work to be finished.

  • draftable boolean - defines whether field can involved in the draft operation.

  • immutable boolean - is used to prohibit changing the draftable association state (regardless of whether it is enabled or not) for the entity. If TRUE, then the current state cannot be changed.


Sets default settings for OroEmailBundle.

  • available_in_template boolean - if set to true, the field can be used in email templates.

  • immutable boolean - is used to prohibit changing the email association state (regardless of whether it is enabled or not) for the entity. If TRUE, then the current state cannot be changed.


Contain settings for the entity UI.

  • label string - enables you to change the label of the field.

  • description string - enables you to change the description of the field.

  • contact_information string - enables you to change contact information (phone or email) for the entity. Each contact_information type requires its own template. E.g. phone => “@OroMarketingList/MarketingList/ExtendField/phone.html.twig”.

  • actualize_owning_side_on_change boolean - if set to true, the “Updated At” and “Updated By” fields of the owning entity will be updated on collection item updates. Applicable for ref-many and oneToMany relations only.

  • immutable boolean - is used to prohibit changing the entity association state (regardless of whether it is enabled or not) for the entity. If TRUE, then the current state cannot be changed.


The enum functionality is described in Option Set Fields documentation.

  • enum_code string - sets the code name of the options list to the field.

  • enum_locale string - the locale name in which an enum name and options labels are entered. This is a temporary attribute used to allow creating an enum on a field edit page. As part of the schema update procedure, the value of this attribute is removed.

  • enum_name string - the name of an enum linked to a field. This is a temporary attribute used to allow creating an enum on a field edit page. The value of this attribute is used as a label for an entity that is used to store enum options, and then as part of the field reference update procedure, it is removed.

  • enum_public boolean - indicates whether an enum is public or not. This temporary attribute is used to create/edit an enum on a field edit page. As part of the schema update procedure, the value of this attribute is moved to the entity.enum.public attribute. This flag cannot be changed for system enums (owner=’system’).

  • enum_options array - the list of enum options. This temporary attribute is used to create/edit an enum on a field edit page. As part of the schema update procedure, the value of this attribute is moved to a table that is used to store enum values.

  • immutable boolean - is used to prohibit changing the enum association state (regardless of whether it is enabled or not) for the entity. If TRUE, then the current state cannot be changed.


This attribute sets default settings for Extend Entities.

  • is_extend boolean - switches to the ‘extend’ functionality.

  • is_serialized boolean - if set to true, the field data is saved in the serialized_data column without doctrine schema update.

  • without_default boolean - indicates whether a relation has default value or not. Applicable only to many-to-many or one-to-many relations. If not specified or FALSE, the relation has the default value.

  • cascade - The names of persistence operations to cascade on the relation. Possible values are: ‘persist’, ‘remove’, ‘detach’, ‘merge’, ‘refresh’, ‘all’. Note that the ‘detach’ operation for many-to-one and one-to-many relations is applied by default and this cannot be changed through the configuration. This attribute is applicable to any type of relations. See Doctrine’s documentation for more details.

  • bidirectional boolean - a relation feature parameter, check Doctrine’s documentation for more details.

  • on_delete string - defines what happens with related rows ‘on delete’. Possible value are: ‘CASCADE’, ‘SET NULL’, ‘RESTRICT’.

  • orphanRemoval boolean - There is concept of cascading that is relevant only when removing entities from collections. If an Entity of type A contains references to a privately owned Entity B, and if the reference from A to B is removed, then entity B should also be removed as it is no longer used. OrphanRemoval works with one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many associations. See Doctrine’s documentation for more details.

  • target_entity string - the target entity class name.

  • target_title string[] - the list of field names in the target entity used to show the title of a related entity. This attribute is applicable to many-to-many and one-to-many relations.

  • target_detailed string[] - the list of field names in the target entity used to show detailed information about a related entity. This attribute is applicable to many-to-many and one-to-many relations.

  • target_grid string[] - the list of field names in the target entity used to show a related entity in the grid. This attribute is applicable to many-to-many and one-to-many relations.

  • relation_key string - can be built by the ExtendHelper::buildRelationKey method. The attribute is in the following format: ‘relation_type’, ‘owning_entity’, ‘target_entity’,’field_name_in_owning_entity’.

  • target_field string - the field name in the target entity used to show a related entity. This attribute is applicable to many-to-one relations.

  • fetch string - the type of fetch mode for the relation. Possible values are ‘lazy’, ‘extra_lazy’, and ‘eager’.

  • immutable boolean - is used to prohibit changing the extend association state (regardless of whether it is enabled or not) for the entity. If TRUE, then the current state cannot be changed.

It also can have the following parameters: owner, state, is_deleted, nullable, default, length, precision, scale.


You can set up an entity field to fall back to a different entity’s field value. More information is available in the Entity Fallback Values topic.

  • fallbackList array - contains a list of possible fallback entities.

  • fallbackType string - specifies the type of the field value.

  • immutable boolean - is used to prohibit changing the fallback association state (regardless of whether it is enabled or not) for the entity. If TRUE, then the current state cannot be changed.


The attribute specifies a custom form type for the field.

  • is_enabled boolean - enables the ‘form’ functionality.

  • form_type or type string - form type for a specific field. Example: Oro\Bundle\FormBundle\Form\Type\OroPercentType.

  • form_options boolean - form options for a specific field. For more information, see Symfony Form Type Options .

  • immutable boolean - is used to prohibit changing the form association state (regardless of whether it is enabled or not) for the entity. If TRUE, then the current state cannot be changed.


Set default parameters for the storefront view pages.

  • is_displayable boolean - defines if the field is visible or hidden.

  • is_editable boolean - defines if the field is enabled in the storefront forms.

  • immutable boolean - is used to prohibit changing the frontend association state (regardless of whether it is enabled or not) for the entity. If TRUE, then the current state cannot be changed.


OroImportExportBundle helps developers enable the UI for the application users to export entity records to files, import them back to the application, and configure the import/export options for entity fields in the entity management UI.

  • identity boolean - fields with this option are used to identify (search) the entity. You can use multiple identity fields for one entity.

  • excluded boolean - fields with this option cannot be exported.

  • order integer - used to configure a custom column order.

  • full boolean - all related entity fields’ are exported. Fields with the excluded option are skipped. If the option is set to false (the default value), only fields with an identity are exported.

  • short boolean - related entities with this option will be exported if they contain identity fields (the default value is false).

  • process_as_scalar boolean - defines whether a relation field is processed as scalar value when exporting data.

  • header string - sets a custom field header. By default, field label is used.

  • fallback_field string - attribute name of related localized fallback values (the default value is ‘string’). Will work if entity data converter extends Oro\Bundle\LocaleBundle\ImportExport\DataConverter\LocalizedFallbackValueAwareDataConverter.

  • immutable boolean - is used to prohibit changing the import/export association state (regardless of whether it is enabled or not) for the entity. If TRUE, then the current state cannot be changed.


Settings of entity merge.

  • label string - the field label that should be displayed for this field in merge UI, value can be translated.

  • display boolean - a display merge form for this field.

  • readonly boolean - turn the field into read-only during merge.

  • merge_modes - Mode of merge with values replace and unite, which can be an array or a single mode:

    • replace - replaces one value with a selected value;

    • unite - merges all values into one (applicable to collections and lists).

  • is_collection boolean - a flag for a collection of fields. This fields supports unite mode by default.

  • cast_method - options for rendering field value in the UI. Method is used to cast value to a string (applicable only to values that are objects).

  • template string - a template can be used to render the value of a field.

  • setter - a method for setting a value to an entity.

  • getter - a method for getting a value to an entity.

  • inverse_display - can be used to see merge form for this field for an entity on the other side of relation. Let’s consider an example where the Call entity with a field referenced to Account uses ManyToOne unidirectional relation. As Account does not have access to a collection of calls the only possible place to configure calls merging for account is this field in the Call entity.

  • inverse_merge_modes - the same as merge_mode but is used for the relation entity.

  • inverse_label string - the same as label but used for the relation entity.

  • inverse_cast_method - the same as cast_method but used for the relation entity.

  • render_number_style string - a localization number type. Default localisation handler support: decimal, currency, percent, default_style, scientific, ordinal, duration, spellout.

  • render_date_type string - a type of date formatting, one of the format type constants. Possible values: NONE, FULL, LONG, MEDIUM, SHORT.

  • render_time_type string - a type of time formatting, one of the format type constants. Possible values: NONE, FULL, LONG, MEDIUM, SHORT.

  • render_datetime_pattern string - a date/time pattern. Example: ‘m/d/Y’.

  • autoescape - controls escaping of the value when rendered in the Merge table. Use ‘false’ to disable escaping for the field (i.e., RichText) or set the Twig ‘escape’ method to enable: ‘html’ (or true), ‘html_attr’, ‘css’, ‘js’, ‘url’.

  • immutable boolean - is used to prohibit changing the merge association state (regardless of whether it is enabled or not) for the entity. If TRUE, then the current state cannot be changed.


As currency functionality is represented by three fields (from entity side) we have to hide such fields from permissions configuration page and add only one that will affect all of them. Adds virtual field into permissions list, the name of such field will be taken from target property. Walks through fields with defined target in multicurrency scope and makes changes in FieldSecurityMetadata sets alias to target and isHidden to TRUE. The field with defined virtual_field in multicurrency scope is used to retrieve the label to be used for virtual field mentioned above.

  • target string - The name of virtual field.

  • virtual_field string - This attribute is used to retrieve the label to be used for virtual field target.

  • immutable boolean - is used to prohibit changing the multicurrency association state (regardless of whether it is enabled or not) for the entity. If TRUE, then the current state cannot be changed.


  • applicable - is used to specify for which organizations custom field will be visible. On the field edit page, it is represented with form type oro_type_choice_organization_type, which provides a selector for organizations (regardless of whether it is activated or not) defined in the application so that a user can select a specific organization(s) or “ALL” organizations.

  • immutable boolean - is used to prohibit changing the applicable association state (regardless of whether it is enabled or not) for the entity. If TRUE, then the current state cannot be changed.


Attributes that using to set up security functionality.

  • permissions string - The following permissions are supported for fields: VIEW, EDIT.

  • immutable boolean - is used to prohibit changing the security association state (regardless of whether it is enabled or not) for the entity. If TRUE, then the current state cannot be changed.


Attributes that using to set up Entity View Page`.

  • is_displayable boolean - Show on view.

  • priority integer - Priority of field.

  • type string - Type of view. Example: ‘html’.

  • immutable boolean - is used to prohibit changing the view association state (regardless of whether it is enabled or not) for the entity. If TRUE, then the current state cannot be changed.