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AddressValidationBundle implements an address validation feature that uses address validation aware integration to find address suggestions for the entered address and show them to the user.


The bundle adds a new feature, oro_address_validation, that enables or disables address validation for users in the storefront and in the back-office. To enable the feature, navigate to System Configuration > Commerce > Shipping > Address Validation.

Integrate a New Address Validation Service into System Configuration 

To integrate a new address validation service into the system configuration, follow these steps:

  1. Tag Your Channel Type Service

    • In your ChannelType class (which implements \Oro\Bundle\IntegrationBundle\Provider\ChannelInterface), add the service tag

    • This tag requires a unique string parameter (type), which serves as the integration name.

  2. Define the Address Validation Resolver Factory

    • Create a service that implements \Oro\Bundle\AddressValidationBundle\Resolver\Factory\AddressValidationResolverFactoryInterface.

    • This service acts as the entry point for your address validation integration.

    • It must provide the following additional services:

    • Request Factory

      • Implements \Oro\Bundle\AddressValidationBundle\Client\Request\Factory\AddressValidationRequestFactoryInterface.

      • Creates a request to your third-party integration based on the user-entered address.

    • Integration Client

      • Accepts the created request.

      • Sends the request to the third-party integration.

      • Returns a response containing the raw addresses found.

    • Resolved Address Factory

      • Implements \Oro\Bundle\AddressValidationBundle\ResolvedAddress\Factory\ResolvedAddressFactoryInterface.

      • Transforms the raw address data into a resolved address model.

Display Address Validation Dialog On Additional Storefront Form 

To display the Address Validation Dialog in the storefront, follow these steps:

  1. Implement the Address Validation Interface

    • Ensure your entity implements \Oro\Bundle\AddressValidationBundle\Model\AddressValidatedAtAwareInterface.

  2. Add the ValidatedAt Field to Your Form

    • Include the validatedAt field using \Oro\Bundle\AddressValidationBundle\Form\Type\Frontend\FrontendAddressValidatedAtType.

  3. Create the Main JavaScript Address Validation Script for the ValidatedAt Field

    • The script listens for form submissions and detects changes in the customer address book.

    • The script triggers the Address Validation Dialog when an address update occurs and processes the validation results to update the form with the verified address data.

  4. Ensure Proper Form Rendering and Data Updates

    • The main JavaScript script is responsible for either re-rendering the form or updating the existing data.

    • Be aware that the region field may also change as part of the validation process.

  5. Extend the Base JavaScript View (Optional)

    • You may extend package/customer-portal/src/Oro/Bundle/AddressValidationBundle/Resources/public/js/app/views/base-address-validated-at-view.js to reuse existing validation logic.

  6. Create a JavaScript Script for the Dialog Widget

    • You may extend package/customer-portal/src/Oro/Bundle/AddressValidationBundle/Resources/public/js/app/views/frontend-address-validation-dialog-widget.js to customize the Address Validation Dialog behavior.

  7. Render the ValidatedAt Field with Address Validation JS Script Using the ValidatedAt Field Prefix

    • Check whether the feature is enabled and correctly configured in the system settings.

    • Display the ValidatedAt field with the JavaScript address validation script.

  8. Create a Controller to Handle Address Validation Results

    • Define a controller with a route that accepts the validated address form data.

    • Extend \Oro\Bundle\AddressValidationBundle\Controller\Frontend\AbstractAddressValidationController to leverage existing validation logic.

  9. Implement Required Services for the Controller

    • Address Validation Form Factory

      • Implement \Oro\Bundle\AddressValidationBundle\Form\Factory\AddressValidationAddressFormFactoryInterface to handle request data using the appropriate form type.

    • Address Validation Result Handler

      • Implement \Oro\Bundle\AddressValidationBundle\AddressValidationResultHandler\AddressValidationResultHandlerInterface to process the form and update the validatedAt property on the entity.

  10. Display Address Validation Result Form

    • If your form includes a customer address book, render the \Oro\Bundle\AddressValidationBundle\Form\Type\Frontend\AddressBookAwareAddressValidationResultType form.

    • If your form does not include a customer address book, render the \Oro\Bundle\AddressValidationBundle\Form\Type\Frontend\AddressValidationResultType form.

Display Address Validation Dialog On Additional Back-Office Form 

To display the Address Validation Dialog in the back-office, follow these steps:

  1. Implement the Address Validation Interface

    • Ensure your entity implements \Oro\Bundle\AddressValidationBundle\Model\AddressValidatedAtAwareInterface.

  2. Add the ValidatedAt Field to Your Form

    • Include the validatedAt field using \Oro\Bundle\AddressValidationBundle\Form\Type\FrontendAddressValidatedAtType.

  3. Create the Main JavaScript Address Validation Script for the ValidatedAt Field

    • The script listens for form submissions and detects changes in the customer address book.

    • The script triggers the Address Validation Dialog when an address update occurs and processes the validation results to update the form with the verified address data.

  4. Ensure Proper Form Rendering and Data Updates

    • The main JavaScript script is responsible for either re-rendering the form or updating the existing data.

    • Be aware that the region field may also change as part of the validation process.

  5. Extend the Base JavaScript View (Optional)

    • You may extend package/customer-portal/src/Oro/Bundle/AddressValidationBundle/Resources/public/js/app/views/base-address-validated-at-view.js to reuse existing validation logic.

  6. Create a JavaScript Script for the Dialog Widget

    • You may extend package/customer-portal/src/Oro/Bundle/AddressValidationBundle/Resources/public/js/app/views/address-validation-dialog-widget.js to customize the Address Validation Dialog behavior.

  7. Render the ValidatedAt field with Address Validation JS Script Using the ValidatedAt Field Prefix

    • Check whether the feature is enabled and correctly configured in the system settings.

    • Display the ValidatedAt field with the JavaScript address validation script.

  8. Create a Controller to Handle Address Validation Results

    • Define a controller with a route that accepts the validated address form data.

    • Extend \Oro\Bundle\AddressValidationBundle\Controller\AbstractAddressValidationController to leverage existing validation logic.

  9. Implement Required Services for the Controller

    • Address Validation Form Factory

      • Implement \Oro\Bundle\AddressValidationBundle\Form\Factory\AddressValidationAddressFormFactoryInterface to handle request data using the appropriate form type.

    • Address Validation Result Handler

      • Implement \Oro\Bundle\AddressValidationBundle\AddressValidationResultHandler\AddressValidationResultHandlerInterface to process the form and update the validatedAt property on the entity.

  10. Display Address Validation Result Form

    • If your form includes a customer address book, render the \Oro\Bundle\AddressValidationBundle\Form\Type\AddressBookAwareAddressValidationResultType form.

    • If your form does not include a customer address book, render the \Oro\Bundle\AddressValidationBundle\Form\Type\AddressValidationResultType form.

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