
You are browsing upcoming documentation for version 6.1 of OroCommerce, scheduled for release in 2025. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.

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OroCustomerBundle enables B2B-customer-related features in Oro applications and provides UI to manage B2B customers, customers groups, customer users, and customer user roles in the back-office and the storefront UI.

The bundle also allows back-office administrators to configure B2B-customer-related settings in the system configuration UI for the entire system, individual organizations, and websites.

Bundle Responsibilities 

OroCustomerBundle is responsible for:

  • Customer user CRUD

  • Assigning roles to customer users

  • Activating and deactivating customer users

  • Sending welcome emails

  • Editing password and automatically generating password for a new customer user

Configure Frontend Permissions (ACL) 

OroCustomerBundle extends security model of OroSecurityBundle for entities which should be accessible for customer users in the storefront. It adds few new fields to ownership configuration of entities.

The example of the frontend permissions configuration for entity is provided below.

    defaultValues: [
        'ownership' => [
            'frontend_owner_type' => 'FRONTEND_USER',
            'frontend_owner_field_name' => 'customerUser',
            'frontend_owner_column_name' => 'customer_user_id',
            'frontend_customer_field_name' => 'customer',
            'frontend_customer_column_name' => 'customer_id'
        'security' => [
            'type' => 'ACL',
            'group_name' => 'commerce'
class SomeEntity implements ExtendEntityInterface
     * @var Customer
    #[ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity: 'Oro\Bundle\CustomerBundle\Entity\Customer')]
    #[ORM\JoinColumn(name: 'customer_id', referencedColumnName: 'id', onDelete: 'SET NULL')]
    protected $customer;

     * @var CustomerUser
    #[ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity: 'Oro\Bundle\CustomerBundle\Entity\CustomerUser')]
    #[ORM\JoinColumn(name: 'customer_user_id', referencedColumnName: 'id', nullable: true, onDelete: 'SET NULL')]
    protected $customerUser;

Configure Anonymous Customer User 

Anonymous customer user functionality consists of the sections below.


Oro\Bundle\CustomerBundle\Security\Token\AnonymousCustomerUserToken is the token class that is extended from AnonymousToken. It is tied with the CustomerVisitor entity class which persisted anonymous customer user data for later use. Besides it, the token stores the info taken from the visitor_id and session_id cookies.

$token = new AnonymousCustomerUserToken(
        $customerVisitor, //instanceof UserInterface
        $this->rolesProvider->getRoles(), // optional - array of roles
        $organization // optional - an organization

The AnonymousCustomerUserToken is created in the createToken method of Oro\Bundle\CustomerBundle\Security\AnonymousCustomerUserAuthenticationListener.

CustomerVisitor Entity 

The Oro\Bundle\CustomerBundle\Entity\CustomerVisitor class has the following properties:

  • id

  • lastVisit - tracks guest last visit datetime

  • sessionId - a unique identifier

  • customerUser - one-to-one relation to CustomerUser entity. Used to retrieve the customer info from the token.

The session id property is generated through Doctrine PrePersist Lifecycle Event:

$this->sessionId = bin2hex(random_bytes(10));



See How to Write a Custom Authenticator for more details on the custom authenticator.

The Oro\Bundle\CustomerBundle\Security\AnonymousCustomerUserAuthenticationListener class represents a significant evolution in the authentication process of the storefront’s anonymous users in Symfony 6.4. This class replaces the traditional combination of a Listener and an Authentication Provider, streamlining the process with advanced techniques and new methodologies.

Functionality and Workflow 

  1. Support Check: The supports(Request $request): bool method determines if the current request should be authenticated as a customer visitor. This involves checking the request type and the presence of an existing token in the token storage.

  2. Authentication Process: The authenticate(Request $request): Passport method is responsible for the core authentication process. It retrieves the current website and its associated organization, ensuring that they are valid and exist. It then creates an AnonymousSelfValidatingPassport with an AnonymousCustomerUserBadge, which is built using the credentials from the customer visitor cookie.

  3. Token Creation: The createToken(Passport $passport, string $firewallName): TokenInterface method generates an AnonymousCustomerUserToken. This token is populated with user, roles, organization data, and holds a CustomerVisitor object. It ensures the token is saved in the token storage for future use.

  4. Authentication Success and Failure: The methods onAuthenticationSuccess(Request $request, TokenInterface $token, string $firewallName): ?Response and onAuthenticationFailure(Request $request, AuthenticationException $exception): ?Response handle the outcomes of the authentication process, logging the appropriate information.

  5. Credential Management: The saveCredentials(Request $request, Passport $passport): void method manages the credentials, setting the necessary attributes and cookie information in the request.

  6. Visitor Authentication: The getVisitor(string $credentials): CustomerVisitor method is a crucial component of the authenticator. It decodes the credentials and retrieves or creates a CustomerVisitor entity using the CustomerVisitorManager.

This authenticator integrates seamlessly with Symfony’s security system, offering a more efficient and streamlined approach to handling anonymous customer user authentication. The use of badges, passports, and a modernized token system enhances the security and robustness of the process, aligning it with contemporary web application standards.

If the authentication of AnonymousCustomerUserToken object is successful, you need to update cookie using the lifetime parameter, oro_customer.customer_visitor_cookie_lifetime_days. By default, this param is 30 days, and it is accessible through the System > Configuration > Commerce > Customer > Customer User section on the global and organization levels:

// $cookieFactory is an instance of Oro\Bundle\CustomerBundle\Security\Firewall\CustomerVisitorCookieFactory


The Oro\Bundle\CustomerBundle\Security\Listener\CustomerVisitorCookieResponseListener listens kernel.response events. If the request has an _security_customer_visitor_cookie attribute, it sets a cookie to it.


The Oro\Bundle\CustomerBundle\DependencyInjection\Security\AnonymousCustomerUserFactory class ties Oro\Bundle\CustomerBundle\Security\AnonymousCustomerUserAuthenticationListener. Also, it defines the update_latency configuration option. It helps prevent sending too many requests to the database when updating the lastVisit datetime of the AnonymousCustomerUser entity. Its default value is set in the DI container and is expressed in seconds:

oro_customer.anonymous_customer_user.update_latency: 600 # 10 minutes in seconds

Firewall Configuration 

To activate anonymous customer user functionality for some routes or apply it to the existing ones, define it in the security section with the anonymous_customer_user: true property:

            anonymous_customer_user: true

In this example, we enable guest functionality for the application storefront.

Guest Customer User 

Guest Customer User is a customer user with the following DB properties:

  • confirmed = false

  • enabled = false

  • is_guest = true

The Oro\Bundle\CustomerBundle\Entity\GuestCustomerUserManager class has a logic of creation Guest Customer User.

It is used for creating some business products under Anonymous Customer, like RFQ or Order, in the storefront. For example, when creating one of the mentioned products, we can tie it with Guest Customer info taken from AnonymousCustomerUserToken token:

// $request is a some Request object
$token = $this->tokenAccessor->getToken();

if ($token instanceof AnonymousCustomerUserToken) {
    $visitor = $token->getVisitor();
    $user = $visitor->getCustomerUser();
    if ($user === null) {
        $user = $this->guestCustomerUserManager
                    'email' => $request->getEmail(),
                    'first_name' => $request->getFirstName(),
                    'last_name' => $request->getLastName(),


When using guest functionality for some business products, you should specify their owner. With Oro\Bundle\CustomerBundle\Entity\CustomerVisitorOwnerAwareInterface and Oro\Bundle\CustomerBundle\Owner\AnonymousOwnershipDecisionMaker, you can do it using the following conditions:

  • entity should implement CustomerVisitorOwnerAwareInterface

  • token should be instance of AnonymousCustomerUserToken

  • entity should contain CustomerVisitor and it should equal the current visitor in the session

Configure Guest Access and Permissions 

When we implement guest functionality for some product, it should be tied with the related feature and added to system configuration on the global, organization, and website levels. By default, it should be disabled:

'guest_product_toggle' => ['type' => 'boolean','value' => false],
'guest_product_owner' => ['type' => 'string', 'value' => null]
            title: some.title
            title: some.title
            data_type: boolean
            type: Oro\Bundle\ConfigBundle\Form\Type\ConfigCheckbox
                label: some.title
                tooltip: some.tooltip
            ui_only: true
            data_type: string
            type: Oro\Bundle\UserBundle\Form\Type\UserSelectType
                label: some.title
                tooltip: some.tooltip
                required: true
                                    - guest_product
                                    - guest_product_owner
        label: some.label
        description: some.description
        toggle: guest_product_toggle

Next, we should activate feature toggle voter in the DI configuration:

    parent: oro_customer.voter.anonymous_customer_user
        - [ setFeatureName, ['guest_product_feature'] ]
        - { name: oro_featuretoggle.voter }

    parent: oro_customer.voter.customer_user
        - [ setFeatureName, ['guest_product_feature'] ]
        - { name: oro_featuretoggle.voter }

Sometimes, it is necessary to open some business entity or action for guests using ACL configuration.

So, to enable certain entities and actions for the Anonymous Customer User role by default, use the following code example:

        entity|Oro\Bundle\SomeBundle\Entity\Some: [VIEW_BASIC, CREATE_BASIC, EDIT_BASIC, DELETE_BASIC]
        action|some_action: [EXECUTE]

Once the application is installed, the predefined Non-Authenticated Visitors role will have the mentioned permissions/capabilities enabled.