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OroPromotionBundle adds coupon and promotion features to the OroCommerce application.

With this bundle, a back-office administrator can enable or disable these features in the system configuration UI. The bundle introduces UI in the back-office for sales representatives to create and manage coupons and promotions and apply promotions to the customer orders via special discounts and coupon codes. For the customer users in the storefront, it provides the ability to apply coupons to the orders and review the applied promotions and discounts.


Creation and Types 

Each promotion has Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Entity\DiscountConfiguration attached to it. With the help of this configuration, Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Executor\PromotionExecutor using Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Provider\PromotionDiscountsProvider creates a discount that implements Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\DiscountInterface.

The following discount types are available in the system:

  • Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\OrderDiscount that gives discount on the order level

  • Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\LineItemsDiscount that gives discount on the line-item level

  • Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\BuyXGetYDiscount that gives the Buy X Get Y type of discount

  • Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\ShippingDiscount that gives a shipping discount

Add Discount 

To add a new discount that can be selected in promotion configuration, create a discount class that implements Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\DiscountInterface. You can use Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\AbstractDiscount as a base class for it. After that, register your discount as a shared: false service, and add it to the Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\DiscountFactory by invoking the addType method in the service definition:

        class: Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Promotion\Discount\OrderDiscount
        shared: false

        class: Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\DiscountFactory
        public: false
            - '@service_container'
            - ['addType', ['order', '']]
            - ['addType', ['line_item', '']]
            - ['addType', ['buy_x_get_y', '']]
            - ['addType', ['shipping', '']]
            - ['addType', ['my_discount', '']]

Add Discount Form Type 

You also need to specify the FormType information for your discount. First, create a FormType for it. You can use some of the already available ones for reference, for example, Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Form\Type\LineItemDiscountOptionsType. Next, add it to Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Provider\DiscountFormTypeProvider in services:

        class: Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Provider\DiscountFormTypeProvider
            - ['setDefaultFormType', ['oro_promotion_order_discount_options']]
            - ['addFormType', ['order', 'oro_promotion_order_discount_options']]
            - ['addFormType', ['line_item', 'oro_promotion_line_item_discount_options']]
            - ['addFormType', ['buy_x_get_y', 'oro_promotion_buy_x_get_y_discount_options']]
            - ['addFormType', ['shipping', 'oro_promotion_shipping_discount_options']]
            - ['addFormType', ['my_discount', 'my_discount_options_form_type_alias']]

Organize New Discount Options 

You may want to add options to a new discount. Discount options are stored as an array inside Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Entity\DiscountConfiguration::options. When promotions are executed, discount options are passed to the discounts configure method, for example, Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\LineItemsDiscount::configure, where options become resolved, and you can safely store them and use them later for calculations.

To connect FormType fields with the discount options, they should have the same key. It can be helpful to specify this key as the discount’s constant and use it during form field definition like Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\LineItemsDiscount::APPLY_TO used inside Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Form\Type\LineItemDiscountOptionsType::buildForm.

Discount Application and Calculation 

When Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\DiscountFactory has created and configured the discount, the discount strategy applies discounts to Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\DiscountContext. This context is used as a storage for applicable discounts, calculated discount values, and related information necessary for the discount calculation process.

At first, the strategy iterates over all discounts and calls \Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\DiscountInterface::apply, where a discount decides whether it is applicable to the current situation or not. If it is, it adds itself into one of the applicable storages: Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\DiscountContext::$subtotalDiscounts, Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\DiscountContext::$shippingDiscounts or Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\DiscountLineItem::$discounts that are stored in Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\DiscountContext::$lineItems.

Later, the strategy iterates over all discounts that have been added to Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\DiscountContext. It executes Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\DiscountInterface::calculate, where the discount checks whether it supports the passed entity. If it does, it should calculate the discount and return the discount amount as a float value.

Discount Context Converters 

Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\DiscountContext is created based on the source entity by discount context converters. If you need to support a new source entity, create a class that implements Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\Converter\DiscountContextConverterInterface and tag its service with ‘oro_promotion.discount_context_converter’ to be able to convert this entity into context.

        class: Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Promotion\CustomEntityContextDataConverter
        public: false
            - { name: 'oro_promotion.discount_context_converter' }

The discount converter should return Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\DiscountContext. Also, keep in mind that line items in Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\DiscountContext::$lineItems are stored in a unified format Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\DiscountLineItem. Oro\Bundle\ShoppingListBundle\Entity\LineItem and Oro\Bundle\OrderBundle\Entity\OrderLineItem transform line items to this format with the help of converters.

Promotions Filtration 

Flow and Filter Types 

When promotions are calculated, the list of applicable promotions is received with the help of Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Provider\PromotionProvider. To get only suitable promotions, filters that implement Oro\Bundle\RuleBundle\RuleFiltration\RuleFiltrationServiceInterface are used.

Context Data Converters 

Promotions are filtered based on context. Each entity to which promotions can be applied must have its own context converter.

If you need to support a new source entity, you should create a class that implements Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Context\ContextDataConverterInterface and tag its service with ‘oro_promotion.promotion_context_converter’, to be able to convert this entity into context.

        class: Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Promotion\CustomEntityContextDataConverter
        public: false
            - { name: 'oro_promotion.promotion_context_converter' }

Add a New Filter 

You can create your own promotion filtration service to apply additional restrictions based on the context from the context converter. First, you need to create a class that implements Oro\Bundle\RuleBundle\RuleFiltration\RuleFiltrationServiceInterface and contains the required filtration logic. Next, define a service for this class that decorates oro_promotion.rule_filtration.service and accepts the decorated service as a parameter:

        class: Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Promotion\RuleFiltration\MyFilterFiltrationService
        public: false
        decorates: oro_promotion.rule_filtration.service
        decoration_priority: 300
            - '@.inner'

Please keep in mind the decoration_priority affects the order in which filters are executed.

Skipping Filters During Checkout 

At checkout, coupons can be applied before the user provides the information based on which the promotion is calculated. For example, a shipping promotion can be applied by coupon at the first checkout step before a shipping method is chosen (that is why ShippingFiltrationService would filter this promotion out). Therefore, some filters need to be skipped during the coupon application process.

As a result, filters should support skippability based on the option from the context (see AbstractSkippableFiltrationService::SKIP_FILTERS_KEY).

To make your filters skippable, you may inherit AbstractSkippableFiltrationService or implement skipping logic on your own.

To skip a filter during coupon application, the disableFilter method should be called for the oro_promotion.frontend_applied_coupon_manager service with the filter’s class name:

            - [disableFilter, ['Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\RuleFiltration\ShippingFiltrationService']]

Discount Strategy 

The Discount Strategy defines the way promotion discounts are aggregated. It is specified in the system config. To get an active strategy, Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\Strategy\StrategyProvider is used. There are two discount strategies:

  • Profitable - the most profitable discount is applied

  • Apply all - all discounts are applied in the order given by the sortOrder property of the promotion

To add an additional strategy, create a class that implements Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\Strategy\StrategyInterface and tag its service with the`oro_promotion.discount_strategy` tag.

The strategy decides which discounts should be applied. All information needed for discount calculation flow is stored inside Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\DiscountContext, as described in the Discount Application and Calculation section. This information can be used to decide on the strategy or debug how discount calculations were made. The strategy also decreases appropriate subtotals. Please keep in mind that subtotals must not get negative values, as implemented here Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\Strategy\AbstractStrategy::getSubtotalWithDiscount.

Applied Promotions 

When saving the Oro\Bundle\OrderBundle\Entity\Order entity, all discounts from Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\DiscountContext are converted to Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Entity\AppliedDiscount entities. In addition, based on the provided discount information, Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Manager\AppliedPromotionManager creates Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Entity\AppliedPromotion. Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Entity\AppliedPromotion stores promotions and their discounts in the state where they were at the time of use. So, even if a promotion was changed or deleted, you can use the old promotion configuration for discount calculation. To disable the saved Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Entity\AppliedPromotion, use Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\DisabledDiscountDecorator, Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\DisabledDiscountContextDecorator, Oro\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Discount\DisabledDiscountLineItemDecorator decorators that help ignore the discount that the applied promotion gives.