
You are browsing upcoming documentation for version 6.1 of OroCommerce, scheduled for release in 2025. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.

See our Release Process documentation for more information on the currently supported and upcoming releases.

Bundle Configuration 

The default configuration of SalesFrontendBundle is illustrated below:


    # The prefix for the login, login-related, endpoint URLs.
    routing_prefix:         '%web_backend_prefix%/sales-frontend' # Example: /admin/sales

    # The base URLs of the Sales Frontend application. Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) and Content Security Policy (CSP) will be configured according to these URLs.

        # Default:
        - /sales-frontend

        # Examples:
        # - ''
        # - /sales-frontend

    # The configuration of the OAuth2 access token.

        # OAuth2 access token lifetime, in seconds. Also used as the access token cookie lifetime.
        token_lifetime:       900
        cookie_name:          OROSFATOKEN

        # Must be general enough to be available both under the back-office API prefix  and Sales Frontend application login prefix
        cookie_path:          /

        # Forced to "true" if "app_base_urls" setting contains absolute URLs.
        cookie_secure:        null # One of null; true; false
        cookie_httponly:      true

        # Forced to "none" setting value if "app_base_urls" setting contains absolute URLs.
        cookie_samesite:      null # One of null; "lax"; "strict"; "none"

        # Forced to "true" setting value if "app_base_urls" setting contains absolute URLs.
        cookie_partitioned:   false

    # The configuration of the Sales Frontend application session.
        name:                 OROSFAID

        # Session cookie lifetime, in seconds. Must not be greater than OAuth2 refresh token lifetime.
        cookie_lifetime:      ~

        # Leave untouched to make it equal to the "routing_prefix" setting value (recommended).
        cookie_path:          '%oro_sales_frontend.routing_prefix%'

        # Forced to "true" if "app_base_urls" setting contains absolute URLs.
        cookie_secure:        ~ # One of true; false; "auto"
        cookie_httponly:      ~

        # Forced to "none" setting value if "app_base_urls" setting contains absolute URLs.
        cookie_samesite:      ~ # One of null; "lax"; "strict"; "none"

        # Forced to "true" setting value if "app_base_urls" setting contains absolute URLs.
        cookie_partitioned:   false

        gc_maxlifetime:       ~
        gc_probability:       ~
        gc_divisor:           ~