
You are browsing upcoming documentation for version 6.1 of OroCommerce, scheduled for release in 2025. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.

See our Release Process documentation for more information on the currently supported and upcoming releases.

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) 

SalesFrontendBundle automatically configures CORS headers to allow cross-origin requests to the OroCommerce application made from the Sales Frontend application.

CORS is automatically configured for the following URLs:

  • %oro_sales_frontend.routing_prefix%/oauth2/check-token

  • %oro_sales_frontend.routing_prefix%/oauth2/refresh-token

  • %oro_sales_frontend.routing_prefix%/user/login

  • %oro_sales_frontend.routing_prefix%/user/logout

where %oro_sales_frontend.routing_prefix% is /admin/sales-frontend by default.


Routing prefix can be changed via the bundle configuration, see more in Routing Prefix configuration.

CORS is configured by \Oro\Bundle\SalesFrontendBundle\EventListener\Kernel\SetCrossOriginResourceSharingPolicyListener that by default sets the following:

  • Allowed origins: the Sales Frontend application hosts (configured automatically as per the oro_sales_frontend.app_base_urls bundle configuration setting).

  • Allowed methods: GET, POST

  • Allowed credentials: true

  • Allowed headers: all

  • Exposed headers: none

  • Max age: 600 seconds


You can customize methods, headers and max age via corresponding setter methods in SetCrossOriginResourceSharingPolicyListener

Back-Office Web API 

SalesFrontendBundle automatically configures CORS for Back-office Web API to ensure that the Sales Frontend application can communicate with it:

  • Allowed origins: the Sales Frontend application hosts (configured automatically as per the oro_sales_frontend.app_base_urls bundle configuration setting).

  • Allowed credentials: true

Other CORS settings of the Back-Office Web API remain unchanged.