
You are browsing upcoming documentation for version 6.1 of OroCommerce, scheduled for release in 2025. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.

See our Release Process documentation for more information on the currently supported and upcoming releases.

Login Flow 

Sales Frontend application requires an OAuth2 access token to work with Back-Office Web API of the OroCommerce application. To obtain an OAuth2 access token, a user must log in via the login page provided by this bundle. To ensure that common cookies can be shared between the Sales Frontend and OroCommerce applications, the login page must be embedded into the Sales Frontend application via an iframe. The URL for the login page is %oro_sales_frontend.routing_prefix%/user/login.


Routing prefix is /admin/sales-frontend by default and can be changed via the bundle configuration, see more in Routing Prefix configuration.


The login page template can be customized. Find more details in the Login Page documentation.

In default configuration it is assumed that the Sales Frontend application in hosted on the same domain as OroCommerce application and is available in the subdirectory /sales-frontend. If the OroCommerce application domain is different from the Sales Frontend application, then its base URL must be added to the SalesFrontendBundle configuration. For example, this configuration allows the login page to be embedded in the Sales Frontend application hosted on the domain

         - ""

The setting oro_sales_frontend.app_base_urls is used for multiple purposes, one of which is configuring CSP to specify to the browser where the login and login-related pages are allowed to be embedded. This ultimately results in the following header sent to a browser when it requests the login page:

Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'self'

When a user successfully logs in using the login page embedded in the iframe in the Sales Frontend application, the OroCommerce application sends back the 301 response that redirects a user to the route oro_sales_frontend_default (/admin/sales-frontend/ by default) and sets the following cookies:

  • OROSFAID - Sales Frontend session cookie. Inherits the default session settings, but can be configured in the oro_sales_frontend.session bundle configuration.

  • OROSFARM - Sales Frontend remember-me login cookie.

  • OROSFATOKEN - Sales Frontend OAuth2 access token cookie obtained under-the-hood of SalesFrontendBundle after a successful login. By default, it has the HTTP-only flag. Can be configured in the oro_sales_frontend.access_token bundle configuration.


OAuth2 authentication is performed in the OroBundleSalesFrontendBundleEventListenerSecuritySalesFrontendLoginListener.

If the OroCommerce application domain is different from the Sales Frontend application, then the aforementioned cookie should be set to the following settings:

  • SameSite = none

  • Secure = true

  • Partitioned = true


For more information, see Partitioned Cookies.

These settings are necessary for the browser to share these cookies between the domain of OroCommerce and the Sales Frontend applications.

Authentication in Back-Office API 

The Sales Frontend application uses OAuth2 authentication when communicating with Back-Office Web API. This means it requires an OAuth2 access token and the ability to refresh it. The OAuth2 authentication, including the authorization flow, is handled by the SalesFrontendBundle. When you log in successfully, a cookie called “OROSFATOKEN” is set, which already contains the OAuth2 access token. This HTTP-only cookie automatically authenticates requests to Back-Office Web API, so there is no need to send the explicit Authorization: Bearer ... header. Therefore, scripts being executed in the browser do not need direct access to the OAuth2 access token.

The request to the API must contain credentials flag to tell browser that it should include cookies in the request. For example:

const response = await fetch('', {credentials: 'include'});

Please ensure that the bundle configuration oro_sales_frontend.app_base_urls includes the Sales Frontend application base URL to automatically configure the CORS headers of the Back-Office Web API and inform the browser that requests coming from the Sales Frontend application are allowed.

Checking an OAuth2 Access Token 

Although the OAuth2 authentication remains under-the-hood, the SalesFrontendBundle provides the ability to check an OAuth2 access token stored in the OROSFATOKEN cookie.

OAuth2 access token cannot be accessed from scripts, but it can still be checked for validity. SalesFrontendBundle provides a GET endpoint %oro_sales_frontend.routing_prefix%/oauth2/check-token that takes an OAuth2 access token from the OROSFATOKEN cookie and returns its metadata in response. For more information, see Endpoints.

Refreshing an OAuth2 Access Token 

OAuth2 refresh token is not exposed to the browser and is instead stored in the PHP session. The SalesFrontendBundle provides a POST endpoint %oro_sales_frontend.routing_prefix%/oauth2/refresh-token that takes an OAuth2 refresh token from the PHP session to update an OAuth2 access token and the related OROSFATOKEN cookie. For more information, see Endpoints.

Logging Out 

SalesFrontendBundle provides a GET endpoint %oro_sales_frontend.routing_prefix%/user/logout to securely log out a user. For more informaion, see Endpoints <bundle-docs-commerce-sales-frontend-bundle-endpoints>.