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Displaying Pictures 

Unified Way to Display a Picture 

To control how pictures are displayed in storefront and back-office, OroAttachmentBundle provides a TWIG template @OroAttachment/Twig/picture.html.twig used to output a <picture> tag with image sources.

The following example shows the most general way to display a picture for the file stored in the sample_image variable using the login_page_logo filter:

{% include '@OroAttachment/Twig/picture.html.twig' with {
    {# File object representing an image that is needed to display #}
    file: sample_image,
    {# Filter to apply to image to get a resized version of it #}
    filter: 'login_page_logo'
} %}

In this case, picture sources (URLs) will be generated under the hood using the oro_filtered_picture_sources TWIG function.


By default, picture sources contain a URL to the resized image in the original image format and in WebP format. You can change this behavior using the oro_attachment.webp_strategy configuration.

If you want to have more control of what sources, <img> or <picture> attributes are used for the <picture> tag, you can specify them explicitly.

{% include '@OroAttachment/Twig/picture.html.twig' with {
    {# Sources collection to be used in <picture> tag. Beware that "file" and "filter" variables are ignored if "sources" is specified. #}
    {# Each source must have "srcset" attribute containing the URL to image. #}
    {# Any other attributes allowed for <source> tag a permitted as well, for example "type". #}
    sources: oro_filtered_picture_sources(sample_image, 'login_page_logo'),
    {# HTML attributes to add to <img> tag located inside of <picture> tag. #}
    img_attrs: {
        alt: 'Sample image alt',
    {# HTML attributes to add to <picture> tag. #}
    picture_attrs: {
        class: 'sample-class',
} %}


If you cannot use the TWIG template to render a picture (e.g., in JS), use the oro_filtered_picture_sources TWIG function to get picture sources and pass them wherever you need.