
You are browsing documentation for version 5.0 of OroCommerce, supported until January 2025. Read the documentation for version 6.0 (the latest LTS version) to get up-to-date information.

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Customize Framework Setup Components 

Oro provides the ability to integrate Vue/React libraries and create your custom micro-application. You can use data-page-component-vue-app or data-page-component-react-app for Vue and React, respectively, which will enable you to create and run a mini-app in its basic form.

A Vue/React application may often need more flexible customization or the addition of some third-party libraries to extend the standard functionality of the application.

We are going to illustrate how to do it with an example of a component for Vue. As an example, let’s add a manager for the state to the mini-application.

  1. Create a module with Store. Remember to export the created store so that it can be later connected to the application.

      import { createStore } from 'vuex';
      const store = createStore({
          state () {
              return {
                  count: 0
          mutations: {
              increment (state) {
      export default store;
  2. Create a file to extend the functionality in your bundle.

      import VueAppComponent from 'oroui/js/app/components/vue-app-component';
      import store from '../../vue-app/store';
      const CustomVueAppComponent = VueAppComponent.extend({
          constructor: function CustomVueAppComponent(...args) {
              CustomVueAppComponent.__super__.constructor.apply(this, args);
          beforeAppMount() {
      export default CustomVueAppComponent;
  3. Create a shortcut that enables you to use the page component and Twig templates. Create an app-module to do this. To learn more about shortcuts, see the Component Shortcuts topic.

      import ComponentShortcutsManager from 'oroui/js/component-shortcuts-manager';
      ComponentShortcutsManager.add('custom-vue-app', {
          moduleName: '{yourbundlename}/js/app/components/custom-vue-app-component',
          scalarOption: 'vueApp'
  4. Register the new module as app-module and create a yaml config file. See App Modules for more information.

          - {yourbundlename}/js/app/modules/custom-vue-module
              - {yourbundlename}/js/app/components/custom-vue-app-component
  5. You can now use the new shortcut in Twig.

      {% block _custom_block_widget %}
          {% set attr = layout_attr_defaults(attr, {
              'data-page-component-custom-vue-app': {
                  vueApp: '{yourbundlename}/js/vue-app/App'
          }) %}
          <div {{ block('block_attributes') }}>
              {{ block_widget(block) }}
      {% endblock %}
  1. Register your new widget and append it to the page container in the layout. For this, create a file. For more information on the layout update, see the Layout topic.

              - '@setBlockTheme':
                  themes: 'layout.html.twig'
              - '@add':
                  id: custom_block
                  parentId: page_container
                  prepend: true
                  blockType: block


    You can use a similar approach for React.