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JavaScript UnitTests 


The following software is required to run JS tests:

  • Node.js (JavaScript Engine)

  • Karma (Test Runner for JavaScript)

  • Jasmine 3.5 (Behavior-Driven Development Testing Framework)


For instructions on how to install Node.js, navigate to the official website.

Once the node is installed, install several modules using Node Packaged Modules manager by executing the following command from the root folder of your application:

npm install


Configuration for the test-run is placed in karma.config.js.dist file on the root directory of the application.


See more information in the official Karma documentation.

It can be useful to create a separate configuration file by copying the karma.config.js.dist file to karma.config.js and modifying it.


To run tests, call the following command:

npm run test

To run testsuite with a custom configuration, you can use the command line parameters which overwrite the parameters in the configuration file.

There are few custom options added for preparing karma config:

  • –mask _string_ file mask for Spec files. By default it is ‘vendor/oro/**/Tests/JS/**/*Spec.js’ that matches all Spec files in the project within oro vendor directory.

  • –spec _string_ path for a certain Spec file, if it passed then the search by mask is skipped and the test is run single Spec file.

  • –skip-indexing _boolean_ allows to skip phase of collection Spec files and reuse the collection from previews run (if it exists).

  • –theme _string_ theme name is used to generate webpack config for certain theme. By default it is ‘admin.oro’.

To keep tests continuously running and re-executing when any watched file is modified, use the following command:

npm run test-watch

To debug unit test:

  • run test in watch mode

  • open the http://localhost:9876/debug.html page in you browser (check the port in the address, it has to be the same as in terminal’s output)

  • open the inspector panel and use it for the debug purpose

Any modification of the source or test file will lead to reassembly, after which you can reload the page in the browser and debug the updated code.

To run specific test, use the –spec “<path/to/someSpec.js>” parameter:

npm run test-watch -- --spec vendor/oro/platform/src/Oro/Bundle/UIBundle/Tests/JS/mediatorSpec.js

The following extensions can be useful if you use PHPStorm:



See Jasmine 3.5 documentation for extensive information on writing tests with Jasmine 3.5.

The example below illustrates the spec for the oroui/js/mediator module:

import mediator from 'oroui/js/mediator';
import Backbone from 'backbone';

describe('oroui/js/mediator', function () {
    it("compare mediator to Backbone.Events", function() {


Use the inject-loader webpack loader for stubbing dependencies of a tested module.


Jasmine-jQuery extends the base Jasmine functionality, specifically it:

  • adds a number of useful matchers, and allows to check the state of a jQuery instance easily

  • applies HTML-fixtures before each test and rolls back the document after tests

  • provides a way to load HTML and JSON fixtures required for a test

However, because Jasmine-jQuery requires the full path to a fixture resource, it is better to use import to load the fixtures by a related path.

import 'jasmine-jquery';
import $ from 'jquery';
import html from 'text-loader!./Fixture/markup.html';

describe('some/module', function () {
    beforeEach(function () {
        // appends loaded html to document's body,
        // after test rolls back it automatically

    it('checks the markup of a page', function () {