Doctrine Field Types 

Some entities have fields with data that are money or percentages, so we have added new field types with these values.

The money field type allows storing money data. It is an alias for the decimal (19,4) type.

You can use this field type:

 * @var decimal
#[ORM\Column(name: 'tax_amount', type: 'money')]
protected $taxAmount;

The percent field type allows storing percent data. It is an alias to float type.

You can use this field type:

 * @var float
#[ORM\Column(name: 'percent_field', type: 'percent')]
protected $percentField;

These two data types are available in extended fields. You can create new fields with these types. Additionally, on view and edit pages and in grids, these fields will be automatically formatted with currency or percent formatters.

In the grid, for percent data type, a generated percent filter applies automatically.

The config_object type maps and converts Oro\Component\Config\Common\ConfigObject based on PHP’s JSON encoding functions. Values retrieved from the database are always converted to Oro\Component\Config\Common\ConfigObject or null if no data is present.

You can use this field type:

 * @var \Oro\Component\Config\Common\ConfigObject
#[ORM\Column(name: 'map_config', type: 'config_object')]
protected $mapConfigField;

The duration field type allows storing time duration in seconds. It is an alias for an integer type.

You can use this field type:

 * @var int
#[ORM\Column(name: 'duration', type: 'duration')]
protected $duration;

See Also

Oro Doctrine Extensions Oro Doctrine Extensions