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A scope is a set of application parameters that have different values in different requests.
For a working example of using scopes in Oro applications, please check out the VisibilityBundle and CustomerBundle codes.
How Scopes Work¶
Sometimes, in bundle activities, you need to alter behavior or data based on the set of criteria that the bundle is not able to evaluate. The scope manager gets you the missing details by polling dedicated scope criteria providers. In the scope-consuming bundle, you can request information using one of the Scope Operations. As a first parameter, you usually pass the scope type (e.g., web_content in the following examples). A scope type helps the scope manager find the scope-provider bundles, which can deliver the information that your bundle is missing. As the second parameter, you usually pass the context, the information available to your bundle that is used as a scope filtering criteria.
The scope manager evaluates the priority of the registered scope criteria providers to deliver information for the requested scope type and scope criteria, and sorts the results based on the criteria priority.
Scope Manager¶
The scope manager is a service that provides an interface for collecting the scope items in the Oro application. It is in charge of the following functions:
Expose scope-related operations (find, findOrCreate, findDefaultScope, findRelatedScopes) to the scope-aware bundles and deliver requested scope(s) as a result. See Scope Operations for more information.
Create a collected scope in response to the findOrCreate operation (if the scope is not found).
Use the scope criteria providers method, getCriteriaForCurrentScope(), to get a portion of the scope information.
1// Find an existing scope or return null
2$scope = $scopeManager->find(ProductVisibility::getScopeType(), [
3 ScopeCriteriaProvider::WEBSITE => $website,
6// Find an existing scope or create a new one
7$scope = $scopeManager->findOrCreate(ProductVisibility::getScopeType(), [
8 ScopeCriteriaProvider::WEBSITE => $website,
Scope Criteria Providers¶
A scope criteria provider is a service that calculates the value for the scope criteria based on the provided context. Scope criteria help model a relationship between the scope and the scope-consuming context. In any bundle, you can create a scope criteria provider service and register it as scope provider for the specific scope type. This service shall deliver the scope criteria values to the scope manager, which, in turn, uses the scope criteria to filter the scope instances or find the one matching to the provided context.
Scope Type¶
A scope type is a tag that groups scope providers that are used by particular scope consumers. One scope provider may be reused in several scope types. It may happen, that a particular scope criteria provider, like the one for the account group, is not involved in the scope construction, because it serves the scope-consumers with the different scope type (e.g., web_content). In this case, the scope manager searches the scope(s) that do(es) not prompt to evaluate this criterion.
Scope Model¶
A scope model is a data structure for storing scope items. Every scope item has fields for every scope criterion registered by the scope criteria provider services. When the scope criterion is not involved in the scope (based on the scope type), the value of the field is NULL.
Add Scope Criteria¶
To add criteria to the scope, extend the scope entity using migration, as shown in the following example:
1class OroAccountBundleScopeRelations implements Migration, ScopeExtensionAwareInterface
3 use ScopeExtensionAwareTrait;
5 /**
6 * {@inheritdoc}
7 */
8 public function up(Schema $schema, QueryBag $queries)
9 {
10 $this->scopeExtension->addScopeAssociation(
11 $schema,
12 'account',
13 OroAccountBundleInstaller::ORO_ACCOUNT_TABLE_NAME,
14 'name'
15 );
16 }
Configure Scope Criteria Providers¶
To extend a scope with a criterion that may be provided by your bundle:
Create a ScopeCriteriaProvider class and implement getCriteriaForCurrentScope() and getCriteriaField() methods, as shown in the following example:
1class ScopeAccountCriteriaProvider extends AbstractScopeCriteriaProvider
3 ...
4 /**
5 * @return array
6 */
7 public function getCriteriaForCurrentScope()
8 {
9 $token = $this->tokenStorage->getToken();
10 if (!$token) {
11 return [];
12 }
13 $loggedUser = $token->getUser();
14 if (null !== $loggedUser && $loggedUser instanceof CustomerUser) {
15 return [self::ACCOUNT => $loggedUser->getAccount()];
16 }
18 return [];
19 }
21 /**
22 * @return string
23 */
24 public function getCriteriaField()
25 {
26 return static::ACCOUNT;
27 }
Register created
as a service with the oro_scope.provider tag in /Resources/config/service.yml, like in the following example:
2 class: 'Oro\Bundle\CustomerBundle\Provider\ScopeAccountCriteriaProvider'
3 tags:
4 - { name: oro_scope.provider, scopeType: web_content, priority: 30 }
One CriteriaScopeProvider can be used in many scope types.
Use Context¶
When you need to find a scope based on the information that differs from the current context, you can pass the custom context (array or object) as a second parameter of the find and findOrCreate method.
Scope Operations¶
The scope manager exposes the following operations for the scope-consuming bundles:
Find the scope by the context (when the context is provided), or
Find the scope by current data (when the context is NULL)
1$scopeManager->find($scopeType, $context = null)
Find the scope or create a new one, if it is not found
1$scopeManager->findOrCreate($scopeType, $context = null)
Get the default scope (returns a scope with empty scope criteria)
Get all scopes that match the given context. When some scope criteria are not provided in the context, the scopes are filtered by the available criteria.
1$scopeManager->findRelatedScopes($scopeType, $context = null);
Example: Use Scope Criteria¶
When the slug URLs are linked to the scopes, in a many-to-many way, and we need to find a slug URL related to the scope with the highest priority, fitting best for the current context, this is what happens:
The scope criteria providers are already registered in the service.yml file:
2 class: Oro\Bundle\CustomerBundle\Provider\ScopeCustomerCriteriaProvider
3 tags:
4 - { name: oro_scope.provider, scopeType: web_content, priority: 300 }
7 class: Oro\Bundle\CustomerBundle\Provider\ScopeCustomerGroupCriteriaProvider
8 tags:
9 - { name: oro_scope.provider, scopeType: web_content, priority: 200 }
In this code example, we build a query and modify it with the ScopeCriteria methods:
2 ->from(Slug::class, 'slug')
3 ->join('slug.scopes', 'scopes', Join::WITH)
4 ->where($qb->expr()->eq('slug.url', ':url'))
5 ->setParameter('url', $slugUrl)
6 ->setMaxResults(1);
8$scopeCriteria = $this->scopeManager->getCriteria('web_content');
9$scopeCriteria->applyToJoinWithPriority($qb, 'scopes');
As you do not pass the context to the scope manager in the getCriteria method, the current context is used by default (e.g., a logged-in customer is a part of Account with id=1, and this account is a part of AccountGroup with id=1).
The scopes applicable for the current context are:
id |
account_id |
accountGroup |
4 |
1 |
6 |
1 |
Here is the resulting modified query:
1SELECT slug.*
2FROM oro_redirect_slug slug
3INNER JOIN oro_slug_scope slug_to_scope ON = slug_to_scope.slug_id
4INNER JOIN oro_scope scope ON = slug_to_scope.scope_id
5 AND (
6 (scope.account_id = 1 OR scope.account_id IS NULL)
7 AND (scope.accountGroup_id = 1 OR scope.accountGroup_id IS NULL)
8 AND (scope.website_id IS NULL)
9 )
10WHERE slug.url = :url
11ORDER BY scope.account_id DESC, scope.accountGroup_id DESC
12LIMIT 1;
Now, let’s add another scope criterion provider to WebsiteBundle for the web_content scope type and see how the list of scopes and the modified query change.
In the bundle’s service.yml file, we add:
2 class: Oro\Bundle\WebsiteBundle\Provider\ScopeCriteriaProvider
3 tags:
4 - { name: oro_scope.provider, scopeType: web_content, priority: 100 }
In the current context, the website id is 1, and the scopes of the web_content type are:
id |
account_id |
accountGroup |
website_id |
1 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
1 |
5 |
1 |
1 |
6 |
1 |
The updated query is automatically changed to the following one:
1SELECT slug.*
2FROM oro_redirect_slug slug
3INNER JOIN oro_slug_scope slug_to_scope ON = slug_to_scope.slug_id
4INNER JOIN oro_scope scope ON = slug_to_scope.scope_id
5 AND (
6 (scope.account_id = 1 OR scope.account_id IS NULL)
7 AND (scope.accountGroup_id = 1 OR scope.accountGroup_id IS NULL)
8 AND (scope.website_id 1 OR scope.website_id IS NULL)
9 )
10WHERE slug.url = :url
11ORDER BY scope.account_id DESC, scope.accountGroup_id DESC, scope.website_id DESC
12LIMIT 1;'