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Grid Extension

The FilterBundle provides an extension for datagrid with ORM and Search datasources. Filters could be added to the datagrid in the datagrids.yml file for a specified datagrid under the filters node. Definition of any filter requires option data_name that should be referenced to column in the query and type (filter type).

For example:

 2     source:
 3         type: orm
 4         query:
 5             select:
 6                 -
 7                 - g.label
 8             from:
 9                 - { table: OroContactBundle:Group, alias: g }
11     filters:
12         columns:
13             SOME_FITLER_NAME: # uses for query param, and for setting default filters
14                 type: string  # Filter type, list of available types described below
15                 data_name:
16                 enabled: true|false #whether filter enabled or not. If filter is not enabled it will not be displayed in filter list but will be accessible in filter management.
17                 disabled: true|false #If filter is disabled it will not be displayed in filter list and will not be available in filter management.
18                 visible: true|false #If set to "false" - filter will not be displayed anywhere in UI. However, one can still set filter's value in backend or via url in frontend
19                 force_like: true|false #Different search engines uses different methods for text search. When `force_like` is set to true, text-based filters will use simple `LIKE %%` OR `NOT LIKE %%`statement which depends on a chosen operator
20                 min_length: integer #In case of text-based filters this option introduce possibility to ignore filters with less characters then specified. Validation message will also appear
21                 divisor: number #In case of number-based filters this option will filter values rendered with datagrid divisor option.
22                 case_insensitive: true|false #When set to 'true' text search filter will be case insensitive [Postgres only].
23                 value_conversion: string #Callback for text search filter used for converting value passed to a query.

Default Values

String Filter

1     filters:
2         columns:
3             fieldName:
4                 type:      string
5                 data_name: priorityLabel
6                 case_insensitive: true
7         default:
8             fieldName: { value: 'someText', type: 'Oro\Bundle\FilterBundle\Form\Type\Filter\TextFilterType::TYPE_CONTAINS' }

Choice Filter

 1     filters:
 2         columns:
 3             period:
 4                 type: orocrm_period_filter
 5                 data_name: period
 6                 options:
 7                     populate_default: false
 8                     field_options:
 9                         choices:
10                             monthPeriod:    Monthly
11                             quarterPeriod:  Quarterly
12                             yearPeriod:     Yearly
13         default:
14             period: { value: monthPeriod }

Additional Params

  • filter_condition - use OR or AND operator in expression

  • filter_by_having - filter expression should be added to HAVING clause

  • options - pass form options directly to filter form type (for additional info, see Filter Form Types).


String Filter

Provides filtering using string comparison.

type: string - Validated by TextFilterType in backend and rendered by Oro.Filter.ChoiceFilter. When case_insensitive is set to false, it is possible to convert value by using callback defined in ‘value_conversion’.

Select Row Filter

Provides filtering by selected/not selected records

type: string - Validated by SelectRowFilterType in backend.

Number and Percent Filter

Provides filtering by numbers comparison.


Value from frontend will automatically transform to percentage for “percent” filter.

type: number - integer/decimal filter

Validated by NumberFilterType in backend and rendered by Oro.Filter.NumberFilter.

type: number-range - integer/decimal filter

type: percent - percent filter

type: currency - currency filter

Validated by NumberRangeFilterType in backend and rendered by Oro.Filter.NumberRangeFilter.

Boolean Filter

Provides filtering for boolean values.

type: boolean - Validated by BooleanFilterType in backend and rendered by Oro.Filter.ChoiceFilter with a predefined set of options (yes/no)

Choice Filter

Provides filtering data using a list of predefined choices

type: choice - Validated by ChoiceFilterType in backend and rendered by Oro.Filter.ChoiceFilter.

Entity Filter

Provides filtering data using list of choices that extracted from database.

type: entity - Validated by EntityFilterType in backend and rendered by Oro.Filter.ChoiceFilter.

Date Filter

Provides filtering data by date values

type: date - Validated by DateRangeFilterType. Rendered by Oro.Filter.DateFilter.

DateTime Filter

Provides filtering data by datetime values

type: datetime - Validated by DateTimeRangeFilterType. Rendered by Oro.Filter.DateTimeFilter.

DateGrouping Filter

Provides grouping dates using list of predefined choices: Day, Month, Quarter, Year

type: datetime - Validated by DateGroupingFilterType in backend and rendered by Oro.Filter.ChoiceFilter.

SkipEmptyPeriods Filter

Provides skipping empty data using list of predefined choices: Yes, No

type: choice - Validated by SkipEmptyPeriodsFilterType in backend and rendered by Oro.Filter.ChoiceFilter.


To implement your filter you have to do following:

  • Develop class that implements Oro\Bundle\FilterBundle\Filter\FilterInterface (also there is basic implementation in AbstractFilter class)

  • Register your filter as service with tag { name: oro_filter.extension.orm_filter.filter, type: YOUR_FILTER_TYPE }