You are browsing the documentation for version 4.1 of OroCommerce, OroCRM and OroPlatform, which is no longer maintained. Read version 5.1 (the latest LTS version) of the Oro documentation to get up-to-date information.
See our Release Process documentation for more information on the currently supported and upcoming releases.
The topic provides the details on how to install Oro applications via the command-line interface provided that the necessary environment is already installed.
For environment installation guidelines, see Development Environment.
Get Application Source Code¶
There are eight base applications to choose from.
Create your new Oro application project with composer by running one of commands below, depending on the base application you want to install:
# OroCommerce Community Edition
composer create-project oro/commerce-crm-application my_project_name --repository=
# OroCommerce Enterprise Edition
composer create-project oro/commerce-crm-enterprise-application my_project_name --repository=
# OroCRM Community Edition
composer create-project oro/commerce-crm-application my_project_name --repository=
# OroCRM Enterprise Edition
composer create-project oro/crm-enterprise-application my_project_name --repository=
# OroPlatform Community Edition
composer create-project oro/platform-application my_project_name --repository=
# OroCommerce Community Edition for Germany
composer create-project oro/commerce-crm-application-de my_project_name --repository=
# OroCommerce Enterprise Edition for Germany
composer create-project oro/commerce-crm-enterprise-application-de my_project_name --repository=
# OroCommerce Enterprise Edition (without CRM)
composer create-project oro/commerce-enterprise-application my_project_name --repository=
This command creates a new directory called my_project_name/ that contains an empty project of the most recent stable version. An absolute path to the directory will be used in the following steps and will be referred to as <application-root-folder> further in this topic.
Alternatively, you can download and unpack the archive with the application source code or use git instead of using composer. Please, refer to the dedicated article Get the Oro Application Source Code for more details.
Note that you are prompted to enter the infrastructure-related application parameters (database name, user, etc.) that
are saved into the config/parameters.yml
file. You can find the description for every parameter in the
Infrastructure-related Oro Application Configuration article.
Configure WebSocket Parameters¶
If you use HTTP mode for your Oro application website, keep the default values for the WebSocket-related parameters in the config/parameters.yml
If you use HTTPS mode, open the config/parameters.yml
file and change the WebSocket-related parameters to match the following values:
websocket_bind_port: 8080
websocket_frontend_host: "*"
websocket_frontend_port: 443
websocket_frontend_path: "ws"
websocket_backend_host: "*"
websocket_backend_port: 8080
websocket_backend_path: ""
For more information on these parameters, see OroSyncBundle documentation.
Install Oro Application¶
To start the installation of your Oro application, run the following command:
php bin/console oro:install --env=prod --timeout=2000
Follow the on-screen instructions in the console.
You will be prompted to choose the installation with or without demo data. If you discard demo data during installation, you can install it later by running the following command:
php bin/console oro:migration:data:load --fixtures-type=demo --env=prod
Set Up File Permissions¶
Below application directories must be writable both by the web server and the command line user:
If your operation system supports setfacl
utility, use the following script to determine your web server user and grant the needed permissions:
HTTPDUSER=$(ps axo user,comm | grep -E '[a]pache|[h]ttpd|[_]www|[w]ww-data|[n]ginx' | grep -v root | head -1 | cut -d\ -f1)
sudo setfacl -dR -m u:"$HTTPDUSER":rwX -m u:$(whoami):rwX var/{sessions,attachment,cache,import_export,logs}
sudo setfacl -R -m u:"$HTTPDUSER":rwX -m u:$(whoami):rwX var/{sessions,attachment,cache,import_export,logs}
sudo setfacl -dR -m u:"$HTTPDUSER":rwX -m u:$(whoami):rwX public/{media,uploads,js}
sudo setfacl -R -m u:"$HTTPDUSER":rwX -m u:$(whoami):rwX public/{media,uploads,js}
The first setfacl command sets permissions for future files and folders, while the second one sets permissions on the existing files and folders. Both of these commands assign permissions for the system user and the Apache user.
isn’t available on NFS mount points. However, storing cache and logs over NFS is strongly discouraged for performance reasons.
Schedule Periodical Command Execution¶
To schedule execution of the oro:cron command every-minute, add the following line to crontab file:
*/1 * * * * php <application-root-folder>/bin/console oro:cron --env=prod > /dev/null
Replace <application-root-folder> with an absolute path to the installed Oro application.
Configure and Run Required Background Processes¶
The required background processes are the following:
message queue consumer — Performs resource-consuming tasks in the background.
web socket server — Manages real-time messages between the application server and user’s browser.
It is crucial to keep these two background processes running. To maintain their constant availability, it is recommended to use Supervisord or another supervising tool.
To configure Supervisord, use your root privileges.
Configure the Supervisor¶
Add the following configuration sections to the /etc/supervisord.conf config file:
command=php ./bin/console gos:websocket:server --env=prod
command=php ./bin/console oro:message-queue:consume --env=prod
replace <application-root-folder> with the absolute path where you are going to install the Oro application
replace <web-server-user> with a user used by the web server (ex. nginx or www-data).
Restart Supervisord¶
To restart supervisor, run:
systemctl restart supervisord
Check the Status of the Background Processes (Optional)¶
To check the status of the background processes, run:
supervisorctl status
You should see information similar to what is illustrated below:
oro_message_consumer:oro_message_consumer_00 RUNNING pid 4847, uptime 0:05:36
oro_message_consumer:oro_message_consumer_01 RUNNING pid 4846, uptime 0:05:36
oro_message_consumer:oro_message_consumer_02 RUNNING pid 4845, uptime 0:05:36
oro_message_consumer:oro_message_consumer_03 RUNNING pid 4844, uptime 0:05:36
oro_message_consumer:oro_message_consumer_04 RUNNING pid 4843, uptime 0:05:36
oro_web_socket RUNNING pid 5163, uptime 0:00:05
Configure OAuth Bundle¶
If you use an OAuth Bundle to authenticate with OAuth2 protocol to API resources, please follow the OroOAuth2ServerBundle documentation to lean how to configure the bundle, generate the encryption key and private and public keys.
Congratulations! You’ve Successfully Installed Your Oro Application¶
You should now be able to open the homepage http(s)://<your-domain-name>/ and use the application.
Business Tip
Do you wish to take advantage of the new digital commerce trend? Explore our B2B marketplace guide.
What’s Next¶
Optimization, Scalability, and Configuration Recommendations¶
If you need to customize the described installation scenario, refer to the following topics: