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OroAssetBundle adds the possibility to install project assets using webpack.
Under the hood oro:assets:build command uses webpack to build assets.
The application contains webpack.config.js file that generates webpack configuration using webpack-config-builder.
Webpack entry points with a list of files are loaded from assets.yml files from all enabled Symfony bundles according to the bundles’ load priority.
To see the list of loaded bundles ordered by the priority, run:
1php bin/console debug:container --parameter=kernel.bundles --format=json
Entry point is a group of assets that are loaded together; usually they are merged into a single file.
OroAssetBundle in Use¶
Build Assets¶
First, run the php bin/console assets:install --symlink
command to symlink all assets’ source files to public/bundles/ directory.
Next, run the php bin/console oro:assets:build command to build assets with the webpack. During the first run, it installs npm dependencies required for the build.
Replace Hot Module (HMR or Hot Reload) For SCSS¶
Hot Module Replacement (HMR) exchanges, adds, or removes modules while an application is running, without a full reload. This can significantly speed up development.
For more details, see Hot Module Replacement.
Enable HMR for CSS links¶
To enable HMR for CSS links in HTML, import CSS within Javascript. But for performance reasons, it is better to load plain CSS files in the production environment. To handle that automatically we render CSS with the following macro:
1 {% import '@OroAsset/Asset.html.twig' as Asset %}
3 {{ Asset.css('css/custom.css', 'media="all"')}}
That normally renders the link with rel stylesheet:
1 <link rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="/css/custom.css"/>
But during development, when HMR is enabled, and webpack-dev-server is listening at the background, this macro renders javascript tag that imports CSS dynamically and reloads it on changes, like:
1 <script type="text/javascript" src="https://localhost:8081/css/custom.bundle.js"></script>
Use HMR¶
To use HMR, run the php bin/console oro:assets:build --hot
command in the background, open the page you want to customize in a Web Browser, and start editing SCSS files in an IDE. You will see the changes in a Browser instantly, without the need to reload the window.
To speed up the build operation provide the theme name as an argument:
1 php bin/console oro:assets:build --hot -- default
Enable HTTPS for Hot Module Replacement¶
In config/config_dev.yml file add the following lines:
1 oro_asset:
2 webpack_dev_server:
3 https: true
With the above setting, a self-signed certificate is used, but you can provide your own when running oro:assets:build command, for example:
1 php bin/console oro:assets:build --hot --key=/path/to/server.key --cert=/path/to/server.crt --cacert=/path/to/ca.pem
2 # or
3 php bin/console oro:assets:build --hot --pfx=/path/to/file.pfx --pfx-passphrase=passphrase
Enable HMR for Prod Environment¶
Enabling of HMR for prod environment must not be committed to the git repository or published to the production web server for the performance reasons.
To enable HMR for prod environment add below lines to config/config.yml
1 oro_asset:
2 webpack_dev_server:
3 enable_hmr: true
Load SCSS or CSS Files from the Bundle¶
Create an assets.yml file that contains an entry point list with the files to load.
1 css: # Entry point name.
2 inputs: # List of files to load for `css` entry point
3 - 'bundles/app/css/scss/main.scss'
4 # You do not need to provide output for this entry point, it is already defined in
5 # vendor/oro/platform/src/Oro/Bundle/UIBundle/Resources/config/oro/assets.yml
6 checkout: # Another entry point name
7 inputs: # List of files to load for `checkout` entry point
8 - 'bundles/app/scss/checkout_page_styles.scss'
9 output: 'css/checkout-styles.css' # Output file path inside public/ directory for the `checkout` entry point
Location of assets.yml¶
Management Console |
[BUNDLE_NAME]/Resources/config/oro/assets.yml |
Storefront |
[BUNDLE_NAME]/Resources/views/layouts/[THEME_NAME]/config/assets.yml |
Default Entry Points and Output File Names¶
Location |
Entry Point Name |
Output File |
Management Console |
css |
build/css/oro/oro.css |
Storefront |
styles |
layout/[THEME_NAME]/css/styles.css |
SCSS is the recommended format, CSS format is deprecated by sass-loader npm module.
The command runs webpack to build assets.
In the dev environment, the command builds assets without minification and with source maps. In the prod environment, assets are minified and do not include source maps.
When using the watch mode after changing the asset’s configuration in assets.yml files, it is required to restart the command; otherwise, it will not detect the changes.
Use Commands¶
oro:assets:build [-w|--watch] [-i|--npm-install] [--] [<theme>]
oro:assets:build admin.oro
to build assets only for the default management-console theme called admin.orooro:assets:build default --watch
to build assets only for the blank theme with enabled watch mode
Theme name to build. When not provided, all available themes are built.
Allows assembling scripts only, without rebuilding the styles.
Allows assembling styles only, without rebuilding the scripts.
This option turns off Babel utilization during the building process. It allows assembling ES as it is, without transpiling it to JS.
It is a useful option for development purposes that enables you to assemble scripts for browsers that support ES well natively, e.g., Chrome, FireFox, Safari.
Turns off SourceMaps building.
Turns on BundleAnalyzerPlugin for the build.
Turn on hot module replacement. It allows all styles to be updated at runtime without the need for a full refresh.
SSL Certificate key PEM file path. It is used only with hot module replacement.
SSL Certificate cert PEM file path. It is used only with hot module replacement.
SSL Certificate cacert PEM file path. It is used only with hot module replacement.
When used via the CLI, a path to an SSL .pfx file. If used in options, it should be the bytestream of the .pfx file. It is used only with hot module replacement.
The passphrase to a SSL PFX file. It is used only with hot module replacement.
Warm up the asset-config.json cache.
Turn on watch mode. This means that after the initial build, webpack continues to watch the changes in any of the resolved files.
Reinstall npm dependencies to vendor/oro/platform/build folder, to be used by webpack. It is required when node_modules folder is corrupted.
Configuration Reference¶
AssetBundle defines the configuration for NodeJs and NPM executable.
All these options are configured under the oro_asset key in your application configuration.
1 # displays the default config values defined by Oro
2 php bin/console config:dump-reference oro_asset
3 # displays the actual config values used by your application
4 php bin/console debug:config oro_asset
type: `string` required, default: found dynamically
Path to NodeJs executable.
type: `string` required, default: found dynamically
Path to NPM executable.
type: `integer` required, default: `null`
Assets build timeout in seconds, null to disable the timeout.
type: `integer` required, default: `null`
Npm installation timeout in seconds, null to disable the timeout.
Webpack Dev Server configuration
type: `boolean` optional, default: `%kernel.debug%`
Enable Webpack Hot Module Replacement. To activate HMR, run oro:assets:build --hot
type: `string` optional, default: `localhost`
type: `integer` optional, default: `8081`
type: `boolean` optional, default: `false`
By default, dev-server will be served over HTTP. It can optionally be served over HTTP/2 with HTTPS.
Migration from requirejs to jsmodules¶
Webpack builder uses a different location to place the resulting files. If you override the root template or have a separate entry point for your theme, you should update the paths to the JS files accordingly.
Create jsmodules.yml Configuration¶
This is a quick overview of common migration cases. More detailed information about the new configuration is available in the JS Modules topic.
Start the configuration by copying the config section of requirejs.yml to the root of jsmodules.yml.
The following example illustrates the use of simplified requirejs.yml from UIBundle:
2 shim:
3 'jquery.select2':
4 deps:
5 - 'jquery'
6 exports: 'Select2'
7 map:
8 '*':
9 'jquery': 'oroui/js/extend/jquery'
10 'oroui/js/extend/jquery':
11 'jquery': 'jquery'
12 paths:
13 'jquery': 'bundles/components/jquery/jquery.js'
14 'oroui/js/app/views/page-center-title-view': 'bundles/oroui/js/app/views/page-center-title-view.js'
15 appmodules:
16 - oroui/js/app/modules/init-layout
Please see how each of the existing sections should be modified for jsmodules.yml below.
There is no need to use the bundle/
prefix and .js
extension in paths to the files.
Move as is.
Move as is.
While Webpack places each module in its local scope, some third party libraries can either expect certain dependencies to be available globally (e.g., jQuery.select2 expects global variable jQuery
), or attempt to export some variable to the global scope (e.g., jQuery
To ensure that these libraries keep working, use the approach below.
First, expose the variable needs to become available globally:
2 jquery:
3 expose:
4 - $
5 - jQuery
Next, convert shim from requirejs.yml
2 'jquery.select2':
3 deps:
4 - 'jquery'
5 exports: 'Select2'
to the new format
2 jquery.select2:
3 imports:
4 - jQuery=jquery
5 exports: Select2
The left part (jQuery
) of the jQuery=jquery
expression is the expected dependency, and the right part (jquery
) is the module that provides (exports) this dependency.
To define what to export from the non-standard module, use the exports directive.
This additional description of dependencies and exports in jsmodules.yml may be required only for third party libraries that are not developed as an ES6, an AMD or a CommonJS module. Use ES6 import and export constructions with your code.
For more details, see the documentation for related Webpack loaders:
This section serves two purposes:
It defines a module alias when the desired module name does not match its file path.
It includes a module into the built result even if no other modules import it. For example, you can use this for the components that are bound to DOM elements directly in the HTML with the data-page-component-* attributes).
In jsmodules.yml it is replaced with two different sections (aliases and dynamic-imports), and the components can be moved to either of those based on the reason why the moved item was originally added to the paths section.
The items that were defined in paths to change their module name should be moved to aliases.
'oro/block-widget': 'bundles/oroui/js/widget/block-widget.js'
should be changed to
oro/block-widget$: oroui/js/widget/block-widget
A trailing “$” is added to the given key to signify the exact match for the resource.
For more details, see documentation for aliases declaration.
To include a component here, you should specify the target chunk for Webpack. Generally, you can use the bundle name as a chunk name and place all bundle modules into one chunk. If your bundle does not contain much code, use the commons chunk.
2 'mybundle/js/app/components/component1': 'bundles/mybundle/js/app/components/component1.js'
3 'mybundle/js/app/components/component2': 'bundles/mybundle/js/app/components/component2.js'
4 ...
should be changed to
2 mybundle:
3 - mybundle/js/app/components/component1
4 - mybundle/js/app/components/component2
5 ...
If a module has an alias and you add this module to the dynamic-imports section as well - you have to use its alias instead of the file path.
If your module is expected to have configuration, the module name has to be mentioned in configs section with its default configuration.
2 oro/dialog-widget:
3 stateEnabled: true
4 incrementalPosition: true
In case there is no static configuration that can be defined in a yaml file, use an empty object as its default configuration.
oro/dialog-widget: {}
All modules that are expected to have configuration have to be mentioned in the configs section, even though there is no actual static configuration. Otherwise, Webpack will not be able to resolve config data for the module.
Error: Node Sass does not yet support your current environment¶
After the update of NodeJs you might experience an error because node modules were built on the old NodeJs version that is not compatible with the new one.
To fix the error, remove the existing node modules and re-build the assets:
1 rm -rf vendor/oro/platform/build/node_modules
2 php bin/console cache:clear
3 php bin/console oro:assets:build
JS engine not found¶
Appears when configuration in the cache is broken.
To fix the error, remove an application cache and warm it up:
1 rm -rf var/cache/*
2 php bin/console cache:warmup
Error: “output” for “assets” group in theme “oro” is not defined¶
Please follow upgrade documentation to update assets.yml files according to new requirements.
Error: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use¶
There are two cases when the error can appear:
You exited the
command with <kbd>control</kbd> + <kbd>z</kbd> and node process hanged up. To fix, kill the node process manually.The port is busy with a different process. To fix, change the port configuration in config/config.yml.
ERROR in Entry module not found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘./src’¶
Make sure the webpack.config.js
file exists in the project root, and the command has permissions to read it.
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