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OroCacheBundle introduces the configuration of the application data cache storage used by the application bundles for different cache types.

Abstract Cache Services

There are three abstract services you can use as a parent for your cache services:

  • oro.file_cache.abstract - this cache should be used for caching data private for each node in a web farm

  • oro.cache.abstract - this cache should be used for caching data that need to be shared between nodes in a web farm

  • oro.cache.abstract.without_memory_cache - the same as oro.cache.abstract but without using additional in-memory caching, it can be used to avoid unnecessary memory usage and performance penalties if in-memory caching is not needed, e.g. you implemented some more efficient in-memory caching strategy around your cache service

The following example shows how these services can be used:

1 services:
2     acme.test.cache:
3         public: false
4         parent: oro.cache.abstract
5         calls:
6             - [ setNamespace, [ 'acme_test' ] ]

Also oro.file_cache.abstract and oro.cache.abstract services can be re-declared in the application configuration file, for example:

1 services:
2     oro.cache.abstract:
3         abstract: true
4         class:                Oro\Bundle\CacheBundle\Provider\PhpFileCache
5         arguments:            [%kernel.cache_dir%/oro_data]

The oro.cache.abstract.without_memory_cache service is always declared automatically based on oro.cache.abstract service.

Caching Static Configuration

A static configuration is defined in the configuration files and does not depend on the application data. Usually such configuration is loaded from configuration files located in different bundles, e.g. from Resources/config/oro/my_config.yml files that can be located in any bundle. There are several possible ways to store the collected configuration to avoid loading and merging it on each request:

  1. As a parameter in the dependency injection container. The disadvantage of this approach is not very good DX (Developer Experience) because each time when the configuration is changed the whole container should be rebuilt.

  2. As a data file in the system cache. This approach has better DX as this is the only file that needs rebuilding after the configuration is changed. However, the disadvantage is that data should be deserialized every time it is requested.

  3. As a PHP file in the system cache. It has the same DX as the previous approach but with two important additional advantages: the deserialization of the data is not needed and the loaded data is cached by OPcache.

To implement 3rd approach for your configuration, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Create PHP class that defines the schema of your configuration and validation and merging rules for it. E.g.:

 1 <?php
 3 namespace Acme\Bundle\AcmeBundle\DependencyInjection;
 5 use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder\TreeBuilder;
 6 use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\ConfigurationInterface;
 8 class MyConfiguration implements ConfigurationInterface
 9 {
10     /**
11      * {@inheritdoc}
12      */
13     public function getConfigTreeBuilder()
14     {
15         $treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder();
16         $rootNode = $treeBuilder->root('my_config');
18         // build the configuration tree here
20         return $treeBuilder;
21     }
22 }
  1. Create the configuration provider PHP class that you will use to get the configuration data. E.g.:

 1 <?php
 3 namespace Acme\Bundle\AcmeBundle\Provider;
 5 use Acme\Bundle\AcmeBundle\DependencyInjection\MyConfiguration;
 6 use Oro\Component\Config\Cache\PhpArrayConfigProvider;
 7 use Oro\Component\Config\Loader\CumulativeConfigLoader;
 8 use Oro\Component\Config\Loader\CumulativeConfigProcessorUtil;
 9 use Oro\Component\Config\Loader\YamlCumulativeFileLoader;
10 use Oro\Component\Config\ResourcesContainerInterface;
12 class MyConfigurationProvider extends PhpArrayConfigProvider
13 {
14     private const CONFIG_FILE = 'Resources/config/oro/my_config.yml';
16     /**
17      * @return array
18      */
19     public function getConfiguration(): array
20     {
21         return $this->doGetConfig();
22     }
24     /**
25      * {@inheritdoc}
26      */
27     protected function doLoadConfig(ResourcesContainerInterface $resourcesContainer)
28     {
29         $configs = [];
30         $configLoader = new CumulativeConfigLoader(
31             'my_config',
32             new YamlCumulativeFileLoader(self::CONFIG_FILE)
33         );
34         $resources = $configLoader->load($resourcesContainer);
35         foreach ($resources as $resource) {
36             $configs[] = $resource->data;
37         }
39         return CumulativeConfigProcessorUtil::processConfiguration(
40             self::CONFIG_FILE,
41             new MyConfiguration(),
42             $configs
43         );
44     }
45 }
  1. Register the created configuration provider as a service using oro.static_config_provider.abstract service as the parent one. E.g.:

1 services:
2     acme.my_configuration_provider:
3         class: Acme\Bundle\AcmeBundle\Provider\MyConfigurationProvider
4         public: false
5         parent: oro.static_config_provider.abstract
6         arguments:
7             - '%kernel.cache_dir%/oro/my_config.php'
8             - '%kernel.debug%'

The cache warmer is registered automatically with the priority 200. This priority adds the warmer at the begin of the warmers chain that prevents double warmup in case some Application cache depends on the static config cache. The warmer service ID is the configuration provider service ID prefixed with .warmer. If you want to change the priority or use your own warmer, you can register the service following these naming conventions. In this case a default warmer will not be registered for your configuration provider.

An example of a custom warmer:

1 services:
2     acme.my_configuration_provider.warmer:
3         class: Oro\Component\Config\Cache\ConfigCacheWarmer
4         public: false
5         arguments:
6             - '@acme.my_configuration_provider'
7         tags:
8             - { name: kernel.cache_warmer }

If your Application cache depends on your configuration, use isCacheFresh($timestamp) and getCacheTimestamp() methods of the configuration provider to check if the Application cache needs to be rebuilt. Here is an example how to use these methods:

 1 private function ensureConfigLoaded()
 2 {
 3     if (null !== $this->configuration) {
 4         return;
 5     }
 7     $config = $this->fetchConfigFromCache();
 8     if (null === $config) {
 9         $config = $this->loadConfig();
10         $this->saveConfigToCache($config);
11     }
12     $this->configuration = $config;
13 }
15 /**
16  * @return array|null
17  */
18 private function fetchConfigFromCache(): ?array
19 {
20     $config = null;
21     $cachedData = $this->cache->fetch(self::CACHE_KEY);
22     if (false !== $cachedData) {
23         list($timestamp, $value) = $cachedData;
24         if ($this->configProvider->isCacheFresh($timestamp)) {
25             $config = $value;
26         }
27     }
29     return $config;
30 }
32 /**
33  * @param array $config
34  */
35 private function saveConfigToCache(array $config): void
36 {
37     $this->cache->save(self::CACHE_KEY, [$this->configProvider->getCacheTimestamp(), $config]);
38 }
40 /**
41  * @return array
42  */
43 private function loadConfig(): array
44 {
45     $config = $this->configProvider->getConfiguration();
47     // add some additional processing of the configuration here
49     return $config;
50 }

Caching Symfony Validation Rules

By default, rules for Symfony Validation Component are cached using oro.cache.abstract service, but you can change this to make validation caching suit some custom requirements. To do this, you need to redefine the oro_cache.provider.validation service.

Memory Based Cache

One of the most important things when dealing with caches is proper cache invalidation. When using memory based cache, we need to make sure that we do not keep old values in the memory. Consider this example:

 1 <?php
 3 class LocalizationManager
 4 {
 5     /** @var \Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache */
 6     private $cacheProvider;
 8     public function getLocalization($id)
 9     {
10         $localization = $this->cacheProvider->fetch($id);
12         // ... all other operations, fetch from DB if cache is empty
13         // ... save in cache data from DB
15         return $localization;
16     }
18 }

Since $cacheProvider in our example is an implementation of memory ArrayCache, we will keep the data there until the process ends. With HTTP request this would work perfectly well, but when our LocalizationManager is used in some long-running CLI processes, we have to manually clear memory cache after every change with Localizations. Missing cache clearing for any of these cases leads to outdated data in LocalizationManager.

Persistent or Shared Cache

Let us have a look at our example once again. Since LocalizationManager is used in the CLI and we do not have the shared memory, we would not be able to invalidate the cache between different processes. We probably would go for some more persistent (shared) way of caching, for example, FilesystemCache. Now, we are able to share cache between processes, but this approach causes performance degradation. In general, the memory cache is much faster than the persistent one.

Default Cache Implementation

There are two abstract services you can use as a parent for your cache services. Default implementations are following:

For services based on oro.cache.abstract.without_memory_cache the MemoryCacheChain is not used.

Caching Data based on Complex Objects

Cache Hit Ratio is an important measure of cache efficiency. Choosing the right Cache Key might be a complex task, especially when the cache key should depend on the data stored in a Complex Object. Cache key generation strategy can vary in different cases and rely on different fields of the same object. To configure cache metadata for different scopes, use Resources/config/oro/cache_metadata.yml files that can be located in any bundle.

Here is an example of such configuration:

1 Oro\Bundle\OrderBundle\Entity\OrderAddress:
2     attributes:
3         id:
4             groups: ['shipping_context']
5         country:
6             groups: ['shipping_context', 'promotion']

Data from this configuration is used by the oro.cache.generator.object_cache_key service to provide cache keys for the given object and scope.

Sometimes there is a need to configure cache key generation metadata for objects that cannot be normalized by the default normalizer GetSetMethodNormalizer. In such case new normalizer should be created and registered as a service tagged with oro_cache_generator_normalizer.

2   class: AcmeBundle\Normalizer\CustomObjectNormalizer
3   tags:
4      - { name: 'oro_cache_generator_normalizer' }