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Javascript in OroCommerce has a modular architecture based on Chaplin and Backbone.
See also
JavaScript Frontend Architecture covers the client-side architecture of OroPlatform-based applications including OroCommerce.
This section provides configuration reference for the Webpack library to enable a modular structure of JS components in Oro applications.
JS Modules Definition¶
JS modules configuration file should be placed in the Resources/views/layouts/{theme_name}/config folder and named jsmodules.yml, for example DemoBundle/Resources/views/layouts/base/config/jsmodules.yml.
Entry point for Webpack build is oroui/js/app. But you can change it providing the same alias to the necessary entry point.
1# src/Acme/Bundle/DemoBundle/Resources/views/layouts/base/config/jsmodules.yml
3 jquery:
4 expose:
5 - $
6 - jQuery
7 jquery.form:
8 imports:
9 - jQuery=jquery
11 '*':
12 'jquery': 'oroui/js/jquery-extend'
13 'oroui/js/jquery-extend':
14 'jquery': 'jquery'
16 'jquery$': 'oroui/lib/jquery-1.10.2'
17 'jquery-ui$': 'oroui/lib/jquery-ui.min'
18 'oroui/js/app$': 'acmedemo/js/app'