
You are browsing the documentation for version 4.2 of OroCommerce, OroCRM and OroPlatform, which is no longer maintained. Read version 5.1 (the latest LTS version) of the Oro documentation to get up-to-date information.

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Root Node



The datagrid configuration is a large file that is a map of datagrid names mapped to options that configure their behavior:


type: map

This is a map of actions that can be performed from the datagrid. The keys are used to give unique identifiers inside the grid, but do not have a special meaning. For each action, a map must be passed configuring the action using the following options:

disabled (type: boolean default: false)

Enables you to manage action accessibility.

icon (type: string)

The name of the Font Awesome icon that represents the action.

label (type: string)

The action label that is displayed when the user hovers the icon. This will automatically be translated.

link (type: string)

The name of a link to associate with this action which is configured in the properties section.

rowAction (type: boolean default: false)

When set to true, the user can click anywhere on the row to perform this action.

type (type: string)

This can either be navigate or delete. When the value is delete, an HTTP DELETE request will be performed to the configured URL, otherwise the resource will be requested with a GET request in the background and the response will be displayed.


type: sequence

By default, all configured actions will be displayed for all entries of the data grid. If you need to hide or show some options depending on the data of the entry, you can create a service that decides whether or not an action is visible for an entry:

         # ...
         action_configuration: ['@acme_demo.datagrid_action_config', getActionPermissions]

The configured service method receives an instance of the Oro\Bundle\DataGridBundle\Datasource\ResultRecordInterface to access the value of the current datagrid row and must return an array in which each key refers to an action and the boolean value indicates whether or not the action will be shown.


type: map

Each key of the map corresponds to a property of a select entry that should be displayed in the grid. For each column you have to pass a map of options to configure how the column is shown:

choices (type: map)

When using the select type, this options provides a mapping of stored values to their human-readable representation.

When the type option is set to translatable, this is treated as an expression that will be evaluated to gain the value’s translated representation.

disabled (type: boolean default: false)

Enables you to remove the column from the grid.

frontend_type (type: string)

The widget type that renders the value. Available types that are shipped with OroPlatform by default are currency, date, datetime, html, integer, select and string.

label (type: string)

The column headline which is a string that will be passed to the translator before being displayed.

label (type: string)

This option is only available when the frontend_type is html. Currently, only twig is supported as a value to indicate that a Twig template should be rendered.

order (type: int)

The number that indicates the position of the column; it allows to change the order of the columns. By default it is not defined and columns are rendered in the order in which they are declared in the configuration.

template (type: string)

This option is only available when the frontend_type is html and the value of the type option is twig. Its value is a template reference.

type (type: string)

When the frontend_type is string, this option can be set to translatable to provide translated values.

When it is set to twig, the Twig template referenced to with the template option will be rendered.


type: string

You can reuse existing datagrid configurations by passing their name here.


type: map

This option is used to configure how the datagrid can be filtered. Two options are available that define for which columns filter are available, how they look like, and which filter will be applied by default.


type: map

For each column that can be filtered (the key of the map) a map of options can be given that specifies how the actual filter looks like. The available options are:

case_insensitive (type: bool default: true)

[Postgres only] When set to false, string filter searching becomes case sensitive.

data_name (type: string)

The name of the column from the data source whose values will be filtered.

disabled (type: boolean default: false)

Enables you to remove the filter from the grid.

filter_by_having (type: bool default: false)

When set to true, the expression created by the configured filter will be used inside the having part of the query (this is needed, for example, when the configured data_name is the result of an aggregation function).

force_like (type: bool default: false)

When set to true, text-based search applies the LIKE %value% or NOT LIKE %value% statement to the search string by default. It depends on a chosen operator.

label (type: string)

By default, the label for the filter will be the same as the one configured in the columns section. However, you can use this option if you want to show a label that is different from the column headline or if you want to filter the grid by an attribute that is not shown in the grid.

min_length (type: integer default: 0)

Specify the minimum length of the search string. When the search string length is below the limit, OroCRM shows a validation message to the user and ignores the filter value.

order (type: int)

The number that indicates the position of the filter; it allows to change the order of the filter. By default, it is not defined and filters are rendered in the order in which they are declared in the configuration or for columns.

type (type: string)

The type of the filter to be used in the UI.

value_conversion (type: string|array)

[ORM only] When string filter searching is case sensitive you can use this value to set callback which will be used to convert parameters.


type: map

By default, all data will be shown in the grid. You can use the default option to define default filters for each column. The column names are mapped to another map that contains the configuration for the default value.


When filtering datetime columns, you can use some special placeholders that are defined in the Oro\Bundle\FilterBundle\Provider\DateModifierInterface (the constants prefixed with VAR_) to work with dynamic default values.


type: map

The description of options that you can pass in the datagrid configuration is available below.

To set datagrid options, define them under the datagrid_name.options path.



  • values: true|false

  • default: true

Enables pagination UI for a collection of entities when these entities are part of a data set of a datagrid. Please take a look at OroEntityPaginationBundle for more information.


type: boolean default: false

When enabled, the user can export the datagrid in CSV format.

  • values: true|false

  • default: false

When set to true, grid export button will be shown. More information of export configuration is available in the Export Extension topic.


  • values: true|false

  • default: false

Set the flag to ‘true’ to display the datagrid on the frontend. If set to ‘false’, the datagrid will be hidden.


Detailed information on the mass action extension is available in the mass action extension topic.


Detailed information on toolbars is available in the toolbarExtension and pagerExtension topics.


  - your/builder/amd/module/name

Adds given JS files to the datagrid. JS files should have the ‘init’ method which will be called when the grid builder finishes building the grid.


  • values: true|false

  • default: true

When set to false datagrid will not keep its state (e.g. filtering and/or sorting parameters) in the URL.


    dataField: id
    columnName: hasContact
        included: '#appendContacts'
        excluded: '#removeContacts'

More information on row selection and an example of its usage are available in the Advanced grid configuration article.


type: string default: Oro\Bundle\DatagridBundle\Datagrid\Datagrid

With this option, you can switch the datagrid class to a custom implementation.


type: map

This is used for two things: configure how to determine the id of each row and configure links that will be reused in the actions.


type: string default: ~

The name of the property that acts as an identifier for each entry. By default, the id property is assumed.

To configure links, use a unique string as an identifier and pass it a map with the following options:

callable (type: string)

An expression that will be evaluated when the link is generated.

params (type: map)

Additional parameters that are passed to the URL generator together with the configured route name.

route (type: string)

The name of the route to the controller action that should be called.

type (type: string)

Can be either route or callable to use a statically configured route or to dynamically generate a link.


type: map

The options columns and default are used to configure the columns whose headlines can be clicked to let the user sort the result set and to define by which attributes the grid result is ordered by default.


disabled (type: boolean default: false)

Allows to manage sorter accessibility.

type: map

A map that contains an entry for each column the user can sort the grid by. Each key is the name of a column and its value is a map with the key data_name mapped to the data source column that will be used to sort the grid.


type: map

The default option can be used to control the default ordering of the result set. It is a map of column names to their respective sort direction (either ASC or DESC).


type: map

The data source that fetches the data to be shown in the grid. Several options control how data are fetched:


type: string

An access control list the user must be granted access to in order to actually fetch any data.


type: sequence

When using the ORM data source (by setting the type option to orm), you can pass any data grid parameter as a parameter to the query builder by listing at with this option.


type: map

When using the ORM data source (by setting the type option to orm), you have to configure all parts of the Doctrine query:

select (type: sequence)

A list of properties to query for. You can use all expressions that you would use with the from method of Doctrine’s query builder.

from (type: sequence)

The entities to query from. Each entry is a map that must contain the following keys:

table (type: string)

The entity class name or the entity alias in the BundleName:EntityName notation (for example, AcmeDemoBundle:User).

alias (type: string)

A shortcut alias which you will use to refer to this entity in other parts of the query.

join (type: map)

You can use two keys under this option to configure left joins and inner joins:

inner (type: sequence)

Each entry must a map containing the options join (the property of an already queried entity that holds the association or an entity), alias (the alias name you use to refer to the joined entity in other parts of the query, conditionType (is only needed when join refers to an entity name instead of an association and must be WITH in that case) and condition (a condition expression that will be used to perform the join instead of deriving it from the association when conditionType is set to WITH).

left (type: sequence)

The options being used here are the same as the ones in inner except that the join being performed will be a left join.

where (type: map)

List conditions here that need to be fulfilled. How conditions must be met is defined by the key you used:

and (type: sequence)

All conditions must be met.

or (type: sequence)

Any of the given conditions must be met.

groupBy (type: string)

The query result will be grouped by the given expression.

orderBy (type: sequence)

A list of properties to sort the result set by (user defined ordering that can be configured through the sorters option will be applied on top of the order here). Each entry is a map that must contain the following keys:

column (type: string)

The column name to sort by.

dir (type: string)

The sort direction: ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).


You can pass any datagrid parameter as a parameter to the generated query by listing it under the bind_parameters option on the same level as the query option.


type: string

The type of data source. Currently, the only available types are orm and search, but you can also implement your own data source. Each data source may come with its own options to configure how the data is fetched.

Usually, the only type value that you will use is orm (it offers a way to configure the query builder used to fetch the data, see the query option for a list of the available additional options).

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